Meeting attendance

Monday 4 July 2022 6.30 pm, Executive

Venue:   Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, Oxon OX15 4AA

Contact:    Natasha Clark, Democratic and Elections
Email:, 01295 221589

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Barry Wood Chairman Apologies
Councillor Ian Corkin Vice-Chairman, in the Chair Present
Councillor Phil Chapman Committee Member Present
Councillor Colin Clarke Committee Member Present
Councillor Nicholas Mawer Committee Member Present
Councillor Richard Mould Committee Member Present
Councillor Adam Nell Committee Member Present
Councillor Lynn Pratt Committee Member Present
Councillor Eddie Reeves Committee Member Present
Councillor Dan Sames Committee Member Present
Yvonne Rees Officer In attendance
Ian Boll Officer In attendance
Stephen Hinds Officer In attendance
Nathan Elvery Officer In attendance
Michael Furness Officer In attendance
Shahin Ismail Officer In attendance
Simon Hope Officer In attendance
Celia Prado-Teeling Officer In attendance
Richard Webb Officer In attendance
Natasha Clark Officer In attendance