To debate the following motions which have been submitted with advance notice, in accordance with the Constitution (to be debated in the order submitted).
Topic |
Proposer |
Seconder |
Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill |
Councillor Ian Middleton |
Hunting |
Councillor Ian Middleton |
Improving Coronavirus testing and tracing |
Councillor Katherine Tyson |
Councillor Ian Middleton |
Please note that the deadline to submit motions has passed. The deadline for Members to submit amendments to motions is noon on Thursday 10 December 2020. No amendments will be permitted after this deadline.
Any amendments submitted will be published as a supplement to the agenda on the afternoon of Friday 11 December 2020. Amendments for motions will be dealt with in the order submitted.
On being put to the vote, each of the three motions were lost and subsequently fell
The Chairman advised that three motions had been submitted. No amendments to any of the motions had been submitted and, in line with the Constitution, no amendments to the motion were now permitted.
Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill
The Chairman invited those people who had registered to speak on the motion to address Council prior to Council’s consideration of the motion. Council heard from the following public speakers:
Jane Rogers, local resident
Berenice Westwood, local resident
Michael Taylor, local resident
It was proposed by Councillor Middleton and seconded by Councillor Broad that the following motion be adopted.
“In 2019 this council and many others recognised the importance of tackling impending global ecological disaster by unanimously passing a climate emergency motion.
As a next step, Green MP Caroline Lucas recently introduced the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (CEE) to Parliament, which seeks to ensure that the UK plays its fair and proper role in limiting global temperatures to 1.5°C. Full details can be found at
The Bill was prepared by the CEE Bill Alliance, a team of scientists, academics, lawyers and campaigners guided by current science and has received cross party support from over 80 MPs.
It calls for urgent, far-reaching actions from the Government that take into account our entire global carbon footprint, including all emissions involved in the production and transport of goods from overseas that are consumed in the UK.
The Bill seeks to ensure that we take action now, rather that depending on new, untested future technologies, with a focus on the natural world as much as on the climate, protecting and conserving wildlife habitats in the UK and across the world.
A central mechanism for achieving these aims would be Citizen's Assemblies that would have a real influence on government strategy.
This council wishes to show support for the CEE Bill by :
· Taking into account the goals of The Bill when setting its own strategies, policies and targets.
· Encouraging individual councillors to join the CEE campaign
· Calling on all Oxfordshire MPs to sign the CEE Bill Early Day Motion (no 832)”
No amendments to the motion having been proposed, the motion was debated as submitted. In the course of the debate it was proposed by Councillor Broad and seconded by Councillor Middleton that a recorded vote be taken. Having been proposed and seconded, a recorded vote was duly taken, and Members voted as follows:
Councillor Hannah Banfield |
Abstain |
Councillor Andrew Beere |
Abstain |
Councillor Nathan Bignell |
Against |
Councillor Maurice Billington |
Against |
Councillor Mike Bishop |
Against |
Councillor John Broad |
For |
Councillor Hugo Brown |
Against |
Councillor Phil Chapman |
Against |
Councillor Mark Cherry |
Abstain |
Councillor Colin Clarke |
Against |
Councillor Conrad Copeland |
For |
Councillor Ian Corkin |
Against |
Councillor Surinder Dhesi |
Abstain |
Councillor John Donaldson |
Against |
Councillor Sean Gaul |
Against |
Councillor Carmen Griffiths |
Against |
Councillor Timothy Hallchurch |
Against |
Councillor Chris Heath |
Against |
Councillor Simon Holland |
Against |
Councillor David Hughes |
Against |
Councillor Shaida Hussain |
Abstain |
Councillor Tony Ilott |
Against |
Councillor Mike Kerford-Byrnes |
Against |
Councillor James Macnamara |
Against |
Councillor Kieron Mallon |
Against |
Councillor Nick Mawer |
Against |
Councillor Tony Mepham |
Against |
Councillor Ian Middleton |
For |
Councillor Perran Moon |
Abstain |
Councillor Richard Mould |
Against |
Councillor Cassi Perry |
Abstain |
Councillor Lynn Pratt |
Against |
Councillor George Reynolds |
Against |
Councillor Barry Richards |
Abstain |
Councillor Dan Sames |
Against |
Councillor Les Sibley |
Against |
Councillor Jason Slaymaker |
Against |
Councillor Katherine Tyson |
For |
Councillor Tom Wallis |
Against |
Councillor Douglas Webb |
Against |
Councillor Fraser Webster |
Abstain |
Councillor Lucinda Wing |
Against |
Councillor Barry Wood |
Against |
Councillor Sean Woodcock |
Abstain |
The vote was lost and the motion therefore fell.
Improving Coronavirus testing and tracing
It was proposed by Councillor Tyson and seconded by Councillor Middleton that the following motion be adopted.
“Cherwell District Council would like to stand in solidarity with Oxford City Council in expressing our concern that, so far into the COVID pandemic, the country still does not have an adequate testing and tracing system. A fully functioning system decreases the risk of Oxfordshire residents to coronavirus.
Test and trace is proven in countries with a properly functioning locally-based system to be a successful strategy to manage and contain COVID-19 outbreaks.
This Council agrees that to rectify the situation substantial control should be passed to local authorities, with the necessary funding to do the job properly, with national input providing any support necessary to ensure effective co-ordination.
A local scheme will:
· Improve traceability
· Enable increased and targeted testing, including asymptomatic testing
· Be better integrated into existing Council COVID support services
· Be a more cost-effective solution
· Achieve greater community engagement
· Allow for the engagement of local volunteers
Pressure is building on the Government both to use local authorities more and to cease contracting out 'NHS Test and Trace' to private companies. Local authorities in Oxfordshire are working better than the national average in tackling COVID19 and should be supported.
This Council agrees to add its voice to those challenging the current, failed national system by asking the Leader to:
· Call on our Director of Public Health and the Leader of the County Council to support more local authority engagement in testing and tracing.
· Write to our MPs asking them for their support.”
No amendments to the motion having been proposed, the motion was debated as submitted. In the course of the debate it was proposed by Councillor Tyson and seconded by Councillor Richards that a recorded vote be taken. Having been proposed and seconded, a recorded vote was duly taken, and Members voted as follows:
Councillor Hannah Banfield |
For |
Councillor Andrew Beere |
For |
Councillor Nathan Bignell |
Against |
Councillor Maurice Billington |
Against |
Councillor Mike Bishop |
Against |
Councillor John Broad |
For |
Councillor Hugo Brown |
Against |
Councillor Phil Chapman |
Against |
Councillor Mark Cherry |
For |
Councillor Colin Clarke |
Against |
Councillor Conrad Copeland |
For |
Councillor Ian Corkin |
Against |
Councillor Surinder Dhesi |
For |
Councillor John Donaldson |
Against |
Councillor Sean Gaul |
Against |
Councillor Carmen Griffiths |
Against |
Councillor Timothy Hallchurch |
Against |
Councillor Chris Heath |
Against |
Councillor Simon Holland |
Against |
Councillor David Hughes |
Against |
Councillor Shaida Hussain |
For |
Councillor Tony Ilott |
Against |
Councillor Mike Kerford-Byrnes |
Against |
Councillor James Macnamara |
Against |
Councillor Kieron Mallon |
Against |
Councillor Nick Mawer |
Against |
Councillor Tony Mepham |
Against |
Councillor Ian Middleton |
For |
Councillor Perran Moon |
For |
Councillor Richard Mould |
Against |
Councillor Cassi Perry |
For |
Councillor Lynn Pratt |
Against |
Councillor George Reynolds |
Against |
Councillor Barry Richards |
For |
Councillor Dan Sames |
Against |
Councillor Les Sibley |
For |
Councillor Jason Slaymaker |
Against |
Councillor Katherine Tyson |
For |
Councillor Tom Wallis |
Against |
Councillor Douglas Webb |
Against |
Councillor Fraser Webster |
For |
Councillor Lucinda Wing |
Against |
Councillor Barry Wood |
Against |
Councillor Sean Woodcock |
For |
The vote was lost and the motion therefore fell.
The Chairman invited Linda Newberry, local resident, who had registered to speak on the motion to address Council.
“The 2005 Hunting Act banned hunting wild mammals with dogs except in specific circumstances. Hunts subsequently switched to trail hunting, where artificial scent trails are laid for the hounds to follow.
The League Against Cruel Sports recently released a secretly recorded meeting between key members of the hunting community in which they allegedly describe trail hunting as a "smokescreen" for hunts that wish to follow live prey. This is being investigated by the police and potentially makes any organisation that facilitates hunting on its land complicit in an illegal activity.
As a result national bodies including The National Trust, Forestry England, The Lake District National Park, Natural Resources Wales and United Utilities have suspended hunting on their land. Similar responses are likely from other organisations including the MOD and the Church of England.
Council notes that hunts in and around Cherwell have crossed public land and highways in the district, and as a result of these new restrictions these incidents may increase. As a responsible authority, we must also take steps to ensure we are not seen to be supporting potentially illegal activities.
Council calls on the leader to write to hunt masters in and around the district and Thames Valley Police, making it clear that, while investigations into trail hunting are ongoing, hunts will not be permitted to cross public or council controlled land or cause a nuisance on public highways within Cherwell, and that we will expect any such encroachments to be prosecuted to the fullest extent.”
No amendments to the motion having been proposed, the motion was debated as submitted and on being put to the vote was lost and therefore fell.
Supporting documents: