Agenda item

Performance Management Framework 2008/2009 - Second Quarter Progress Report

8.30 pm

Report of Chief Executive and Head of Improvement




To report the Council’s performance against the Performance Management Framework for the period July – September 2008.




The Executive is recommended:


1)     To note the progress made in delivering performance against the Corporate Scorecard and the other performance frameworks appended to this report.


2)     To note the responses to the issues raised in the 1st Quarter Report and to seek further information or a further report in the next Quarterly Report as appropriate.


3)     To agree that in the next Quarterly Report there will be an update on the impact of the economic downturn on:


a)   The Council’s ability to deliver the 2008/09 corporate targets of 400 new        homes, including 100 units of social housing, and the creation of 200 net new        jobs.


b)   The income received through building control, planning applications, and land            charges and the budget implications of rising costs (fuel costs for example).


c)   The progress of key development projects such as Banbury Canalside,           Bicester Town Centre, and South West Bicester.


4)     To agree that in the next Quarterly Report there will be an update on the following:


a)     The time taken to process ‘minor and other’ planning applications.


b)     Increasing the visitor numbers to Banbury Museum.


c)      Addressing the 2.1% rise in overall crime figures, the failure to meet the target for reducing acquisitive crime and the timetable and process for producing the Anti Social Behaviour Strategy.


d)     Improving the average time taken to process new benefits claims.


e)     Reducing the amount of waste going to landfill (and implementing the Food Waste Pilot).


f)        The progress on delivering Nightsafe Bicester.


g)     The financial impact of the Government’s Free Swimming Programme for over 60’s and under 16’s.


Agreed, with the amendments:


a) That a colour scorecard be circulated separately to the Executive with the next two PMF monitoring reports.


b) That Portfolio Holders and officers (assisted by the Improvement Team) be requested to consider if reports on any performance elements are required prior to the next PMF Monitoring report and that the Forward Plan be updated accordingly.


The Chief Executive and Head of Improvement submitted a report to report on the Council’s performance against the Performance Management Framework for the period July – September 2008.




1)     That the progress made in delivering performance against the Corporate Scorecard and the other performance frameworks be noted.


2)     That the responses to the issues raised in the 1st Quarter Report be noted.


3)     That it be agreed that in the next Quarterly Report there will be an update on the impact of the economic downturn on:


a)   The Council’s ability to deliver the 2008/09 corporate targets of 400 new        homes, including 100 units of social housing, and the creation of 200 net new        jobs.


b)   The income received through building control, planning applications, and land            charges and the budget implications of rising costs (fuel costs for example).


c)   The progress of key development projects such as Banbury Canalside,           Bicester Town Centre, and South West Bicester.


4)     That it be agreed that in the next Quarterly Report there will be an update on the following:


a)     The time taken to process ‘minor and other’ planning applications.


b)     Increasing the visitor numbers to Banbury Museum.


c)      Addressing the 2.1% rise in overall crime figures, the failure to meet the target for reducing acquisitive crime and the timetable and process for producing the Anti Social Behaviour Strategy.


d)     Improving the average time taken to process new benefits claims.


e)     Reducing the amount of waste going to landfill (and implementing the Food Waste Pilot).


f)        The progress on delivering Nightsafe Bicester.


g)     The financial impact of the Government’s Free Swimming Programme for over 60’s and under 16’s.


5) That a colour scorecard be circulated separately to the Executive with the next two PMF monitoring reports.


5)     That Portfolio Holders and officers (assisted by the Improvement Team) be requested to consider if reports on any performance elements are required prior to the next PMF Monitoring report and that the Forward Plan be updated accordingly.


Reasons - This report shows the council continues to make significant progress on delivering its strategic priorities and in particular the promises made to the public for this year in the Council Tax Leaflet.  The report highlights a wide range of achievements and areas where achievements have received external recognition.  Since the last performance report the economic environment has taken a significant downturn.  This is highlighted as having a potentially significant impact on the ability to deliver some key objectives, the level of income raised, and the demands made on Council services.

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