Meeting attendance

Wednesday 28 July 2021 6.30 pm, Accounts, Audit and Risk Committee

Venue:   Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, Oxon OX15 4AA

Contact:    Sharon Hickson, Democratic and Elections
Email:, 01295 221554

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Mike Kerford-Byrnes Chairman Present
Councillor Hugo Brown Vice-Chairman Present
Councillor Conrad Copeland Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Matt Hodgson Committee Member Present
Councillor Tony Ilott Committee Member Present
Councillor Nicholas Mawer Committee Member Present
Councillor Tom Wallis Committee Member Present
Councillor Sean Woodcock Committee Member Present
Lorna Baxter Officer In attendance
Michael Furness Officer In attendance
Sukdave Ghuman Officer In attendance
Sarah Cox Officer In attendance
Tessa Clayton Officer In attendance
Joanne Kaye Officer In attendance
Sharon Hickson Officer In attendance
Aaron Hetherington Officer In attendance