Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA
Contact: Aaron Hetherington, Democratic and Elections Email:, 01295 227956
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairman of the Sub-Committee |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.
Note: Any Member with a disclosable pecuniary interest will not be able to participate in the hearing, and should therefore notify the Assistant Director: Law and Governance in advance so that arrangements may be made for an alternate Member to attend.
Premises Licence Variation Application Hearing PDF 144 KB Report of Assistant Director: Regulatory Services and Community Safety
Purpose of report
To consider an application for a Licensing Act 2003 Premises Licence Variation for J.T. Davies, 25 Cornhill, Market Place, Banbury, OX16 5NG
1.1 There is no recommendation, but in considering the representations received and what is appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives, the steps the Sub-Committee can take are outlined in paragraph 6.2. Additional documents: |