Incorporating the Private Executive Meeting Notice and the Notice of Intention to make Key Decision
No. | Item |
January 2014 | |
1. |
Update on Local Development Scheme Decision maker: Executive Decision due: June 2014 Originally due: 2 Dec 2013 Lead officer: Adrian Colwell Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2013 |
2. |
Banbury Masterplan - Proceeding to Consultation Decision maker: Executive Decision due: January 2016 Originally due: 2 Dec 2013 Lead officer: Adrian Colwell Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2013 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
3. |
Decision maker: Executive Decision: January 2014 Originally due: 4 Nov 2013 Lead officer: Calvin Bell Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/09/2013 |
4. |
South West Bicester Sports Village Bi-monthly Progress Update Decision maker: Executive Decision: January 2014 Lead officer: Chris Rothwell Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/09/2013 |
5. |
Environmental Services Shared Services Business Case Decision maker: Executive Decision: January 2014 Lead officer: Ian Davies Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2013 |
6. |
Decision maker: Executive Decision: January 2014 Lead officer: Tim Madden Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2013 |
7. |
Update on the Build! ® programme and Cherwell Community Land trust New! Decision maker: Executive Decision: February 2014 Originally due: 6 Jan 2014 Lead officer: Chris Stratford, Helen Town Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/12/2013 |
8. |
Decision maker: Executive Decision due: February 2014 Originally due: 6 Jan 2014 Lead officer: Chris Stratford, Helen Town Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/12/2013 |
9. |
Decision maker: Executive Decision: January 2014 Lead officer: Adrian Colwell Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/12/2013 |
February 2014 | |
10. |
Decision maker: Executive Decision: February 2014 Originally due: 1 Aug 2013 Lead officer: Karen Curtin Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/07/2013 |
11. |
2014/15 Draft 2 Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals, Council Tax, Business Plan and Pledges Decision maker: Executive Decision: February 2014 Lead officer: Martin Henry Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2013 |
12. |
Decision maker: Executive Decision due: February 2014 Lead officer: Tim Madden Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2013 |
13. |
Bicester Community Centre construction Progress Update Decision maker: Executive Decision due: June 2014 Originally due: 6 Jan 2014 Lead officer: Karen Curtin Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/09/2013 |
14. |
Kidlington Masterplan - Approval to Proceed to Consultation New! Decision maker: Executive Decision due: March 2016 Originally due: 3 Feb 2014 Lead officer: David Peckford, Adrian Colwell Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/12/2013 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
March 2014 | |
15. |
Performance and Risk Management Framework 2013/14 Third Quarter Performance Report Decision maker: Executive Decision: March 2014 Lead officer: Claire Taylor Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2013 |
16. |
Quarter 3 2013/14 Finance Report Decision maker: Executive Decision: March 2014 Lead officer: Tim Madden Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2013 |
17. |
South West Bicester Sports Village Bi-monthly Progress Update Decision maker: Executive Decision: July 2014 Originally due: 3 Mar 2014 Lead officer: Chris Rothwell Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2013 |
18. |
Landscape Management Re-tender Process Decision maker: Executive Decision: June 2014 Originally due: 3 Mar 2014 Lead officer: Ed Potter Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2013 |
19. |
Decision maker: Executive Decision: April 2014 Originally due: 3 Mar 2014 Lead officer: Tim Madden Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2013 |
20. |
Child Sexual Exploitation and Safeguarding New! Decision maker: Executive Decision: March 2014 Lead officer: Chris Rothwell Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/12/2013 |
21. |
Leisure Centre Procurement and Development - Woodgreen New! Decision maker: Executive Originally due: 3 Mar 2014 Lead officer: Chris Rothwell Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/12/2013 |
April 2014 | |
22. |
No items currently scheduled New! Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/12/2013 |
Future Items to be Scheduled | |
23. |
Bicester Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document Decision maker: Executive Originally due: 2 Dec 2013 Lead officer: Adrian Colwell Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2012 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
24. |
Shared Services - Legal Services Decision maker: Executive Decision: June 2014 Originally due: 1 Jul 2013 Lead officer: Kevin Lane Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/04/2013 |
25. |
Cherwell District Council response to Oxfordshire County Council Local Transport Plan 3 review Decision maker: Executive Originally due: 7 Oct 2013 Lead officer: Adrian Colwell Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/08/2013 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
26. |
Decision maker: Executive Decision due: January 2023 Originally due: 1 Feb 2010 Lead officer: Robert Jolley Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2012 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
27. |
Bolton Road Supplementary Planning Document Decision maker: Executive Lead officer: Adrian Colwell Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2012 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
28. |
Decision maker: Executive Decision due: December 2014 Lead officer: Chris Stratford Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/07/2013 Anticipated restriction: Open - |
29. |
Woodgreen Regeneration Project Decision maker: Executive Lead officer: Chris Stratford Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/07/2013 |
30. |
High Speed 2 (HS2) Petitioning Decision maker: Executive Decision: March 2014 Originally due: 3 Feb 2014 Lead officer: Adrian Colwell Decision status: Recommendations Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2013 |