Agenda item

2021/22 Capital Programme

Report of Director of Finance


Purpose of report


For the Committee to consider the 2021/22 Capital Programme and discuss further the schemes identified by the Committee Chair larger schemes and/or those with little spend so far in the financial year.




The meeting is recommended:


1.       To note the 2021/22 Capital Programme





(1)      That, having given due consideration, the 2021/2022 Capital Programme be noted.


The Director of Finance submitted a report for the Committee to consider the 2021/2022 Capital Programme and discuss further the larger schemes and those with little spend so far in the financial year identified by the Committee Chairman.


In introducing the report, the Assistant Director of Finance explained that a total of 28 such schemes had been identified with a budget of £18.0m.  As at 30 November 2021 there was total spend of £1.8m whilst the forecast for the year was £15.5m.  Of the remaining £2.5m, £2.0m is forecast to be reprofiled into future years and £0.5m is expected to be an underspend against the total cost of the schemes.


The Assistant Director of Finance gave an overview of the schemes and was supported by the relevant lead officer to answer Members’ questions on particular schemes.


Admiral Holland – Redevelopment Project - The Assistant Director for Planning and Economy explained that whilst construction was formally completed in September 2020, it was necessary to budget for retention which would be paid in September 2022 and had been reprofiled beyond the 2021/2011 financial year.


Garden Town – (Banbury Road roundabout, Bicester) – In response to Member’s comments highlighting that Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) did not own all the land for the Banbury Road roundabout project and querying the impact if the owners would not sell the land, the Assistant Director for Planning and Economy explained that this was an OCC project and CDC had not been informed of any issues.  Homes England had informed CDC that the funds would be transferred by the middle of February 2022.  These funds would then be transferred to OCC and would be considered spent by CDC in this financial year.


Bicester Library – In response to the Committee’s comments regarding the delays with the Bicester Library project and request for an update on progress, the Assistant Director for Planning and Economy explained that Bicester Library had been a very challenging project and issues still remained.  There had been difficulties with archaeology on the site, although planning permission had now been granted for three affordable houses on the site.  There were also ongoing problems with anti-social behaviour for which a solution needed to be found.


Build Team – Essential Repairs -  In response to Members’ queries regarding why reserves had been marked for essential repairs and they had not been carried out the Assistant Director for Planning and Economy explained that repairs were required due to the Structural Integrity of the roof and CDC were currently in legal discussions with the owner of Town Centre House and the repairs could not be carried out until resolved.


Orchard Lodge, Phase 1, Newton Close, Phase I and Bullmarsh Close, Phase II – The Committee noted the updates.


On Street Recycling Bins – In response to Members’ comments regarding non-delivery of the on street recycling bins, the Director for Environment and Place undertook to circulate a response to Committee Members outside of the Committee.


Vehicle Replacement Programme – The Committee sought assurance that with the non-replacement of vehicles, services would not be compromised and requested an update as to when vehicles could be replaced.


The Director of Environment and Place advised the Committee that there was a well-known issue with a shortage of chips and this had extended the procurement process. The new green waste collection vehicles would be available within the next couple of weeks and would not cause a delay to the roll out of this service. With regard to the wider fleet, vehicles would be kept in good order until electric vehicles became more affordable.


Thorpe Lane Depot Capacity Enhancement  -The Committee noted that the majority of the reserves had been reprofiled.  In response to Members’ request for the current position, the Director of Environment and Place explained that technical solutions were being sought and a consultation report was expected within the next two months.  The Assistant Director of Environmental Services would update the Committee when technical solutions had been found.


Burnehyll – Bicester Country Park -  In response to Members comments that  very little work had been carried out on this project and queries , the Committee was concerned that the reserves would not be spent and there had been no decision to reprofile. The Director of Environment and Place explained to the Committee that there had been problems with staffing and the recruitment process was ongoing.  Once the post was filled the project would progress.  Noting the comments of Committee regarding the decision not to reprofile the scheme, the Director of Environment and Place advised he would ask the Assistant Director Environmental Services to update the Committee on the decision of re-profiling.


Chargeable Garden and Food Waste – In response to the Committee’s request for an update on the progress of the new waste collection systems which would come into force in March, The Director of Environment and Place updated the Committee on the progress of the project. The uptake of second bins had been better than expected and the project was expected to complete on time.


Disabled Facilities Grant – In response to Members’ comments about the potential implications on  disabled facilities grants  by the end of the formal partnership working arrangements with Oxfordshire County Council, the Interim Assistant Director Housing and Social Care Commissioning explained that there was an expectation to deliver £1.7m of disabled facilities grants and the team was on track to complete 200 adaptations this year.  CDC would continue to operate a home improvement agency with OCC after the end of formal partnership.


In response to some members of the Committee querying if  the Disabled Facilities Grant procedure was out of date and required review and updating,  the Interim Assistant Director Housing and Social Care Commissioning confirmed that the Disabled Adaptations Policy had been updated in March 2021.


North Oxfordshire Academy Astroturf – In response to Members’ comments regarding the length of time this project had been running and that it was still not complete,  the Assistant Director for Wellbeing explained that funds for the project were from Section 106 agreements, the United Learning Trust and CDC.  All monies would have to be in place before procurement could take place.  It  was very complex but was expected to be delivered in 2022.


Bicester Leisure Centre Extension – In response to Members’ comments regarding no reserves having been spent, The Assistant Director for Wellbeing explained that a feasibility study was being completed to assess the possibility of an indoor learner pool being built in the area of the closed bowling alley.  This would not increase the footprint of the Leisure Centre.


In response to questions from the Committee regarding the financial impact of the end of formal partnership working arrangements  with OCC, the Corporate Director Commercial Development, Assets and Investment explained that the financial implications were currently unknown and any  costs relevant to the work of the Committee would be submitted to the Budget Planning Committee at the appropriate time.




(1)      That, having given due consideration, the 2021/2022 Capital Programme be noted.

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