Issue - decisions

Proposed Cherwell Local Plan 2042

14/11/2024 - Proposed Cherwell Local Plan 2042



(1) That the following comments and recommendations in respect of the draft Local Plan be referred to the Executive for consideration at its meeting on 2 December 2024:


          i.        That the following key supporting documents referenced in the Draft report to the Executive, but not available with the papers submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting, be made available to Overview and Scrutiny Committee members at its next meeting, 26 November 2024. 


a)           Draft Sustainability Appraisal

b)           Draft WIP Habitats Regulation Assessment

c)           Health and Equalities Impact Assessment

d)           Interim Duty to Cooperate Statement

e)           Local Plan Appendix 5 - Strategic Gaps associated with Banbury, Bicester and Heyford Park: Key Characteristics and Recommendations


         ii.        That Executive be requested to reconsider the inclusion of the land To the south of Isis Avenue to Eden Way, Middleton Stoney Road, Bicester be as part of the Local Green Space Designation in Bicester West. 


        iii.        That the presentation slides from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting be circulated to all Members for information.