Agenda item

Partial Review of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 - Oxford's Unmet Housing Needs: Submission of Main Modifications

** Please note that the appendices for this report are published as a supplement to the main agenda pack. The appendices for this report and the equivalent report for Special Executive are exactly the same and published in full on each agenda page **


Report of Assistant Director – Planning and Development


Purpose of report


To seek approval for the submission of Main Modifications to the Partial Review of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for the continuance of the independent examination.




The meeting is recommended:


 1.1          To note the responses to the consultation on the Main Modifications summarised in the Statement of Consultation at Appendix 1.


1.2           To note the supporting documents relevant to the preparation of the Main Modifications at Appendices 1 - 17 and available on line at


1.3           To approve the Schedule of Main Modifications presented at Appendix 2.


1.4           To approve the Minor Modifications at Appendix 3 and authorise the Assistant Director – Planning and Development to make any further changes he considers appropriate to minor or presentational issues.


1.5           To approve the submission of the Modifications to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for the continuance of the independent examination with all necessary prescribed and supporting documents.



(Copies of representations can be found at the following link: Local Plan Proposed Main Modification Consultation)





(1)          That, having given due consideration, the responses to the consultation on the Main Modifications summarised in the Statement of Consultation (Annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be noted.


(2)          That, having given due consideration, the supporting documents relevant to the preparation of the Main Modifications, Appendices 1 - 17 of the report (Annexes to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) and those documents listed below be noted:

·         PR104 Cherwell Green Belt Study Second Addendum (September 2019)

·         PR105 Cherwell Water Cycle Study Addendum (September 2019)

·         PR106 Ecological Advice Cumulative Impacts Addendum (September 2019)

·         PR107 Habitat Regulations Assessment Stage 1 and Stage 2 Addendum (September 2019)

·         PR108 Landscape Analysis for PR09 (September 2019)

·         PR109 Transport Assessment Addendum (September 2019)

·         PR110 Site Capacity Sense Check (September 2019)

·         PR111 Local Plan Viability Assessment Addendum (September 2019)

·         PR112 Site Policy PR7b Stratfield Farm Highways Update (September 2019)

·         PR113a Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Non-technical Summary (September 2019)

·         PR113b Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (September 2019)

·         PR114 Statement of Consultation Amendment (November 2019)

·         PR115 Duty to Cooperate Addendum (September 2019)

·         PR116 Developer Submission PR6a

·         PR117 Developer Submission PR6b

·         PR118 Developer Submission PR6c

·         PR119 Developer Submission PR7a

·         PR120 Developer Submission PR7b

·         PR121a Developer Submission PR8 – Newcore Capital Management

·         PR121b Developer Submission PR8 – Smith and Smith

·         PR121c Developer Submission PR8 – The Tripartite

·         PR122 Developer Submission PR9

·         PR123 Developer Submission PR10

·         PR124 Additional Information on the Significance of Trees

·         PR125 Equality Impact Assessment (September 2019)


(3)          That, having given due consideration, the Schedule of Main Modifications (Annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be approved.


(4)          That, having given due consideration, the Minor Modifications (Annex to the minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be approved and the Assistant Director – Planning and Development be authorised to make any further changes he considers appropriate to minor or presentational issues.


(5)          That, having given due consideration, the submission of the Modifications to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for the continuance of the independent examination with all necessary prescribed and supporting documents be approved.


The Assistant Director – Planning and Development submitted a report to seek approval for the submission of Main Modifications to the Partial Review of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for the continuance of the independent examination.


The Chairman invited local resident, Margaret Eynon, who had registered to speak on the item, to address Council.


In introducing the report, the Lead Member for Planning, Councillor Clarke, commended the Assistant Director Planning and Development and the Planning Policy team for their hard work on the main modifications to the Partial Review of the Local Plan.


Immediately after the recommendations had been proposed by Councillor Clarke and seconded by Councillor Wood, Councillor Copeland proposed a procedural motion, namely that consideration of the item be immediately adjourned. The procedural motion was duly seconded by Councillor Tyson. On being put to the vote the procedural motion was lost and subsequently fell.


In the course of the debate it was proposed by Councillor Middleton and seconded by Councillor Tyson that a recorded vote be taken on the report.


Having been proposed and seconded, a recorded vote was duly taken, and Members voted as follows:


Councillor Hannah Banfield


Councillor Andrew Beere


Councillor Nathan Bignell


Councillor Maurice Billington


Councillor John Broad


Councillor Hugo Brown


Councillor Phil Chapman


Councillor Mark Cherry


Councillor Colin Clarke


Councillor Conrad Copeland


Councillor Ian Corkin


Councillor Nick Cotter


Councillor Surinder Dhesi


Councillor Chris Heath


Councillor Simon Holland


Councillor David Hughes


Councillor Tony Ilott


Councillor Mike Kerford-Byrnes


Councillor James Macnamara


Councillor Kieron Mallon


Councillor Nick Mawer


Councillor Andrew McHugh


Councillor Tony Mepham


Councillor Ian Middleton


Councillor Perran Moon


Councillor Cassi Perry


Councillor Lynn Pratt


Councillor George Reynolds


Councillor Barry Richards


Councillor Dan Sames


Councillor Katherine Tyson


Councillor Tom Wallis


Councillor Douglas Webb


Councillor Bryn Williams


Councillor Lucinda Wing


Councillor Barry Wood


Councillor Sean Woodcock





(1)           That, having given due consideration, the responses to the consultation on the Main Modifications summarised in the Statement of Consultation (Annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be noted.


(2)           That, having given due consideration, the supporting documents relevant to the preparation of the Main Modifications, Appendices 1 - 17 of the report (Annexes to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) and those documents listed below be noted:

·       PR104 Cherwell Green Belt Study Second Addendum (September 2019)

·       PR105 Cherwell Water Cycle Study Addendum (September 2019)

·       PR106 Ecological Advice Cumulative Impacts Addendum (September 2019)

·       PR107 Habitat Regulations Assessment Stage 1 and Stage 2 Addendum (September 2019)

·       PR108 Landscape Analysis for PR09 (September 2019)

·       PR109 Transport Assessment Addendum (September 2019)

·       PR110 Site Capacity Sense Check (September 2019)

·       PR111 Local Plan Viability Assessment Addendum (September 2019)

·       PR112 Site Policy PR7b Stratfield Farm Highways Update (September 2019)

·       PR113a Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Non-technical Summary (September 2019)

·       PR113b Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (September 2019)

·       PR114 Statement of Consultation Amendment (November 2019)

·       PR115 Duty to Cooperate Addendum (September 2019)

·       PR116 Developer Submission PR6a

·       PR117 Developer Submission PR6b

·       PR118 Developer Submission PR6c

·       PR119 Developer Submission PR7a

·       PR120 Developer Submission PR7b

·       PR121a Developer Submission PR8 – Newcore Capital Management

·       PR121b Developer Submission PR8 – Smith and Smith

·       PR121c Developer Submission PR8 – The Tripartite

·       PR122 Developer Submission PR9

·       PR123 Developer Submission PR10

·       PR124 Additional Information on the Significance of Trees

·       PR125 Equality Impact Assessment (September 2019)


(3)           That, having given due consideration, the Schedule of Main Modifications (Annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be approved.


(4)           That, having given due consideration, the Minor Modifications (Annex to the minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be approved and the Assistant Director – Planning and Development be authorised to make any further changes he considers appropriate to minor or presentational issues.


(5)           That, having given due consideration, the submission of the Modifications to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for the continuance of the independent examination with all necessary prescribed and supporting documents be approved.

Supporting documents: