Issue - decisions

Review of the 2021-22 Budget Process

14/07/2021 - Review of the 2021-22 Budget Process



(1)      That the review of the 2021-2022 Budget and Business Planning Process be noted.


(2)      That Executive be recommended to incorporate the following proposed improvements into the 2022-2023 Budget and Business Planning Process;

·       Review how the Council allocates its resources to ensure they are aligned with the Council’s priorities;

·       Carry out additional engagement with residents on the Council’s priorities and services it provides to inform savings proposals;

·       Look to ensure that the Capital Budget proposals are developed to the same timeline as the revenue budget proposals and that these are considered earlier in the financial year;


(3)      That it be recommended to Executive that a process be introduced for urgent Capital Bids to be considered outside of the normal budget planning process.