To debate the following motion which has been submitted with advance notice, in accordance with the constitution.
Proposer |
Topic |
Councillor Sean Woodcock |
Oxford to Cambridge Expressway |
(For information: The Constitution sets out that no Motion to rescind or vary an agreed Motion can be considered within a 6 month period unless signatures or email from a recognised source from 8 councillors is received. The Director Law and Governance / Monitoring Officer has received 8 signatures and therefore confirms that the motion is valid.)
For information: on being put to the vote, the motion was lost and subsequently fell
a) Oxcam Expressway
The Chairman advised that one motion had been submitted. The Chairman invited those people who had registered to address Council on the motion to speak prior to Council’s consideration of the motion. Council heard from the following public speakers:
Professor David Rogers, local resident
Linda Newberry, local resident
It was moved by Councillor Woodcock and seconded by Councillor Dhesi that the following motion be adopted:
"Council notes the continued uncertainty faced by communities in Cherwell the proposed corridor for the Oxford to Cambridge Expressway.
This Council regrets this opaque process - with the decision made
by Highways England – with little input from local
This council remains wholly unclear what the final route will be,
let alone how the Expressway might help reduce the congestion on
local roads including junction 9 of the M40.
This council believes that interface between the proposed
Expressway and the new East-West Rail is also key. We welcome the
commitment to plan for and invest in major infrastructure to
support housing and economic growth in Oxfordshire, but we want to
see the development of integrated transport systems and the
prioritisation of clean, green and public transport.
These principles need to be central in determining the final
detailed route. However, this Council remains concerned at the
environmental damage proposed by this Expressway for obscure
economic gain. In light of the Council's recently declared Climate
Emergency, therefore, this council retains a sceptical Outlook on
the endeavour as a whole.
This council demands at a minimum that any proposals are up for
meaningful public consultation conducted by Highways
In addition, the Leader of council should not endorse any proposals
for an Expressway given this council's concerns over the lack of
clarity and environmental impact without further reference to
Throughout must be emphasised that any proposal which goes ahead
should not contradict the council's commitment to the environment.
There also needs to be integration with public
Council regrets the lack of clarity from government on its
proposals which contributes to considerable uncertainty both about
how the Expressway is intended to deliver benefit, and about the
possible impact on homes, lives, the environment, amenities and
facilities especially in our area.
In particular, Council notes with regret that:
1. It is unclear what the word “Expressway” means in
this context
2. Insufficient work has been done on the potential of enhanced
rail links to deliver better outcomes for passengers, freight, and
sustainable economic growth
3. Actual and proposed consultation is inadequate
4. It is unclear which of a range of possible justifications for
the Expressway, which potentially contradict each other, are being
used, including:
a) A ‘strategic route’ to carry freight traffic from
the west and south to the east.
b) A route to make commuting between Oxford / Milton Keynes /
Bedford / Cambridge easier and quicker.
c) A road that will enable significant housing growth of 1,000,000
extra houses along its length.
d) Relieving traffic.
Council therefore resolves to oppose the Expressway as it is currently proposed, to continue to press national government for more investment in sustainable transport, and to ask the Department for Transport to urgently clarify its proposals around the Expressway."
Councillor Middleton proposed the following amendments to the motion, which were duly seconded by Councillor Tyson.
Paragraph 4: This council believes that interface between the proposed Expressway and the new East-West Rail is also key. We would welcome the commitment to plan for and invest in sustainable infrastructure and we want to see the development of integrated transport systems and the prioritisation of clean, green and public transport.
Paragraph 5: This Council remains concerned at the environmental damage proposed by this Expressway for obscure economic gain. In light of the Council's recently declared Climate Emergency, therefore, this council retains a sceptical outlook on the endeavour as a whole.
Paragraph 8: Throughout it must be emphasised that any proposal which goes ahead should not contradict the council's commitment to the environment.
Having been proposed and seconded, the amendments to the motion were debated. On being put to the vote, the amendments were lost and subsequently fell.
Council debated the motion as submitted. In the course of the debate, Councillor Richards proposed that a recorded vote on the motion be taken. Councillor Woodcock seconded the proposal.
Having been proposed and seconded, a recorded vote was duly taken, and members voted as follows:
Councillor Andrew Beere |
For |
Councillor Nathan Bignell |
Against |
Councillor Maurice Billington |
Against |
Councillor John Broad |
For |
Councillor Hugo Brown |
Against |
Councillor Phil Chapman |
Against |
Councillor Mark Cherry |
For |
Councillor Colin Clarke |
Against |
Councillor Conrad Copeland |
For |
Councillor Ian Corkin |
Against |
Councillor Nick Cotter |
For |
Councillor Surinder Dhesi |
For |
Councillor John Donaldson |
Against |
Councillor Sean Gaul |
Against |
Councillor Carmen Griffiths |
For |
Councillor Timothy Hallchurch MBE |
Against |
Councillor Simon Holland |
Against |
Councillor David Hughes |
Against |
Councillor Shaida Hussain |
For |
Councillor Tony Ilott |
Against |
Councillor Mike Kerford-Byrnes |
Against |
Councillor James Macnamara |
Against |
Councillor Kieron Mallon |
Against |
Councillor Nick Mawer |
Against |
Councillor Andrew McHugh |
Against |
Councillor Ian Middleton |
For |
Councillor Perran Moon |
For |
Councillor Richard Mould |
Against |
Councillor Cassi Perry |
For |
Councillor Lynn Pratt |
Against |
Councillor George Reynolds |
Against |
Councillor Barry Richards |
For |
Councillor Dan Sames |
Against |
Councillor Les Sibley |
Abstain |
Councillor Katherine Tyson |
For |
Councillor Tom Wallis |
Against |
Councillor Douglas Webb |
Against |
Councillor Fraser Webster |
For |
Councillor Bryn Williams |
Against |
Councillor Barry Wood |
Against |
Councillor Sean Woodcock |
For |
The Chairman confirmed that the motion had fallen with 15 members voting in favour, 26 against and 1 abstention.
Supporting documents: