Democratic and Elections Officers will go through the list of subjects raised at previous meetings and at the informal session held on 30 June 2021 (appendix 1), and provide updates.
Committee are asked to consider the establishment of a small working group to look at the relationship between Cherwell District Council and the parishes.
To receive an update on items previously considered by the Committee (appendix 2).
The Committee to consider the indicative work programme for 2021-2022 (appendix 3).
(1) That the verbal updates regarding suggested topics for scrutiny be noted
(2) That further information be sought and circulated to all Members regarding the Mental Health programme being delivered by CDC Youth Activators and an update and presentation be scheduled for a future Committee meeting
(3) That the homelessness in the LGBT Community subject be removed from the topic sheet
(4) That a working group be established to consider the subject of the relationship between Cherwell District Council and the parishes
(5) That a working group be established to look at the subject of Member Training and Education
(6) That the update on items previously submitted to Overview and Scrutiny be noted
(7) That subject to the inclusion of scoping documents from the working groups being considered at the 19 October meeting, the indicative work programme for 2021-2022 be noted
The Committee considered its work programme for 2021-22, and received an update from officers on potential topics for review that had been raised at the informal work programme planning session held on 30 June.
With regard to the subject of teenage mental health raised by Councillor Perran Moon, the Wellbeing Team had provided information regarding the Oxfordshire mental health prevention concordat, and the Mental Health Prevention Framework which was in place for the period 2020 to 2023.
In addition to the concordat and framework, the Wellbeing Team had advised that the Youth Activators, in partnership with Oxfordshire Mind and Resilient Young Minds, had been delivering a mental health programme in schools. Work so far had been in primary schools but would be expanded to older age groups shortly.
In response to the information provided, Councillor Moon advised that he would still like more information to be provided, particularly in relation to the work of the Youth Activators and the mental health programme. His particular concern was the 13-19 age group due to the increased case load that had been reported nationally.
With regard to the subject of homelessness within the LGBT community raised by Councillor Sandy Dallimore, officers had gone back to the Housing Options and Allocations Manager and asked if it would be possible to record additional information when processing homelessness applications. The Housing Options and Allocations Manager had advised that it was not possible, as the questions asked related to information that had to be recorded annually for statistical returns to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.
In response to the further information provided, Councillor Dallimore agreed that the subject should be removed from the topic list for the moment as no further work could be undertaken at this stage.
With regard to the subject of the relationship between the District Council and the parishes, Councillor Dallimore advised that he had now spoken to the Healthy Communities Manager and gathered some more information on what was proving to be a complex subject. Councillor Dallimore therefore requested agreement of the Committee to set-up a working group of approximately five or six members, to investigate how the district council and parish councils interact and what might be possible in terms of improving the relationship, the flow of information and communication.
The Committee agreed that this was a good subject to investigate, and agreed that a working group should be established. Democratic and Elections Officers advised they would work with Councillor Dallimore and the working group to draft a scoping document for the review, which would be brought back to the October meeting of the Committee for consideration and approval.
Regarding potential new subjects for discussion, Councillor Dallimore proposed that a separate working group be established to look at the subject of member training and education.
Councillor Dallimore proposed that the working group should include the five new Members elected in May 2021, with one or two longer serving Members. The working group would gather views and feedback on the induction process and the ongoing process of member training, to identify any areas for development or improvement in the future.
The Committee supported the suggested topic and agreed to establish a working group. Democratic and Elections Officers advised they would work with Councillor Dallimore and the working group to draft a scoping document for the review, which would be brought back to the October meeting of the Committee for consideration and approval.
(1) That the verbal updates regarding suggested topics for scrutiny be noted.
(2) That further information be sought and circulated to all Members regarding the Mental Health programme being delivered by CDC Youth Activators and an update and presentation be scheduled for a future Committee meeting.
(3) That the homelessness in the LGBT Community subject be removed from the topic sheet.
(4) That a working group be established to consider the subject of the relationship between Cherwell District Council and the Cherwell parishes.
(5) That a working group be established to look at the subject of Member Training and Education.
(6) That the update on items previously submitted to Overview and Scrutiny be noted.
(7) That subject to the inclusion of scoping documents from the working groups being considered at the 19 October meeting, the indicative work programme for 2021-2022 be noted.
Supporting documents: