Agenda item

Policy Updates

Report of Chief Executive


Purpose of report


In line with the Terms of Reference of the Personnel Committee, all policy changes should be reviewed and authorised by the committee prior to implementation.




The meeting is recommended:


1.1       To review the following policies and approve for implementation:


·         Family Friendly Policies as follows:


·         Maternity

·         Paternity

·         Adoption Leave

·         Shared Parental Leave

·         Parental Leave

·         Time Off for Dependents


·         Pension and Retirement Policy Statement



The Chief Executive submitted a report which sought review and authorisation of HR policies, in line with the Terms of Reference of the Personnel Committee which set out that all new policies and changes to policies affecting staff must be reviewed and approved by the Committee prior to implementation.


In introducing the report to Assistant Director Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that CDC staff policies had not been reviewed for some time but were now on a rolling programme to ensure regular review. The policies for review had been prioritised based on changes in legislation and / or work practices.




(1)      That, having given due consideration, the following policies be approved and implemented:

·         Family Friendly Policies:

o   Maternity

o   Paternity

o   Adoption Leave

o   Shared Parental Leave

o   Parental Leave

o   Time Off for Dependents

·         Pension and Retirement Policy Statement

Supporting documents: