The Executive meets once a month and makes key
decisions within the policy and budgetary framework set by the
The key decisions expected to
be taken by the Executive are published at least 28 days before the
anticipated decision date in the Executive Work Programme. This
also identifies any items likely to be considered in
The Executive meetings are attended by the 9
Portfolio Holders, which includes the Leader of the Council. Read
more information on Cherwell’s
Portfolio Holders
Opposition Group Leaders have a
standing invitation to attend Executive meetings.
A key decision is a
‘significant’ decision that is legally within the power
of the Council to make, is not precluded by statute from being made
under Executive arrangements and is not otherwise retained for
decision by Council or delegated to a Committee of Council or
officer by the Council’s Constitution.
Significance – A decision
is significant if it meets the financial and/or community impact
Financial: A decision that will result in the
Incurring potential revenue expenditure or savings
above £50,000
Incurring potential capital expenditure or savings
above £250,000
Procuring or awarding any contract having a total
value exceeding £500,000
and / or
Community Impact: A decision that is significant in
its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising
two or more Wards in the area of the Council. That is a decision
A significant number of users of the service in the
Ward(s) will be affected and / or
An impact that will last for a number of years, or
be permanent; and / or
A significant impact on communities in terms of
environmental and social well-being.
The following are not regarded
by the Council to constitute key decisions:
Implementing approved budgets or policies and
strategies where there is little or no further choice involved and
the main decision has already been taken by the council in agreeing
the budget and policy framework.
Implementing approved actions and targets in annual
service plans.
Decisions by the Chief Finance Officer which are
part of the ordinary financial administration of the Authority,
notably those relating to investments, within the agreed Treasury
Management Policy.
Implementing projects for which specific conditions
have been attached by external funders, such as the Government or
European Union.
The award of contract for the provision of works,
goods and services, within an agreed policy and budget and where a
decision has been made.
Changes arising from amendments to statute where
there is little or no discretion.
For a decision to be key, there
must be a significant degree of discretion to be exercised by the