Agenda item

Unit 6, Oxford Technology Park, Technology Drive, Kidlington, OX5 1GN


Approved, conditions to be set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered application 22/02647/F for Development within Use Classes E (g) (i), and/or (ii), and/or (iii), and/or B2 and/or B8 and Associated Works including Access and Parking (part retrospective) at Unit 6, Oxford Technology Park, Technology Drive, Kidlington, OX5 1GN for Oxtec Developments Limited.


In introducing the report, the Planning Officer advised the Committee of the need for an additional condition in relation to the timetable for implementation of the cycleway to Langford Lane, approved under planning permission 14/02067/OUT for application 22/02647/F.


Richard Cutler, from Bloombridge, on behalf of the applicant addressed the Committee in support of the application.


In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officers report, presentation, the written update, address from the public speakers.


Councillor Walker and Councillor Mawson requested that they and Kidlington Parish Council be kept up to date on the progress of the cycleway




(1)      That permission be granted for application 22/02647/F subject to the following conditions including the additional condition.




Time Limit

1.         The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


Reason - To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


Compliance with Plans

2.         Except where otherwise stipulated by conditions attached to this permission, the development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following plans and documents:

2703-01 Rev PL2 – Building 6 Site Location Plan

2703-02 Rev PL2 – Building 6 Site Location Plan

2703-05 Rev PL5 – Building 6 Hard Landscaping Plan

2703-10 Rev PL1 – Building 6A & 6B Proposed Ground Floor Plan

2703-11 Rev PL1 – Building 6A & 6B Proposed First Floor Plan

2703-12 Rev PL3 – Building 6A & 6B Proposed Roof Plan

2703-14 Rev PL2 – Building 6A & 6B Proposed Elevations 1

2703-15 Rev PL2 – Building 6A & 6B Proposed Elevations 2 & Section 2703-16 Rev PL1 – Building 6A & 6B Proposed Sectional Elevations 2703-100 Rev PL5 – Building 6 – Proposed Cycle Locations

2703-101 Rev PL4 – Building 6A &6B – Proposed Bin Recycle Storage 2703-102 Rev PL3 – Building 6 – Proposed Fencing Detail

5052-OTP6-ICS-01-XX-DR-C-0400-S2-P01 - Typical Drainage Construction Details

5052-OTP6-ICS-01-XX-DR-C-0200-S2-P02 – Drainage Design

5052-OTP6-ICS-01-XX-DR-C-0201-S2-P01 – Drainage Catchment Areas

5052-OTP6-ICS-XX-RP-C-07.001 – SuDS Maintenance Guide


Reason – For the avoidance of doubt, to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority and comply with Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


Approved Use Class

3.         The floorspace hereby approved is permitted to be used for uses in classes E(g) (i) and/or (ii) and/or (iii) and B2 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended). Uses in Class B8 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) are also permitted but only where they are ancillary to the function of an individual Class E(g) or B2 operation.


Reason: This permission is only granted in view of the very special circumstances and needs of the applicant, which are sufficient to justify overriding normal planning policy considerations and the building has been designed to meet the employment requirements to comply with Policies Kidlington 1 and ESD 14 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2015 and Government Guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


Travel Plan

4.         Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved, a Travel Plan, prepared in accordance with the Department of Transport’s Best Practice Guidance Note “Using the Planning Process to Secure Travel Plans”, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the approved Travel Plan shall be implemented and operated in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport


EV Charging Points

5.         Prior to first occupation of the building hereby approved all electric vehicle charging points shown on plan 2703-05 Rev PL5 shall be implemented. The charging points shall comply with BS EN 62196 Mode 3 or 4 charging and BS EN 61851. Passive provision for the remaining car parking spaces to allow the installation of further EV charging points shall be ensured as part of the construction process.


Reason: To ensure that the development meets the requirements of Policies ESD4 and ESD5 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2015 and the aims and objectives of the NPPF in mitigating the impact of climate change and the ongoing provision and movement towards electric vehicle provision in new cars by 2030.


Parking areas

6.         The vehicle parking area shown on plans 2703-05 Rev PL5 shall be laid out prior to occupation of the approved development. Thereafter, the areas shall be retained solely for the purpose of parking, turning, and manoeuvring or their purpose.


Reason: To ensure satisfactory functioning of the development and in the interests of highway safety and to promote sustainable travel choices in accordance with Saved Policies C30 and C32 of Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and Policy ESD5 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2015


External Lighting

7.         Other than lighting shown on the approved plans, no external lights/floodlights shall be erected on the land without the prior express consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that the development does not unduly affect operations at London Oxford Airport and in order to safeguard the amenities of the area and to comply with Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy ENV1 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996.


BREEAM Sustainability Standard

8.         The development hereby permitted shall be constructed to meet at least BREEAM 'Excellent' standard.


Reason: In order to comply with Policy ESD3: Sustainable Construction of the Cherwell Local Plan 2015 and the submitted information in support of the application.


No outdoor storage

9.         No goods, materials, plant, or machinery shall be stored, repaired, operated or displayed outside the buildings hereby approved unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to safeguard the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policy ESD15 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1 and Saved Policy C28 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996.


Noise Emissions

10.      The cumulative plant noise emissions from fixed plant and equipment on the site shall not exceed the levels set out in table 7.1 of the Noise Assessment Report produced by Peter Brett and dated December 2014 and approved under outline planning permission Ref: 14/02067/OUT. These being measured at 1m from a residential window shall not exceed: 45dBA (between 07:00 and 23:00 hours) 35dBA (between 23:00 and 07:00hours) 35dBA (for equipment operating over a 24hr period)


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory noise environment to comply with Policy ENV1 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996


Construction Environmental Management Plan

11.      The Development hereby permitted shall be constructed in accordance with the submitted Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and the associated Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP).


Reason: To ensure satisfactory development and management of the construction process.


Bin and Cycle Storage

12.      Prior to the first occupation all cycle and refuse stores 2703-05 Rev PL5, 2703-100 Rev PL5 and 2703-101 Rev PL4 shall be in place and available for use.


Reason: To encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport and to ensure satisfactory


Total Floorspace

13.      The total floorspace of the approved development shall be 4,396sqm, which including 2,804 sq. m at ground floor and 1,592 sq. m at mezzanine floor.


Reason: To define the permission and having regard to the transport infrastructure installed being created as part of the development to cater for a maximum of total floorspace as part of the previous outline permission.


SuDS Implementation

14.      Prior to first occupation, a record of the installed SuDS and site wide drainage scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for deposit with the Lead Local Flood Authority Asset Register. The details shall include: (a) As built plans in both .pdf and .shp file format; (b) Photographs to document each key stage of the drainage system when installed on site; (c) Photographs to document the completed installation of the drainage structures on site; (d) The name and contact details of any appointed management company information.


Reason: In the interests of satisfactory drainage and functioning of the site and to ensure that the sustainable drainage systems hereby approved are appropriately implemented


15.      Prior to first occupation of the development hereby approved, details of the timetable for implementation of the cycleway to Langford Lane, approved under planning permission 14/02067/OUT, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by Local Planning Authority. The cycleway shall be implemented in accordance with the agreed timescale.


Reason: To encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport and to ensure appropriate infrastructure is delivered in accordance with Policy INF1 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011 - 2031 Part 1 and Policy TR1 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Supporting documents: