Agenda item

Annual Business Report

Report of Chief Executive


Purpose of report


To note the results of the 6 May 2021 district elections, to note the constitution of Political Groups, to note the appointment of the Deputy Leader and Executive for the Municipal Year 2021/22, and consider and agree the suggested constitution of Committees for the Municipal year 2021/2022 and to appoint representatives to the Oxfordshire County Council Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Police and Crime Commissioner Scrutiny Panel, the Oxfordshire Growth Board, the Oxfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Panel and Oxfordshire Growth Board advisory sub-groups.




Council is recommended:


1.1         To note the results of the District elections held on 6 May 2021.


1.2         To note the constitution of Political Groups and notification of Group Leaders (addendum to report to follow).


1.3         To note the appointment of Deputy Leader of the Council, the membership of the Executive and the Executive portfolios for 2021/2022.


1.4         To agree the allocation of seats on committees that are subject to the political balance requirements as set out in Appendix 2 (to follow).


1.5         To agree the allocation of seats on committees not subject to political balance requirements as set in Appendix 2 (to follow).


1.6         To appoint members (and where appropriate, substitute members) to serve on each of the committees in accordance with the nominations to be made by political groups (Appendix 3 - to follow).


1.7         To appoint a non-Executive representative to the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


1.8         To appoint a representative and named substitute to the Police and Crime Commissioner Scrutiny Panel.


1.9         To appoint an Executive member representative and Executive member substitute to the Oxfordshire Growth Board.


1.10      To appoint three non-Executive representatives to the Oxfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Panel.


1.11      To appoint an Executive member and Executive member substitute to each of the Oxfordshire Growth Board advisory sub-groups: Housing Advisory Subgroup, Infrastructure Advisory Subgroup, Oxfordshire Plan 2050 Advisory Subgroup and Environment Advisory Group.



The Chief Executive submitted a report for Council to note the results of the 6 May 2021 district elections, note the constitution of Political Groups, note the appointment of the Deputy Leader and Executive for the Municipal Year 2021/22, and consider and agree the suggested constitution of Committees for the Municipal year 2021/2022 and to appoint representatives to the Oxfordshire County Council Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Police and Crime Commissioner Scrutiny Panel, the Oxfordshire Growth Board, the Oxfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Panel and Oxfordshire Growth Board advisory sub-groups.


In reporting on his Executive for the 2021/2022 municipal year, the Leader of the Council, Councillor Barry Wood, paid tribute to Councillor George Reynolds and Councillor John Donaldson who had both stood down from Executive. Councillor Wood thanked Councillor Reynolds for his support as his Deputy Leader and commended both Councillor Reynolds and Councillor Donaldson for their contribution to Executive and hard work within their portfolios.


Councillor Wood advised Council that he would not be reporting on his Deputy Leader at this time but would notify the Proper Officer and Council in due  course.




(1)          That the results of the District elections held on 6 May 2021 be noted:





Adderbury, Bloxham and Bodicote

Adam Nell


Banbury Calthorpe and Easington

Kieron Mallon


Banbury Cross and Neithrop

Matthew Hodgson


Banbury Grimsbury and Hightown

Andy Beere

Labour and Co-operative

Banbury Hardwick

John Donaldson

Banbury Hardwick

Banbury Ruscote

Mark Cherry

Labour and Co-operative

Bicester East

Sandy Dallimore


Bicester North and Caversfield

Lynn Pratt


Bicester South and Ambrosden

Dan Sames


Bicester West

Les Sibley


Cropredy, Sibfords and Wroxton

George Reynolds



Bryn Williams


Fringford and Heyfords

Patrick Clarke


Kidlington East

Maurice Billington


Kidlington West

Dorothy Walker

Liberal Democrat

Launton and Otmoor

Simon Holland



(2)          That the current constitution of the Council 48 Members) be noted:

·         31 Conservative (65%)

·         9 Labour / Labour & Co-operative Party (19%)

·         4 Independent  (8%)

·         3 Liberal Democrat  (6%)

·         1 Green  (2%)


(3)          That the constitution of Political Groups and notification of Group Leaders be noted:

·         Conservative Group – 31 members (all Conservative councillors)

o   Group Leader: Councillor Barry Wood

·         Labour Group – 9 members (comprising all Labour / Labour & Co-operative councillors)

o   Group Leader: Councillor Sean Woodcock

·         Progressive Oxfordshire Group – 6 members (comprising 3 Liberal Democrat, 1 Green and 2 Independent (Cllrs Broad and Cotter) councillors)

o   Group Leader: Councillor Katherine Tyson

·         Independent Group – 2 members (comprising 2 Independent councillors, Cllrs Sibley and Webster)

o   Group Leader: Councillor Les Sibley 


(4)          That it be noted that the Deputy Leader of the Council would be appointed in due course.


(5)          That the membership of the Executive and the Executive portfolios for 2021/2022 be noted:




Councillor Barry Wood

Leader of the Council

Councillor Ian Corkin

Lead Member for Customers and Transformation

Councillor Phil Chapman

Lead Member for Leisure and Sport

Councillor Colin Clarke

Lead Member for Planning

Councillor Tony Ilott

Lead Member for Financial Management and Governance

Councillor Andrew McHugh

Lead Member for Health and Wellbeing

Councillor Richard Mould

Lead Member for Performance

Cllr Lynn  Pratt

Lead Member for Economy, Regeneration and Property

Cllr Dan Sames

Lead Member for Clean and Green

Cllr Lucinda Wing

Lead Member for Housing


(6)          That the allocation of seats on committees that are subject to the political balance requirements be agreed:






Progressive Oxfordshire


Accounts, Audit & Risk Committee






Appeals Panel






Budget Planning Committee






Joint Appeals Committee






Joint Shared Services & Personnel Committee (JSSPC)






Licensing Committee


7 (-1)


3 (+2)

0 (-1)

Overview & Scrutiny






Personnel Committee






Planning Committee






Standards Committee






Proportional Total by Committee


65 (-1)


12 (+2)

4 (-1)

Aggregate Entitlement






Adjustment Required


Minus 1


Plus 2

Minus 1

(The numbers indicate where seats have been given away / received in line with the adjustments required)


(7)          That the allocation of seats on committees not subject to political balance requirements be agreed:


Not subject to Political Balance




Progressive Oxfordshire


Partnership Working Group








(8)          That members (and where appropriate, substitute members) to serve on each of the committees as set out below in accordance with the nominations to be made by political groups:


Proportional Committees

(NB. The number in brackets indicates the number of seats for the Group on the Committee. All Group nominations are listed alphabetically by councillor surname)


Accounts, Audit and Risk Committee

Membership (8 members with unnamed substitutes who can be any member of the relevant Group. All committee members and any substitute who attends a meeting must have received training prior to attending a meeting)


Conservative (5)

Labour (2)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)

Independent (0)

Cllr Hugo Brown

Cllr Matt Hodgson

Cllr Conrad Copeland


Cllr Tony Ilott

Cllr Sean Woodcock



Cllr Mike Kerford-Byrnes




Cllr Nick Mawer




Cllr Tom Wallis





Appeals Panel

Membership (10 members with no substitutes)


Conservative (7)

Labour (2)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)


Cllr Patrick Clarke

Cllr Mark Cherry

Cllr Dorothy Walker


Cllr Ian Corkin

Cllr Perran Moon



Cllr John Donaldson




Cllr Carmen Griffiths




Cllr Tony Mepham




Cllr Richard Mould




Cllr Adam Nell





Budget Planning Committee

Membership (12 members with unnamed substitutes who can be any member of the relevant Group)


Conservative (8)

Labour (2)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)

Independent (1)

Cllr Phil Chapman

Cllr Shaida Hussain

Cllr Conrad Copeland

Cllr Fraser Webster

Cllr John Donaldson

Cllr Sean Woodcock



Cllr Carmen Griffiths




Cllr David Hughes




Cllr Nick Mawer




Cllr Andrew McHugh




Cllr Douglas Webb




Cllr Lucinda Wing






Joint Appeals Panel

Membership (3 seats, named substitutes - neither full nor substitute members may be members of the Joint Shared Services and Personnel Committee)


Conservative (2)

Labour (1)

Progressive Oxfordshire (0)

Independent (0)

Cllr Colin Clarke

Cllr Mark Cherry



Cllr Richard Mould






Conservative (2)

Labour (1)



Cllr John Donaldson

Cllr Perran Moon



Cllr Andrew McHugh





Joint Shared Services and Personnel Committee

Membership (5 members, named substitutes – neither full nor substitute members may be members of the Joint Appeals Panel)


Conservative (3)

Labour (1)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)

Independent (0)

Cllr Ian Corkin

Cllr Barry Richards

Cllr Ian Middleton


Cllr Mike Kerford-Byrnes




Cllr Barry Wood






Conservative (3)

Labour (1)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)

Independent (0)

Cllr Tony Ilott

Cllr Sean Woodcock

Cllr Conrad Copeland


Cllr George Reynolds




Cllr Bryn Williams





Licensing Committee

Membership (12 seats, with unnamed substitutes who can be any member of the relevant Group)


Conservative (7)

Labour (2)

Progressive Oxfordshire (3)[1]

Independent (0)

Cllr Mike Bishop

Cllr Andy Beere

Cllr Conrad Copeland


Cllr Richard Mould

Cllr Perran Moon

Cllr Katherine Tyson


Cllr Lynn Pratt


Cllr Dorothy Walker


Cllr George Reynolds




Cllr Jason Slaymaker




Cllr Douglas Webb




Cllr Bryn Williams





Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Membership (12 members with unnamed substitutes who can be any member of the relevant Group but shall not be a member of the Executive)


Conservative (8)

Labour (2)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)

Independent (1)

Cllr Maurice Billington

Cllr Matt Hodgson

Cllr Ian Middleton

Cllr Les Sibley

Cllr Mike Bishop

Cllr Perran Moon



Cllr Sandy Dallimore




Cllr Simon Holland




Cllr Adam Nell




Cllr Tom Wallis




Cllr Douglas Webb




Cllr Bryn Williams





Personnel Committee

Membership (12 members with unnamed substitutes who can be any member of the relevant Group but shall not be a member of the Appeals Panel)


Conservative (8)

Labour (2)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)

Independent (1)

Cllr Colin Clarke

Cllr Andy Beere

Cllr Katherine Tyson

Cllr Les Sibley

Cllr Sandy Dallimore

Cllr Barry Richards



Cllr Simon Holland




Cllr Lynn Pratt




Cllr Jason Slaymaker




Cllr Douglas Webb




Cllr Bryn Williams




Cllr Barry Wood





Planning Committee

Membership (18 members, 12 named substitutes. All committee members and named substitutes must have received planning training prior to attending a meeting)


Conservative (12)

Labour (3)

Progressive Oxfordshire (2)

Independent (1)

Cllr Maurice Billington

Cllr Andy Beere

Cllr John Broad

Cllr Les Sibley

Cllr Hugo Brown

Cllr Cassi Perry

Cllr Dorothy Walker


Cllr Colin Clarke

Cllr Sean Woodcock



Cllr Patrick Clarke



Cllr Ian Corkin




Cllr Sandy Dallimore




Cllr Simon Holland




Cllr David Hughes




Cllr Mike Kerford-Byrnes




Cllr Tony Mepham




Cllr Lynn Pratt




Cllr George Reynolds





Named Substitutes

Conservative (8)

Labour (2)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)

Independent (1)

Cllr Mike Bishop

Cllr Shaida Hussain

Cllr Ian Middleton

Cllr Fraser Webster

Cllr Tony Ilott

Cllr Barry Richards



Cllr Richard Mould




Cllr Adam Nell




Cllr Dan Sames




Cllr Douglas Webb




Cllr Bryn Williams




Cllr Barry Wood





Standards Committee

Membership (8 members with unnamed substitutes who can be any member of the relevant Group)


Conservative (5)

Labour (2)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)

Independent (0)

Cllr John Donaldson

Cllr Mark Cherry

Cllr Ian Middleton


Cllr Simon Holland

Cllr Perran Moon



Cllr George Reynolds




Cllr Bryn Williams




Cllr Lucinda Wing






Non-Proportional Committees

(NB. The number in brackets indicates the number of seats for the Group on the Committee. All Group nominations are listed alphabetically by councillor surname)


Partnership Working Group

Membership (5 seats, named substitutes)


Conservative (3)

Labour (1)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)

Independent (0)

Cllr Ian Corkin

Cllr Sean Woodcock

Cllr Ian Middleton


Cllr Mike Kerford-Byrnes




Cllr Barry Wood





Named Substitutes

Conservative (3)

Labour (1)

Progressive Oxfordshire (1)

Independent (0)

Cllr Tony Ilott

Cllr Barry Richards

Cllr Conrad Copeland


Cllr George Reynolds




Cllr Bryn Williams






(9)          That Councillor John Donaldson be appointed at Cherwell District Council’s representative to the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the municipal year 2021/2022.


(10)       That Councillor Andrew McHugh be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s representative and Councillor Tony Ilott be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s substitute to the Police and Crime Commissioner Scrutiny Panel for the municipal year 2021/2022.


(11)       That Councillor Barry Wood be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s representative and Councillor Colin Clarke be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s substitute to the Oxfordshire Growth Board for the municipal year 2021/2022.


(12)       That Councillors David Hughes, Adam Nell and Sean Woodcock be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s representatives to the Oxfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Panel for the municipal year 2021/2022.


(13)       That Executive members be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s representative and substitute to each of the Oxfordshire Growth Board advisory sub-groups as set out below:


Advisory Sub-Group




Councillor Lucinda Wing

Councillor Andrew McHugh


Councillor Lynn Pratt

Councillor Colin Clarke

Oxfordshire Plan 2050

Councillor Colin Clarke

Councillor Barry Wood


Councillor Dan Sames

Councillor Andrew McHugh


[1] As required by the proportionality calculations, the Conservative Group and Independent Group each need to give one seat to the Progressive Oxfordshire Group.  The Conservative Group Leader has confirmed that this will be on Licensing Committee. The Independent Group Leader has confirmed that this will be on the Licensing Committee. This adjustment is reflected in the table.

Supporting documents: