Issue details

Housing in the current economic climate

To update the Executive on the current and proposed policy and economic climate and their potential impact on the Council’s housing function
To recommend an action plan for steering the Council through understanding, implementing and responding to the changes
To endorse a Cherwell District Council response to the Government consultation “Local Decisions: a fairer future for social housing”

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant Effect on communities in two or more wards;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: January 2011 by Executive

Lead member: Councillor Michael Gibbard

Lead director: Strategic Director - Planning, Housing and Economy

Department: Housing

Contact: Gillian Greaves, Head of Housing Services Email: Tel: 01295 221654.


  • Executive Report - Key Decision for Housing in the current economic climate