Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Natasha Clark, Democratic and Elections Email:, 01295 221589
No. | Item |
Reconvening of Appeals Panel To reconvene the meeting adjourned at 11.10am on Wednesday 1 July 2020.
Members are reminded that the meeting adjourned in private session and therefore reconvenes in private session Minutes: The Chairman opened the meeting and advised that as the meeting had stood adjourned, the meeting remained in private session with the press and public excluded. |
Appeal Hearing Please note that papers for this meeting will only be circulated to those Members sitting on the Panel for this meeting. Minutes: The Panel considered the additional information that had been submitted.
The Investigating Officer made her concluding remarks and the appellant made their concluding remarks.
The Committee retired to consider the evidence. The appellant, Investigating Officer and the HR Business Partner left the meeting.
(1) That authority be delegated to the Director of Human Resources, following consultation with Panel Members, to write to the appellant to advise of the outcome of the hearing.