Issue - decisions

North West Bicester Supplementary Planning Document

02/06/2015 - North West Bicester Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)



(1)          That the progress in preparing the North West Bicester Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be noted.


(2)          That the response to the representations received and resulting changes to the Draft SPD be agreed.


(3)          That the latest version of the Draft SPD to be used on an interim basis for development management purposes be approved.


(4)          That the further steps to complete the SPD, as follows, be noted:

a)    Consult on the revised Statement of Consultation

b)    Consult the statutory consultation bodies on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening


(5)          That the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy be authorised to make any necessary minor amendments to the SPD to be made in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning.


(6)          That the need for the final SPD to be presented to the Executive for formal adoption at a future meeting in the light of the Local Plan Inspector’s Report and the cancellation of the Eco-towns Planning Policy Statement (PPS) be noted.