Issue - decisions

Performance Management Framework 2015/16 Quarter 2 Report

01/12/2015 - Performance Management Framework 2015/16 Quarter 2 Report



(1)          That the following achievements be noted: CBP1 2.4: Complete Bicester Town Centre regeneration including the Council's Commercial Building; CBP2 2.1 (Pledge): Improve local residents' satisfaction with street & environmental cleanliness continuing our successful programme of neighbourhood litter blitzes; CBP3 1.1 -1.2a: Deliver 150 units of affordable housing (Pledge) and 100 self-build housing projects as part of the HCA funded Build! programme whilst exploring new diverse funding regimes for the longer term sustainability of affordable housing across the district and the potential development of an off-site construction facility for the long term production of off-site units for affordable housing; CBP3 2.2a, b and c: Processing of Housing Benefit (HB) Claims; CBP3 2.5 (Pledge): Continue to support skills development, apprenticeships and job clubs; CBP3 2.5a Contribute to the creation and/or safeguarding of 200 jobs; CBP3 2.6 Extend Jobs Match service to support local companies to fill vacancies; CBP3 7.3 Processing of Major Applications within 13 weeks; and, CBP3 7.4 Processing of Minor Applications within 8 weeks.


(2)          That the following performance related matters be identified for review or consideration in future reports: CBP1 4.3 Establish new management arrangements for Stratfield Brake Sports Group; CBP2 1.6 : Maintain the current high levels of customer satisfaction with our waste  and recycling services; CBP2 2.1b : Number of fly tips recorded; CBP3 3.1a Number of households in temporary accommodation; CBP3 7.6 Percentage of planning appeals allowed against refusal decision; CBP4 6.1 Percentage of Council Tax collected; and, CBP4 6.2 Percentage of NNDR collected.


(3)          That it be noted that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee considered the Quarter 2 2015/16 Performance Management Report at its meeting of 24 November 2015 and referred no items to Executive.