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Beckett, Councillor Tom Becke
Biegel, Councillor Rebecca Bi
Blakeway, Councillor Gordon B
Brant, Councillor Chris Brant
Brasha, Councillor Besmira Br
Broad, Councillor John Broad
Chapman, Councillor Phil Chap
Cherry, Councillor Mark Cherr
Clarke, Councillor Becky Clar
Conway, Councillor Jean Conwa
Conway-Murray, Councillor Gra
Coton, Councillor Gemma Coton
Cotter, Councillor Nick Cotte
Creed, Councillor Dr Isabel C
Crichton, Councillor Andrew C
Ford, Councillor Donna Ford
Harwood, Councillor Ian Harwo
Hingley, Councillor David Hin
Hodgson, Councillor Matt Hodg
Ideh, Councillor Frank Ideh
Knight, Councillor Harry Knig
Lytton, Councillor Simon Lytt
Mallon, Councillor Kieron Mal
Mawer, Councillor Nicholas Ma
Mawson, Councillor Fiona Maws
McHugh, Councillor Andrew McH
McLean, Councillor Lesley McL
Middleton, Councillor Ian Mid
Nedelcu, Councillor Julian Ne
Okeke, Councillor Dr Chukwudi
Parkinson, Councillor Rob Par
Parsons, Councillor Lynne Par
Pattenden, Councillor Rob Pat
Pruden, Councillor Chris Prud
Reeves, Councillor Edward Fra
Rogers, Councillor David Roge
Russell, Councillor Alisa Rus
Sibley, Councillor Les Sibley
Simpson, Councillor Nigel Sim
Thornhill, Councillor Dr Kerr
Vaitkus, Councillor Dom Vaitk
Walker, Councillor Dorothy Wa
Ward, Councillor Linda Ward
Watkins, Councillor Amanda Wa
Webb, Councillor Douglas Webb
Willett, Councillor John Will
Wood, Councillor Barry Wood
Woodcock, Councillor Sean Woo
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Adderbury, Bloxham and Bodicot
Banbury Calthorpe and Easingto
Banbury Cross and Neithrop
Banbury Grimsbury and Hightown
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Bicester North and Caversfield
Bicester South and Ambrosden
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Cropredy, Sibfords and Wroxton
Fringford and Heyfords
Kidlington East
Kidlington West
Launton and Otmoor
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