Agenda item

Annual Council Business Report 2024/2025

(Please note appendix 3, Committee Appointments, will follow)


Report of Monitoring Officer


Purpose of report


To note the results of the 2 May 2024 district elections and to consider the appointments and allocation of seats on Committees for municipal year 2024/25 in accordance with the duty under Section 15 Local Government Housing Act 1989, to ensure that this reflects the political make-up of the Council following the elections. The political representation of members on committees needs to be considered on an annual basis.



Council resolves:


1.1         To note the results of the District Elections held on 2 May 2024.


1.2         To note the constitution of Political Groups and notification of Group Leaders which has been notified in accordance with Regulation 8 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990.


1.3         To appoint the Leader of the Council.


1.4         To note the appointment of the Deputy Leader of the Council, the membership of the Executive and Executive portfolios for the municipal year 2024/2025.


1.5         To agree the allocation of seats on committees that are subject to the political balance requirements, as set out at Appendix 2.


1.6         To appoint members (and where, required, substitute members) to serve on each of the committees in accordance with the nominations made by political groups (Appendix 3 – to follow).


1.7         To appoint a non-Executive representative to the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


1.8         To appoint a representative and named substitute to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


1.9         To appoint a representative and named substitute to the Police and Crime Commissioner Scrutiny Panel.


1.10      To appoint an Executive member representative and an Executive member substitute to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership.


1.11      To appoint three non-Executive representatives to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership Scrutiny Panel.


1.12      To appoint an Executive member and named Executive member substitute to each of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership Advisory Groups: Housing Advisory Group, Infrastructure Advisory Group, Environment Advisory Group and Planning Advisory Group.


1.13      That authority be delegated to the Monitoring Officer to make changes required to the Constitution as a result of the changes referred to in this report.



The Monitoring Officer submitted a report to note the results of the 2 May 2024 district elections and to consider the appointments and allocation of seats on Committees for municipal year 2024/25 in accordance with the duty under Section 15 Local Government Housing Act 1989, to ensure that this reflects the political make-up of the Council following the elections. The political representation of members on committees needed to be considered on an annual basis.


The Chairman referred to recommendation 1.3 which related to the Leader of the Council and invited Councillor Wood to address the meeting.


Councillor Wood addressed Council and tendered his resignation as Leader of the Council. Councillor Wood had been Leader since his appointment at the Annual Meeting in 2004 and reported on his highlights as Leader. The Leader also paid respect and tribute to the Chief Executive Officers at the council over the past 20 years. Councillor Wood expressed his gratitude for the support of  the Leader’s PA who had been in post for the duration of his time as Leader. Councillor Wood, above all, thanked his wife for her support.


On behalf of Council, the Chairman thanked Councillor Wood for his service to the district, our residents and the council as Leader over the past 20 years.


Group Leaders, Councillor Reeves, Councillor Hingley, Councillor Woodcock, Councillor Middleton and Councillor Sibley paid tribute and extended their gratitude to Councillor Wood for his service as Leader.


Councillor Wood having resigned, it was necessary for Council to appoint a Leader. It was proposed by Councillor Lytton and seconded by Councillor Cotter that Councillor Hingley be appointed Leader of Cherwell District Council.


There being no further nominations, Councillor Hingley was duly appointed Leader of the Council.


The Chairman invited the Leader to report on his Deputy Leader, Executive members and Portfolio Holder allocations for 2024/2025. The Leader advised Councillor Lesley McLean was his Deputy leader and Portfolio Holders as follows:

·         Councillor David Hingley – Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic Leadership

·         Councillor Lesley Mclean – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources

·         Councillor Chris Brant, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services

·         Councillor Jean Conway, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Development Management

·         Councillor Rob Parkinson – Portfolio Holder for Regulatory

·         Councillor Rob Pattenden – Portfolio Holder for Healthy Communities

·         Councillor Chris Pruden – Portfolio Holder for Housing

·         Councillor Ian Middleton – Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services

·         Councillor Tom Beckett – Portfolio Holder for Greener Services


The Chairman led Council through the remaining recommendations and invited the Leader, and Group Leaders as required, to advise of nominations to outside bodies and working groups with appointments as set out in the resolutions.




(1)          That the results of the District Elections held on 2 May 2024 be noted.





Adderbury, Bloxham and Bodicote

Gordon Blakeway

Liberal Democrat

Banbury Calthorpe and Easington

Kieron Mallon


Banbury Cross and Neithrop

Matt Hodgson


Banbury Grimsbury and Hightown

Dom Vaitkus


Banbury Hardwick

Kerrie Thornhill


Banbury Ruscote

Mark Cherry


Bicester East

Rob Parkinson

Liberal Democrat

Bicester North and Caversfield

John Willett

Liberal Democrat

Bicester South and Ambrosden

Frank Ideh

Liberal Democrat

Bicester West

Les Sibley


Cropredy, Sibfords and Wroxton

Chris Brant

Liberal Democrat


David Rogers


Fringford and Heyfords

Grace Conway-Murray

Liberal Democrat

Kidlington East

Linda Ward


Kidlington West

Dorothy Walker

Liberal Democrat

Launton and Otmoor

Alisa Russell

Liberal Democrats



(2)          That the constitution of Political Groups and notification of Group Leaders which has been notified in accordance with Regulation 8 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990.

·         Liberal Democrat Group (17 Members, all Liberal Democrat party members)

o   Group Leader: Councillor David Hingley

·         Labour Group (13 Members, all Labour /  Labour & co-operative party members)  

o   Group Leader: Councillor Sean Woodcock

·         Conservative Group (11 Members, all Conservative Group members) 

o   Group Leader: Councillor Eddie Reeves

·         Green and Independent Alliance Group (5 Members, comprising 4 Green members and 1 Independent Member)  

o   Group Leader: Councillor Ian Middleton

·         Independent Group (2 Members, comprising 2 Independent Members)

o   Group Leader: Councillor Les Sibley


(3)          That Councillor Hingley be appointed Leader of the Council.


(4)          That the appointment of the Deputy Leader of the Council, the membership of the Executive and Executive portfolios for the municipal year 2024/2025 be noted.




David Hingley (leader)

Strategic Leadership

Chris Brant

Corporate Services

Lesley McLean (deputy leader)

Finance and Resources

Jean Conway

Planning and Development Management

Chris Pruden


Rob Pattenden

Healthy Communities

Tom Beckett

Greener Communities

Ian Middleton

Neighbourhood Services

Rob Parkinson



(5)          That the allocation of seats on committees that are subject to the political balance requirements be agreed (Annex to the Minutes, as set out in the Minute Book). 


(6)          That members (and where appropriate, substitute members) be appointed to serve on each of the Committees as set out below in accordance the nominations made by political groups (Annex to the Minutes, as set out in the Minute Book).


(7)          That Councillor Walker be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s representative to the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the municipal year 2024/2025.


(8)          That Councillor Rob Pattenden be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s appointed representative and Councillor David Hingley be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s substitute to the Health and Wellbeing Board for the municipal year 2024/2025.


(9)          That Councillor Rob Parkinson be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s appointed representative and Councillor David Hingley be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s substitute to the Police and Crime Commissioner Scrutiny Panel for the municipal year 2024/2025.


(10)       That Councillor David Hingley be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s representative and Councillor Lesley McLean be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s substitute to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership for the municipal year 2024/2025.


(11)       That Councillors Besmira Brasha, John Broad and Barry Wood be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s representatives to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership Scrutiny Panel for the municipal year 2024/2025.


(12)       That Executive members be appointed as Cherwell District Council’s representative and substitute to each of the Future Oxfordshire Partnership advisory sub-groups as set out below:


Advisory Group


Named Substitute

FOP Housing Advisory Subgroup

Councillor Chris Pruden

Councillor David Hingley

FOP Infrastructure Advisory Subgroup rep & named sub 

Councillor Lesley McLean

Councillor David Hingley

FOP Environment Advisory Subgroup rep & named sub 

Councillor Tom Beckett

Councillor David Hingley

FOP Planning Advisory Subgroup rep & name sub 

Councillor Jean Conway

Councillor Lesley Mclean


(13)       That authority be delegated to the Monitoring Officer to make changes required to the Constitution as a result of the changes referred to in this report.


Supporting documents: