Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday 3 October 2024 4.00 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, Oxon OX15 4AA

Contact: Matt Swinford / Martyn Surfleet, Democratic and Elections  Email:, 01295 221534


Note No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting

Additional documents:


8. Former Piggery And Land North Of Woodstock Road Yarnton


Councillor Lesley McLean, Other Registerable Interest, as a member of Kidlington Parish Council which had been consulted on the application.


Councillor Fiona Mawson, Other Registerable Interest, as a member of Yarnton Parish Council which had been consulted on the application.



11. Bicester East Community Centre, Keble Road, Bicester, OX26 4TP


Councillor Les Sibley, Other Registerable Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application.


Councillor Jean Conway, Other Registerable Interest, as a member of the Executive and would leave the meeting for the duration of the item.


Councillor Lesley McLean, Other Registerable Interest, as a member of the Executive and would leave the meeting for the duration of the item.


Councillor Chris Brant, Other Registerable Interest, as a member of the Executive and would leave the meeting for the duration of the item.


Councillor Rob Parkinson, Other Registerable Interest, as a member of the Executive and would leave the meeting for the duration of the item.






Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to address the meeting.


Please note that the deadline for requests to address the meeting is noon on the working day before the meeting. Addresses can be made virtually or in person.

Additional documents:


The Chairman advised that requests to address the meeting would be dealt with at each item.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 513 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 5 September 2024.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive communications from the Chairman.


Additional documents:


The Chairman made the following announcement:


1.    Going forward site visists would be held on the Tuesday of the week of the Planning Committee meeting rather than the day of Planning Committee, however this was subject to change based on officer recommendation.



Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.

Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.


Proposed Pre-Committee Site Visits (if any)

The Committee to consider requests for and proposed pre-committee site visits.


Any requests or recommendations for site visits will be published with the written update.

Additional documents:


There were no proposed pre-committee site visits.



Former Piggery And Land North Of Woodstock Road Yarnton pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


Approved in line with officer recommendation, subject to conditions, completion of a S106 legal agreement, resolution of the objection by Network Rail and resolution of the objection by the Environment Agency. Details to be set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered application 23/03307/OUT, an outline planning application for a residential development of up to 300 dwellings with associated infrastructure and open space (outline) and new access off the A44 at Former Piggery and Land North Of Woodstock Road Yarnton, for Hallam Land Management Limited, G Smith, K Fletche.


Maddi Simpson, applicant, and Nicky Brock of Carter Jonas, Agent, addressed the meeting in support of the application.


In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officer’s report and presentation, the addresses of the public speakers and the written updates.




That, in line with the officer’s recommendation, authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning and Development to grant permission subject to:


  1. Resolving the objection of network rail to the Satisfaction of the Assistant Director Planning and Development
  2. Resolving the objection of the environment agency to the satisfaction of the Assistant Director Planning and Development
  3. The conditions set out below (and any amendments to those conditions as deemed necessary) and
  4. In accordance with the heads of terms (annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book), the Completion of a planning obligation under section 106 of the town and country planning act 1990, as substituted by the planning and compensation act 1991, to secure the following (and any amendments as deemed necessary)

a.    Payment of financial contributions towards on/off site community, sports and recreation including the delivery of on-site sport at the future Secondary School for the wider benefit of the community.

b.    Payment of contributions towards transport and public transport enhancements and feasibility work towards a new station and sustainable transport (e.g. travel plan monitoring)

c.    Payment of contributions and land towards Secondary School, SEND and Primary Schools.

d.    Payments of contributions to Police and Health infrastructure.

e.    Payments of contributions to Canal Towpath enhancement and a connecting bridge to Allocation PR7b

f.     Payment of contributions towards archaeology storage, library enhancement and waste services

g.    Appropriate monitoring fees for the delivery of the s106


It was further resolved that if the section 106 agreement/undertaking was not completed within 12 months of this resolution and the permission was not able to be issued by this date and no extension of time had been agreed between the parties, that authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning and Development to refuse the application for the following reason:


  1. In the absence of a satisfactory unilateral undertaking or any other form of Section 106 legal agreement the Local Planning Authority is not satisfied that the proposed development provides for appropriate infrastructure contributions required as a result of the development and necessary to make the impacts of the development acceptable in planning terms, to the detriment of both existing and proposed residents and contrary to Policies PR2, PR4a, PR4b, PR5, PR8 and PR12 of the Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review, Policies BSC7, BSC10, BSC11, BSC12, SLE4 and INF1 Cherwell Local Plan 2015 and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework




Time Limits


1.    The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67.



OS Parcel 0069 West Of Quarry Close Quarry Close Bloxham pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Additional documents:


Refused in line with officer recommendation, reasons to be set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered application 24/01908/OUT, an outline planning application for the erection of up to 60 dwellings with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point with all matters reserved except for means of access (the application was a re-submission of 23/01265/OUT) at OS Parcel 0069 West Of Quarry Close Quarry Close, Bloxham for Gladman Developments Ltd.


Councillor Rob Pattenden, local Ward Member addressed the meeting in objection to the application.


In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officer’s report and presentation, the address of the Ward Member and the written updates.




That, in line with officers’ recommendation, authority be delegated the Assistant Director for Planning and Development to refuse planning permission on the expiry of the press notice for the reasons set out below (and any amendments to those reason(s) as deemed necessary) and that authority be delegated to officers, in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee, to add or remove refusal reasons, in the event of an appeal being lodged against the refusal, in light of new evidence becoming available. 




  1. The site is located outside the built form of Bloxham and within an area of open countryside. By reason of its location and the proposed scale of development, the proposal would have a poor and incongruous relationship with the existing settlement appearing prominent in the open countryside and filling an important gap to Park Farm. Its development would therefore have an adverse effect on the landscape on the approach to Bloxham to the detriment of the character and appearance of the countryside. It is considered that the development of this site would conflict with the adopted policies in the Local Plan to which substantial weight should be attached and result in unsustainable growth. The proposed development would therefore be contrary to Policies PSD1, BSC1, ESD1, ESD13, ESD15, Villages 1 and Villages 2 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011 - 2031 Part 1, saved Policies C28, C30 and C33 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996, Policies BL2, BL3 and BL11 of the Bloxham Neighbourhood Plan 2015 - 2031 and Government guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework. The proposals due to their distance and poor connection would also not contribute to meeting Oxford’s Unmet Housing Needs and be contrary to Policy PR1, PR4a and PR11 of Cherwell Local Plan 2011 - 2031 Part 1 Partial Review. 


  1. By reason of its location more than 800m walking distance from the village centre and any key amenities in the village (e.g., food shop, post office, primary school, GP surgery, public house), the proposal would be poorly connected to existing development, such that future occupiers would not have a realistic choice of means of travel. Therefore, the proposal conflicts with Policies ESD1, ESD15 and Villages 2 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011- 2031, saved Policies C28 and 30 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996, Policy BL3 of the Bloxham Neighbourhood Plan 2015 - 2031 and Government guidance in the National Planning  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68.



The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


Approved in line with officer recommendation, subject to conditions. Details to be set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered application 24/00613/F for an amended design to 16/01525/F - Erection of a single storey building providing 3 no en-suite letting rooms amended to three bedroom cottage for holiday let at The Pheasant Pluckers Inn Burdrop Oxfordshire OX15 5RQ for Blaze-Inn Saddles.


In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officer’s report and presentation, and the written updates.




That, in line with the officer recommendation, authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning and Development to grant permission, subject to the conditions set out below (and any amendments to those conditions as deemed necessary)




Time Limit


1.         The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


Compliance with Plans


2.         Except where otherwise stipulated by conditions attached to this permission, the development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the form and following approved plans: Block Plan, Proposed elevations and floor plans, Ground Level received 20 June 2024.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt, to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority and comply with Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


3.         No development above slab level shall take place until a sample panel of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces shall have been prepared on site for inspection and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The sample panel shall be at least 1 metre x 1 metre and show the proposed material, bond and pointing technique. The sample panel shall be constructed in a position that is readily accessible for viewing in good natural daylight. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved sample, which shall not be removed from the site until completion of the development and shall be retained as such thereafter.


Reason: To safeguard the character and appearance of the area and the significance of heritage assets in accordance with Policy ESD15 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1, saved Policies C28 and C30 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


4.         A schedule of materials and finishes to be used in the external walls and roof of the building shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior construction above slab level. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained as such thereafter.


Reason: To safeguard the character and appearance of the area and the significance of heritage assets in accordance with Policy ESD15 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1, saved Policies C28 and C30 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and Government guidance contained within  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69.



Bicester East Community Centre, Keble Road, Bicester, OX26 4TP pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


Approved in line with officer recommendation that conditions 7, 9, 10 and 11 of application 22/02491/CDC be discharged.


The Committee considered application 24/01933/DISC for the discharge of Conditions 7 (lighting details), 9 (bin storage), 10 (covered cycle parking facilities) & 11 (boundary enclosures) of 22/02491/CDC at Bicester East Community Centre, Keble Road, Bicester, OX26 4TP for Mr Stuart Parkhurst.


In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officer’s report, and presentation.




That planning conditions 7, 9, 10 and 11 of 22/02491/CDC be discharged based upon the following:


Condition 7

In accordance with External Lighting document prepared by Dextra Group Plc dated 04.04.2023 and Product Specification document (Opus Column) prepared by Dextra Group Plc.


Condition 9

In accordance with drawing numbers 5046/G/20/003 Rev C7 and 5046/G/20/011 Rev P2.


Condition 10

In accordance with drawing numbers 5046/G/20/003 Rev C7 and 5046/G/20/011 Rev P2.


Condition 11

In accordance with drawing number 5046/G/20/003 Rev C7.



Appeals Progress Report pdf icon PDF 898 KB

Report of Assistant Director Planning and Development


Purpose of report


To keep Members informed about planning appeal progress including decisions received and the scheduling of public inquiries and hearings for new and current appeals.




The meeting is recommended:


1.1         To note the position on planning appeals as set out in the report.

Additional documents:




(1) That the position statement be accepted.


The Assistant Director Planning and Development submitted a report which informed Members about planning appeal progress including decisions received and the scheduling of public inquiries and hearings for new and current appeals.




(1)          That the position statement be accepted.