Agenda and minutes

Annual Council, Council - Wednesday 19 May 2021 6.30 pm

Venue: Spiceball Leisure Centre, Cherwell Drive, Banbury, OX16 2BW

Contact: Natasha Clark, Democratic and Elections  Email:, 01295 221589

Note: Due to COVID restrictions, space at the meeting is extremely limited. Members of the public are strongly encouraged to view the live webcast. Members of the public wishing to attend are advised to apply in advance as once the space is filled on the day, no additional public can be permitted to attend in person. 


No. Item



Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed councillors and officers to the council’s first in-person meeting in over a year and explained that the legislation allowing for virtual formal Council and committee meetings had now ended so all formal meetings will be in person. Members of committees must attend in person to be able to participate and vote. Measures would be in place to ensure the safety of meeting attendees. 


The Chairman advised that meetings will continue to be webcast for the public, non-committee members and press and welcomed viewers of the broadcast the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed Councillors Patrick Clarke, Sandy Dallimore, Matthew Hodgson, Adam Nell and Dorothy Walker to the Council and congratulated them and all other councillors who were returned at the recent election. The newly elected councillors each introduced themselves to Council.


The Chairman gave a brief housekeeping overview to ensure that the meeting would run smoothly and safely complying with the COVID measures that were in place.


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

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There were no declarations of interest.


Communications pdf icon PDF 276 KB

To receive communications from the Chairman and/or the Leader of the Council.


Additional documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


Former Councillors

On behalf of all Members, the Chairman extended the council’s gratitude for their service to the council, their wards and the district, to those councillors who stood down at the district elections held on 6 May.


Annual Council

The Chairman advised Council that, by convention, minutes of Committees, questions, petitions and motions were not taken at Annual Council and these, if any, would be considered at the next meeting.


Chairman’s Engagements

A copy of the events attended by the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman had been published as a supplement to the agenda.


Member Training Events

The Chairman reminded Members of the virtual training events that were  scheduled in the coming fortnight and encouraged Members to attend the sessions.



Minutes of Council pdf icon PDF 343 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of Council held on 22 February 2021 .

Additional documents:


Subject to the following amendment, the minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2021 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Minute 64 – Communications

Correction to the Chairman’s communication in relation to former Councillor Margaret Ferriman, who was not a member of Banbury Town Council, but a Banbury Charter Trustee and had represented the Banbury Neithrop ward on Oxfordshire County Council.


Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.


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There were no items of urgent business.


Election of Chairman for the Municipal Year 2021/2022

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(The outgoing Chairman, Councillor David Hughes, presided for the consideration of this matter and those preceding)


It was moved by Councillor Woodcock and seconded by Councillor Wood, that Councillor Hannah Banfield be elected as Chair for the municipal year 2021/2022. There were no other nominations.




(1)          That Councillor Hannah Banfield be appointed Chair of Cherwell District Council for the Municipal Year 2021/2022.




Investiture of Chairman

Additional documents:


Councillor Hannah Banfield, having made and signed the required Declaration of Acceptance of Office took the Chair.


Councillor Banfield thanked Members for her appointment and addressed Council.


The Chair requested that she be addressed as Chair and reported that she would be supporting the following charities during her term of office: The Green Dome Trust Community Fridge, The Sunshine Multicultural Ladies Drop In Project and the Banburyshire benefits Advice Centre.


The Chair thanked Members and officers for their hard work for residents during the ongoing COVID pandemic.




Vote of Thanks to Immediate Past Chairman

Additional documents:


The Chair paid tribute to the outgoing Chairman, Councillor Hughes, thanking him for his dedication to the Council and residents.


Members paid tribute to Councillor Hughes for his two year term of office commending him for the dedication and commitment he had shown representing the Council both in person and virtually during the ongoing pandemic. Members also commended Councillor Hughes for chairing physical and, during the last year, virtual, Council meetings in a fair and calm way.


Councillor Hughes accepted his past Chairman’s badge as a token of his term of office. 



Past Chairman's Response

Additional documents:


Councillor Hughes addressed Council to report on his two year term of office.


Councillor Hughes thanked his consort, his wife Gina, for her great support. Councillor Hughes also extended his thanks to all Members, commenting that the past year had been difficult but all Members and officers who had supported residents and communities in the district as well as supporting him as Chairman.


Councillor Hughes explained that due to the COVID-19 pandemic he had not been able to hold a main fundraising event for his three charities, however the incoming Chair had agreed that they would work together on a joint event to fundraise for both of their charities.


Election of Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year 2021/2022

Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Wood and seconded by Councillor Mould, that Councillor Les Sibley be elected as Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year 2021/2022. There were no other nominations.




(1)          That Councillor Les Sibley be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council for the municipal year 2021/2022.




Investiture of Vice-Chairman

Additional documents:


Councillor Les Sibley, having made and signed the required Declaration of Acceptance of Office was invested with the Vice-Chairman’s Chain.



Annual Business Report pdf icon PDF 299 KB

Report of Chief Executive


Purpose of report


To note the results of the 6 May 2021 district elections, to note the constitution of Political Groups, to note the appointment of the Deputy Leader and Executive for the Municipal Year 2021/22, and consider and agree the suggested constitution of Committees for the Municipal year 2021/2022 and to appoint representatives to the Oxfordshire County Council Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Police and Crime Commissioner Scrutiny Panel, the Oxfordshire Growth Board, the Oxfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Panel and Oxfordshire Growth Board advisory sub-groups.




Council is recommended:


1.1         To note the results of the District elections held on 6 May 2021.


1.2         To note the constitution of Political Groups and notification of Group Leaders (addendum to report to follow).


1.3         To note the appointment of Deputy Leader of the Council, the membership of the Executive and the Executive portfolios for 2021/2022.


1.4         To agree the allocation of seats on committees that are subject to the political balance requirements as set out in Appendix 2 (to follow).


1.5         To agree the allocation of seats on committees not subject to political balance requirements as set in Appendix 2 (to follow).


1.6         To appoint members (and where appropriate, substitute members) to serve on each of the committees in accordance with the nominations to be made by political groups (Appendix 3 - to follow).


1.7         To appoint a non-Executive representative to the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


1.8         To appoint a representative and named substitute to the Police and Crime Commissioner Scrutiny Panel.


1.9         To appoint an Executive member representative and Executive member substitute to the Oxfordshire Growth Board.


1.10      To appoint three non-Executive representatives to the Oxfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Panel.


1.11      To appoint an Executive member and Executive member substitute to each of the Oxfordshire Growth Board advisory sub-groups: Housing Advisory Subgroup, Infrastructure Advisory Subgroup, Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Subgroup and Environment Advisory Group.


Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report for Council to note the results of the 6 May 2021 district elections, note the constitution of Political Groups, note the appointment of the Deputy Leader and Executive for the Municipal Year 2021/22, and consider and agree the suggested constitution of Committees for the Municipal year 2021/2022 and to appoint representatives to the Oxfordshire County Council Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Police and Crime Commissioner Scrutiny Panel, the Oxfordshire Growth Board, the Oxfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Panel and Oxfordshire Growth Board advisory sub-groups.


In reporting on his Executive for the 2021/2022 municipal year, the Leader of the Council, Councillor Barry Wood, paid tribute to Councillor George Reynolds and Councillor John Donaldson who had both stood down from Executive. Councillor Wood thanked Councillor Reynolds for his support as his Deputy Leader and commended both Councillor Reynolds and Councillor Donaldson for their contribution to Executive and hard work within their portfolios.


Councillor Wood advised Council that he would not be reporting on his Deputy Leader at this time but would notify the Proper Officer and Council in due  course.




(1)          That the results of the District elections held on 6 May 2021 be noted:





Adderbury, Bloxham and Bodicote

Adam Nell


Banbury Calthorpe and Easington

Kieron Mallon


Banbury Cross and Neithrop

Matthew Hodgson


Banbury Grimsbury and Hightown

Andy Beere

Labour and Co-operative

Banbury Hardwick

John Donaldson

Banbury Hardwick

Banbury Ruscote

Mark Cherry

Labour and Co-operative

Bicester East

Sandy Dallimore


Bicester North and Caversfield

Lynn Pratt


Bicester South and Ambrosden

Dan Sames


Bicester West

Les Sibley


Cropredy, Sibfords and Wroxton

George Reynolds



Bryn Williams


Fringford and Heyfords

Patrick Clarke


Kidlington East

Maurice Billington


Kidlington West

Dorothy Walker

Liberal Democrat

Launton and Otmoor

Simon Holland



(2)          That the current constitution of the Council 48 Members) be noted:

·         31 Conservative (65%)

·         9 Labour / Labour & Co-operative Party (19%)

·         4 Independent  (8%)

·         3 Liberal Democrat  (6%)

·         1 Green  (2%)


(3)          That the constitution of Political Groups and notification of Group Leaders be noted:

·         Conservative Group – 31 members (all Conservative councillors)

o   Group Leader: Councillor Barry Wood

·         Labour Group – 9 members (comprising all Labour / Labour & Co-operative councillors)

o   Group Leader: Councillor Sean Woodcock

·         Progressive Oxfordshire Group – 6 members (comprising 3 Liberal Democrat, 1 Green and 2 Independent (Cllrs Broad and Cotter) councillors)

o   Group Leader: Councillor Katherine Tyson

·         Independent Group – 2 members (comprising 2 Independent councillors, Cllrs Sibley and Webster)

o   Group Leader: Councillor Les Sibley 


(4)          That it be noted that the Deputy Leader of the Council would be appointed in due course.


(5)          That the membership of the Executive and the Executive portfolios for 2021/2022 be noted:




Councillor Barry Wood

Leader of the Council

Councillor Ian Corkin

Lead Member for Customers and Transformation

Councillor Phil Chapman

Lead Member for Leisure and Sport

Councillor Colin Clarke

Lead Member for Planning

Councillor Tony Ilott

Lead  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


'Making' (Adoption) of the Weston-on-the-Green Neighbourhood Plan pdf icon PDF 417 KB

Report of Assistant Director – Planning & Development


Purpose of report


To seek the ‘making’ of the Weston-on-the-Green Neighbourhood Plan following the successful referendum and the recommendation of the Corporate Director – Environment & Place.




Council is recommended:


1.1         To note the referendum result of 6 May 2021 where 91.7% of those who voted were in favour of the Weston-on-the-Green Neighbourhood Plan, which is above the required 50%.


1.2         To formally ‘make’ the Weston-on-the-Green Neighbourhood Plan presented at Appendix 1 to this report so that it continues to have effect as part of the statutory Development Plan for the District.


1.3         To authorise the Assistant Director – Planning and Development, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning to issue and publicise a Decision Statement.


Additional documents:


The Assistant Director – Planning & Development submitted a report to seek  the ‘making’ of the Weston-on-the-Green Neighbourhood Plan following the successful referendum and the recommendation of the Corporate Director – Environment & Place.




(1)          That the referendum result of 6 May 2021 where 91.7% of those who voted were in favour of the Weston-on-the-Green Neighbourhood Plan, which is above the required 50% be noted.


(2)          That it be agreed to formally ‘make’ the Weston-on-the-Green Neighbourhood Plan presented at Appendix 1 to this report so that it continues to have effect as part of the statutory Development Plan for the District.


(3)          That the Assistant Director – Planning and Development, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, be authorised to issue and publicise a Decision Statement.



Changes to Accounts, Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 269 KB

Report of Report of the Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer


Purpose of report


The report recommends approval of changes to the terms of reference for the Accounts, Audit & Risk Committee.




Council is recommended:


1.1       to approve the proposed terms of reference for the Accounts, Audit & Risk Committee, as set out at Appendix 1 to this report.


Additional documents:


The Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer submitted a report which recommended approval of changes to the terms of reference for the Accounts, Audit & Risk Committee. The proposed changes had been considered and recommended to Council for approval by the Committee at its 17 March meeting




(1)          That the proposed terms of reference for the Accounts, Audit & Risk Committee (Annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be approved. .



Annual Report of the Accounts, Audit & Risk Committee 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 355 KB

Report of Director of Finance


Purpose of report


This report presents the annual report of the Accounts, Audit & Risk Committee 2020/21




Council is recommended:


1.1      To note the contents of the Annual Report of the Accounts, Audit & Risk Committee 2020/21.



Additional documents:


The Director of Finance submitted a report which presented the annual report of the Accounts, Audit & Risk Committee 2020/2021.




(1)          That the annual report of the Accounts, Audit & Risk Committee 2020/21 be noted.



Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 355 KB

Report of Director of Law and Governance


Purpose of report


This report presents the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2020/21




Council is recommended:


1.1       To note the report


Additional documents:


The Director of Law and Governance submitted a report which presented the  Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report for 2020/2021.




(1)          That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report 2020/2021 be noted.