Issue - decisions

Service and Financial Planning 2010/2011

08/12/2009 - Draft Budget , Corporate Plan and Service Plans 2010 - 2011

Agreed, subject to the amendments to recommendations 2 and 4 below:


Recommendation 2


“to endorse the proposed service priorities and the draft Corporate Plan for 2010-11 (detailed in Appendix 2); and to request officers to draft revised corporate plan aims regarding i) NW Bicester Eco Town ii) and around designing services to meet the needs of our most vulnerable residents.


Recommendation 4


“to note the approach to the overall capital programme and 2010/11 expenditure profile (detailed in Appendix 4); and that officers note the request of scrutiny for a review of the capital programme which should be brought forward and reported to the January Executive meeting, with particular attention paid to minimising the extent of the programme in 2010/11 in particular.”