Agenda item

Review of Capital Slippage 2015/16 & Capital Bids 2016/17

Report of Head of Finance and Procurement


Purpose of report


To review the current expenditure and slippage for projects in 2015/16 and the capital bids for 2016/17.




The meeting is recommended:


1.1         To note the contents of the report relating to 2015/16 expenditure and  slippage


1.2      To recommend capital bids for approval by Executive Committee as part of the budget for 2016/17





1)            That the update on 2015/16 capital expenditure and slippage be noted.


2)            That the Executive be recommended to approve the following capital bids as part of the budget for 2016/17.


1.  Bicester Leisure Centre extension

2.  Spiceball Leisure Centre Bridge Re-surfacing

3.  Urban Centre Electricity Installations

4.  Website Redevelopment

6. Banbury Bus Station – Refurbishment

7. Banbury Museum – Refurbishment Programmes

9. Community Buildings – Remedial works

10. Car Parks Resurfacing

11. Ferriston Shopping Parade – Resurface

12. Spiceball Riverbank Reinstatement

13. Thorpe Lane UPS and Back-Up Generator






The Head of Finance and Procurement submitted a report which reviewed the current expenditure and slippage for projects in 2015/16, including additional information on Capital Slippage as requested at the meeting of 3 November 2015. The report also presented the capital bids submitted for 2016/17. 


Members first considered the existing capital items where there had been slippage:


EACC003: Community Centre Refurbishments: In response to Members queries regarding what it was intended to use the unspent money for and if it would now be possible to reallocate the funds, the Head of Finance and Procurement agreed to submit a response to the 1 December meeting.


EACC009: Solar Photovoltaics at Sports Centre: The Director of Community and Environment advised the Committee that further information on the item would be submitted to the 1 December meeting as it would need to be revisited due to the change in tariffs from January 2016.


EACH023: Stratfield Brake Repair Works: In response to members’ questions regarding the repair works undertaken and new management arrangements, the Director of Community and Environment explained that the repair works were detailed in the conditions survey. In terms of the management arrangements, Cherwell District Council had supported Kidlington Parish Council in drafting a tender and the Parish Council was now considering options.


With regards to the Environmental Services capital projects, the Director of Community and Environment confirmed that with the exception of the vehicle replacement programme, the spend for all projects would be completed in the second half of 2015/16. The Committee was advised that vehicles generally had a seven year life span but this could be extended but this would not be known in advance and therefore better value could sometimes be achieved through slippage.



The Head of Joint ICT Business Service gave an overview of the Transformation capital projects relating to IT and explained that the Committee had agreed to remove several projects at their meeting of 9 September 2014 but this had not been updated on the monitoring report. A number of projects had also been reprofiled as they formed part of a five year rolling programme. Regarding the Audio Visual equipment replacement project, this had been completed as a matter of urgency and funds vired under the delegations granted to  the Section 151 Officer.


Some members of the Committee raised concerns that there was no upper limit on the amount of vehement and suggested that this should be reviewed.


The Head of Regeneration and Housing gave an overview of the Regeneration and Housing approved capital projects and the Build programme.


In considering the report, members requested further information on the Bicester Cattle Market – Phase 2 and Bicester Town Centre Development as to how these projects were progressing and if the capital was still required.  The Committee was advised that the Build! Fund was managed through a project board. The establishment of a Local Housing Company had now been agreed and was in the process of being set up. 


The Committee then considered the capital bids submitted for 2016/17. The Head of Finance and Procurement explained that bids 5, Empty Homes had been withdrawn and bid 8, Banbury Museum – Leaking Roof to Bridge had been removed as the money was available in existing budgets. The Committee agreed that each of the remaining bids should be recommended to Executive for approval as part of the 2016/17 budget.  





1)            That the update on 2015/16 capital expenditure and slippage be noted.


2)            That the Executive be recommended to approve the following capital bids as part of the budget for 2016/17.


1.  Bicester Leisure Centre extension

2.  Spiceball Leisure Centre Bridge Re-surfacing

3.  Urban Centre Electricity Installations

4.  Website Redevelopment

6. Banbury Bus Station – Refurbishment

7. Banbury Museum – Refurbishment Programmes

9. Community Buildings – Remedial works

10. Car Parks Resurfacing

11. Ferriston Shopping Parade – Resurface

12. Spiceball Riverbank Reinstatement

13. Thorpe Lane UPS and Back-Up Generator




Supporting documents: