Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, Oxon OX15 4AA
Contact: Natasha Clark, Democratic and Elections Email:, 01295 221589
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no petitions or requests to address the meeting. |
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2022 . Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Vice-Chairman in the Chair. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive communications from the Chairman.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no Chairman’s announcements.
Urgent Business The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Proposal to Consult on a Hackney Carriage Tariff Increase PDF 233 KB Report of Assistant Director Regulatory Services & Community Safety
Purpose of report
The Council’s Licensing Team have been asked by the Cherwell Valley Taxi Association to increase the fare tariff forhackney carriages. To do so requires public consultation. The Executive are asked to agree to that the council should commence this consultation and implement the statutory procedure for altering the fare tariff pursuant to the Local Government (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act1976.
Whilst this proposal primarily relates to the way the council discharges its statutory responsibilities, ensuring that there is a strong licensed taxi trade in Cherwell supports the council priority to enable “An enterprising economy with strong and vibrant local centres”.
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To agree to commence the public consultation on increasing the fare tariff for hackney carriages with a view to increasing the maximum fares that licenced Hackney Carriages can charge.
Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved
(1) That it be agreed to commence the public consultation on increasing the fare tariff for hackney carriages to the levels as set out on the Annex to the Minutes (as set out in the Minute Book) with a view to increasing the maximum fares that licenced Hackney Carriages can charge.
Minutes: The Assistant Director Regulatory Services & Community Safety submitted a report to seek agreement to consult on a Hackney Carriage tariff increase.
The Council’s Licensing Team had been asked by the Cherwell Valley Taxi Association to increase the fare tariff forhackney carriage which requires public consultation. The Executive are asked to agree that the council should commence this consultation and implement the statutory procedure for altering the fare tariff pursuant to the Local Government (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act1976.
An updated version of the proposed tariffs to be consulted on had been published as a supplement to the agenda as the Cherwell Taxi Association had requested further amendments to the proposed tariffs after publication of the original proposals. .
(1) That it be agreed to commence the public consultation on increasing the fare tariff for hackney carriages to the levels as set out on the Annex to the Minutes (as set out in the Minute Book) with a view to increasing the maximum fares that licenced Hackney Carriages can charge.
Local authorities have a statutory power to set the maximum fares that licensed hackney carriages can charge for a journey. To enable implementation of new tariff as requested by Cherwell Valley Taxi Association it is recommended that the Executive agree to commence public consultation on the revised table of fares (amended appendix 1 to the report).
Alternative options
Option 1: To propose alternative tariffs in the table of fares. This was rejected as the proposed revisions were determined in discussion with the trade and appear to meet the balance of ensuring the licensed hackney carriage fares allow drivers to recover costs and make reasonable profit whilst not becoming prohibitive to customers.
Option 2: To retain the current fare tariffs. Given the rises in fuel costs since the current tariffs were set not considering an increase in fares charged by drivers could result in a substantial reduction in the number of taxis operating in the district and therefore impacting on the community.
Monthly Performance, Risk and Finance Monitoring Report May 2022 PDF 885 KB Report of Assistant Director of Finance and Interim Assistant Director – Customer Focus
Purpose of report
This report summarises the Council’s Performance, Risk and Finance monitoring positions as at the end of May 2022.
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To note the monthly Performance, Risk and Finance Monitoring Report May 2022.
1.2 To approve the proposed changes in use of reserves at Appendix 3.
1.3 To delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Finance, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to agree budget adjustments from the Policy Contingency Budget in excess of their £250,000 delegation where the budget adjustment is in accordance with the contingency.
Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved
(1) That the monthly Performance, Risk and Finance Monitoring Report May 2022.
(2) That the following changes in use of reserves be approved:
(3) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Finance, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to agree budget adjustments from the Policy Contingency Budget in excess of their £250,000 delegation where the budget adjustment is in accordance with the contingency.
Minutes: The Assistant Director of Finance and Interim Assistant Director – Customer Focus submitted a report which summarised the Council’s Performance, Risk and Finance monitoring positions as at the end of May 2022.
In response to Members’ questions regarding addressing the forecast position for 2022/2023 of an overspend and the impact of inflation, the Portfolio Holder for Finance explained that there were reserves that could be drawn on if required to address any overspend at the year end. In relations to inflation, contingency was built into the budget for inflation.
(1) That the monthly Performance, Risk and Finance Monitoring Report May 2022.
(2) That the following changes in use of reserves be approved:
(3) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Finance, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to agree budget adjustments from the Policy Contingency Budget in excess of their £250,000 delegation where the budget adjustment is in accordance with the contingency.
This report provides an update on progress made during May 2022, to deliver the Council’s priorities through reporting on Performance, Leadership Risk Register and providing an update on the Financial Position. The Council is committed to performance, risk and budget management and reviews progress against its corporate priorities on a monthly basis.
Alternative options
Option 1: This report illustrates the Council’s performance against the 2022-23 Business Plan. Regarding the monitoring aspects of the report, no further options have been considered. However, members may wish to request that officers provide additional information. Regarding the recommendation to approve changes in use of reserves, members could choose not to reject the change of use, however, the request is in accordance with the councils Reserves Policy and within existing budgets. If members chose not to agree to the changes in transfers to reserves, then this would mean resource would need to be found for these projects separately in future years. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The following report contains exempt information as defined in the following paragraph of Part 1, Schedule 12A of Local Government Act 1972.
3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
Members are reminded that whilst the following item has been marked as exempt, it is for the meeting to decide whether or not to consider it in private or in public. In making the decision, members should balance the interests of individuals or the Council itself in having access to the information. In considering their discretion members should also be mindful of the advice of Council Officers.
No representations have been received from the public requesting that this item be considered in public.
Should Members decide not to make a decision in public, they are recommended to pass the following recommendation:
“That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the ground that, if the public and press were present, it would be likely that exempt information falling under the provisions of Schedule 12A, Part 1, Paragraph 3 would be disclosed to them, and that in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.”
Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the ground that, if the public and press were present, it would be likely that exempt information falling under the provisions of Schedule 12A, Part 1, Paragraph 3 would be disclosed to them, and that in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. |
Approval of Delegated Authority to Seal Plans for Residential Properties within the Council's Housing Assets Portfolio
Exempt report of Assistant Director – Growth and Economy Decision: Resolved
(1) That the applying of seals for plans to two properties within the Council’s housing assets portfolio be approved and thereby completion of the transactions enabling Registration at the Land Registry be authorised.
(2) That the power to authorise the sealing of plans and agreements of similar transactions within the Council’s housing assets portfolio be delegated to the Assistant Director – Growth and Economy (or such other Assistant Director or officer with responsibility for the management of the Council’s housing assets portfolio), in consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer and Monitoring Officer and it be noted that this delegation will be inserted into the Council’s Scheme of Delegations.
Minutes: The Assistant Director – Growth and Economy submitted and exempt report to seek approval to apply the Council’s seal for plans to two properties within the Council’s housing assets portfolio (as set out on the exempt annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book), which will enable Registration of the transactions at the Land Registry. In addition, Executive was requested to agree to put in place appropriate delegations for similar transactions in the future.
(1) That the applying of seals for plans to two properties within the Council’s housing assets portfolio be approved and thereby completion of the transactions enabling Registration at the Land Registry be authorised.
(2) That the power to authorise the sealing of plans and agreements of similar transactions within the Council’s housing assets portfolio be delegated to the Assistant Director – Growth and Economy (or such other Assistant Director or officer with responsibility for the management of the Council’s housing assets portfolio), in consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer and Monitoring Officer and it be noted that this delegation will be inserted into the Council’s Scheme of Delegations.
The transactions for the two properties can only be registered at the Land Registry with sealed plans.
By the Executive approving applying of seals for plans to these two properties within the Council’s housing assets portfolio, Executive will thereby authorise completion of the transactions enabling Registration at the Land Registry
Providing the delegation to authorise the sealing of plans and agreements of similar transactions within the Council’s housing assets portfolio will avoid the need to return to Executive for any future similar transaction.
Alternative options
Option 1: Not to agree to the approval; and to the delegation of authority requested – this has been rejected because to do so would leave uncertainty around the two properties and the Council’s management of its housing assets portfolio.