Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday 10 February 2022 4.00 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, Oxon OX15 4AA

Contact: Lesley Farrell / Aaron Hetherington, Democratic and Elections  Email:, 01295 221534


Note No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting

Additional documents:


8. OS Parcel 6372 South East of Milestone Farm Broughton Road, Banbury.

Councillor Andrew Beere, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Banbury Town Council which had been consulted on the application.


9. Land North West of Launton Road Roundabout adjoining Skimmingdish Lane, Caversfield.

Councillor Les Sibley, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application.


Councillor Lynn Pratt, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application.


Councillor Sandy Dallimore, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application.


10. Kemsley Farm, Northampton Road, Weston on the Green, OX25 3AA.

Councillor Simon Holland, Declaration, as the applicant was known to him and therefore would abstain from the vote.


11. Former Rodney House Private Drive off Graven Hill Road, Ambrosden.

Councillor Ian Corkin, Non Statutory Interest, as a Non-Executive Director of Graven Village Holding Company and would leave the meeting for the duration of the item..


Councillor Les Sibley, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application.


Councillor Lynn Pratt, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application.


Councillor Richard Mould, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application.


Councillor Sandy Dallimore, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application.


12. Dovecote, Approximately 50 Metres South Of Old Place Yard House, Old Place Yard, Bicester.

Councillor Barry Wood, Declaration, as a member of the executive and would leave the meeting for the duration of the item.


Councillor Colin Clarke, Declaration, as a member of the executive and would leave the meeting for the duration of the item.


Councillor Ian Corkin, Declaration, as a member of the executive and would leave the meeting for the duration of the item.


Councillor Les Sibley, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application.


Councillor Lynn Pratt, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application and a separate

declaration as a member of the executive and would leave the meeting for the duration of the item..


Councillor Richard Mould, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application and a separate

declaration as a member of the executive and would leave the meeting for the duration of the item.


Councillor Sandy Dallimore, Non Statutory Interest, as a member of Bicester Town Council which had been consulted on the application.



Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to address the meeting.


Please note that the deadline for requests to address the meeting is noon on the working day before the meeting.


Currently Council meetings are taking place in person (not virtually) with social distancing measures at the meeting. Members of the public who wish to address the meeting can do so ‘virtually’ and are strongly encouraged to do so to minimise the risk of COVID-19 infection. Any person requesting to address the meeting will be advised of the arrangements for speaking, which are in addition to the usual public speaking rules for Planning Committee.   

Additional documents:


The Chairman advised that requests to address the meeting would be dealt with at each item.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 544 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 13 January 2022.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive communications from the Chairman.


Additional documents:


There were no Chairman’s Announcements


Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.

Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.


Proposed Pre-Committee Site Visits (if any)

The Committee to consider requests for and proposed pre-committee site visits.


Any requests or recommendations for site visits will be published with the written update.

Additional documents:


There were no pre-committee site visits proposed.



OS Parcel 6372 South East of Milestone Farm Broughton Road, Banbury pdf icon PDF 280 KB

Additional documents:


Approved, details of conditions to be set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered application 21/03644/OUT for the erection of up to 49 dwellings, associated open space, sustainable urban drainage systems, and access from Balmoral Avenue at OS Parcel 6372 South East of Milestone Farm Broughton Road, Banbury for Lone Star Land Limited.


Andrew Wilkins, the applicant, addressed the committee in support of the application.


In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officers’ report and presentation, the written updates and  the address of the public speaker.




(1)            That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning and Development to grant permission, subject to:


i.                 No objections and recommended conditions from the county archaeologist following submission by the applicant of the results of the onsite trial trenches;


ii.                The conditions set out below point iii (and any amendments to those conditions as deemed necessary); and       


iii.              The completion of a section 106 agreement to provide contributions to public transport, highway improvements, and community infrastructure as set out below.


S106 Heads of Terms


a)                Provision of 30% affordable housing on site


b)                Payment of a financial contribution towards off site outdoor sports and recreation provision in the locality of £1,992.73 per dwelling, plus £335.32 per resident towards indoor facilities (index linked)


c)                Payment of a financial contribution towards the provision of community hall facilities for the development based on 2.46 persons per dwelling and providing 0.185 sq. m per person plus £200 per dwelling for public art and 5% management and 7% maintenance.


d)                Payment of a financial contribution towards educational infrastructure serving the site for primary, secondary, and secondary land contribution, and special needs education of £15,221 per dwelling (index linked)


e)                Payment for public art £224 per dwelling.


f)                  Payment of a financial contribution of £94 per dwelling, index linked, towards household waste and recycling facilities.

g)                Payment of a financial contribution towards primary health care provision serving the development of £864 per dwelling (index linked)


h)                Payment of the Council’s and OCC’s monitoring costs.


i)                  Enter into Section 278 Agreement for Highway works - £62,772, indexed to Q1 2018 BCIS. A361 Bloxham Road / Queensway / Springfield Avenue junction improvements


j)                  Public transport services £51,499, indexed linked. Strengthening and enhancement of the B5 bus service.


k)                Public Rights of Way improvement £30,000. Indexed to November2021. Improved surfacing and furniture to footpath 120/24.


l)                  Public Rights of Way improvement, £5,000. Indexed to November 2021. Surfacing, furniture, and other measures to nearby public rights of way network





1.               No development shall commence until details of the layout (including the layout of the internal access roads and footpaths), scale, appearance, and landscaping (hereafter referred to as reserved matters) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: This permission is in outline only and is granted to comply with the provisions of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.               Application for approval of the reserved matters shall  ...  view the full minutes text for item 136.



Land North West of Launton Road Roundabout adjoining Skimmingdish Lane, Caversfield pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


Deferred for one month to allow officers to have further discussions with Oxfordshire County Council highways regarding options for pedestrian and cycle connections to the site


The Committee considered application 21/02286/F for the construction of a coffee unit with drive-thru facility and indoor seating with associated access, car parking, landscaping and servicing parking at Land North West of Launton Road Roundabout adjoining Skimmingdish Lane, Caversfield for Created Life Three (Bicester) Ltd.


Paul Troop, Bicester Bike User Group, addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Richard Frudd, the applicant’s agent, addressed the committee in support of the application.


It was proposed by Councillor Reynolds and seconded by Councillor Hughes that  consideration of application 21/02286/F be deferred for one month to allow officers to have further discussions with Oxfordshire County Council highways regarding options for pedestrian and cycle connections to the site.


In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officers’ report, presentation, the written updates, and the addresses of the public speakers.




That consideration of application 21/02286/F be deferred for one month to allow officers to have further discussions with Oxfordshire County Council highways regarding options for pedestrian and cycle connections to the site.



Kemsley Farm, Northampton Road, Weston on the Green, OX25 3AA pdf icon PDF 292 KB

Additional documents:


Approved, details of conditions to be set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered application 21/01580/F for the change of use of land from agriculture to equestrian use, erection of buildings to provide stabling for 36 ponies with associated facilities for the storage of tack, feed and equipment to tend the land, formation of an exercise arena and exercise track and school area. Relocation of existing site access to Akeman Street at Kemsley Farm Northampton Road Weston on the Green OX25 3AA for Oxford Polo Limited.


David Ashby, the applicant, addressed the committee in support of the application.


In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officer’s report and presentation and the address of the public speaker.




(1)            That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning and Development to grant permission for application 21/01580/F subject to:


i)                To the resolution of the objection from the County Archaeology and;

ii)               The conditions set out below (and any amendments to those conditions as deemed necessary):




Time Limit


1.               The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


Reason - To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Compliance with Plans


2.       Except where otherwise stipulated by conditions attached to this permission, the development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following plans and documents: Application form, Glanville Flood Risk Assessment 4 October 2021, Windrush Ecological Impact Assessment (August 2021) and drawing number LP 001 Rev A, SKP 004 Rev H, J1545-01, 8210154 6101 A and Infiltration Basin.


Reason – For the avoidance of doubt, to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority and comply with Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


3.            Prior to the construction of any part of the access tracks, horse arena, schooling area or exercise track, full details of the final surface treatment for that element shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason - In the interests of the visual amenities of the area, and to comply with Policies ESD13 and ESD15 of the Cherwell Local Plan Part 1 (2015) and Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


4.            Prior to the installation of any fences or other means of enclosure full details of the enclosures site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the approved means of enclosure shall be erected, in accordance with the approved details and retained as such.


Reason - In the interests of the visual amenities of the area, and to comply with Policies ESD13 and ESD15 of the Cherwell Local Plan Part 1 (2015) and Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


5.       Notwithstanding the provisions of Class  ...  view the full minutes text for item 138.



Former Rodney House Private Drive off Graven Hill Road, Ambrosden pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


Approved, details of conditions to be set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered application 21/01454/F for the proposed Bicester Health and Wellbeing Hub at Former Rodney House Private Drive off Graven Hill Road Ambrosden for Mr Richard Drew.


In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officer’s report and presentation and written updates.




(1)            That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning and Development to grant permission, subject to:


i.        Conditions set out below point iii (and any amendments to those conditions as deemed necessary); and

ii.        A s106 deed of variation to the extant s106 to address the revised biodiversity mitigation; and

iii.       The completion of a planning obligation under section 106 of the town and country planning act 1990, as substituted by the planning and compensation act 1991, to secure the following (and any amendments as deemed necessary):


New S106 Heads of Terms


A.       £310,262 index linked – Payment of a contribution to improve public transport (bus) provision to the site

B.       £2,336 index linked – OCC Travel Plan Monitoring Fee




Time Limit


1 .      The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


Compliance with Plans


2.       Except where otherwise stipulated by conditions attached to this permission, the development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following plans and documents:


IBI-AR-XX-XX-PL-100-004 Rev 17 – Proposed Site Masterplan

WIE11386-HHA-05-001 Rev A01 – Health Hub & Western Spine Road Vis.

16470-WIE-100-74-XX-ZZ-110 Rev P01 – Biodiversity Net Gain Offset Plan

122447-IBI-XX-WS-PL-A-100-005 Rev 7 – Existing Site Location Plan

IBI-XX-XX-PL-A-200-005 Rev 18 – Proposed Site Plan

16470-WIE-100-74-XX-ZZ-000 Rev A – Colour Masterplan

122447-IBI-XX-XX-PL-A-200-5010 Rev P4 – Ground Floor Plan

122447-IBI-XX-XX-PL-A-200-5011 Rev P4 – First Floor Plan

122447-IBI-XX-XX-PL-A-200-5012 Rev P4 – Second Floor Plan

122447-IBI-XX-XX-PL-A-200-5013 Rev P1 – Roof Plan

122447-IBI-XX-XX-EL-A-200-5020 Rev P1 – North & West Elevations

122447-IBI-XX-XX-EL-A-200-5021 Rev P1 – East & South Elevations

122447-IBI-XX-XX-EL-A-200-5022 Rev P1 – Courtyard Elevations

8757-MCP-V1-XX-DR-E-9000 Rev P01 – External Lighting Strat. & PV Plan

16470-WIE-100-74-XX-ZZ-100 Rev P03 – Illustrative Landscape Plan

Design & Access Statement, March 2021

Planning Statement, April 2021

WSI for Archaeological Investigation, February 2021

Technical Note – Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment, April 2021

Supplemental Tech. Note – Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment, August 2021

Ecological Impact Assessment, March 2021

Building Regs Part L Compliance Report, March 2021

Geotechnical Desk-Study Report – Part 1, February 2021

Geotechnical Desk-Study Report – Part 2, February 2021

Geotechnical Site Investigation Report, June 2021

Arboricultural Impact Assessment, April 2021

Arboricultural Survey Schedule, August 2020

Arboricultural Briefing Note, December 2021

Flood Risk Assessment & S/W Drainage Strategy, March 2021

Travel Plan, March 2021

Transport Assessment – Part 1, April 2021

Transport Assessment – Part 2, April 2021

Transport Assessment – Part 3, April 2021

Supplemental TRICS data for GP Surgeries with Pharmacies

Transport Tech. Note – Primary Health Care Hub proposals, July  ...  view the full minutes text for item 139.



Dovecote, Approximately 50 Metres South Of Old Place Yard House, Old Place Yard, Bicester pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Additional documents:


Approved, details of conditions to be set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered application 21/03976/DISC for the discharge of conditions 6 (roof tile), 10 (rainwater goods sample), 11 (wire brush metalwork), 12 (matching paint colour), 13 (proposed fittings) & 14 (mortar sample) of application 21/02394/LB at Dovecote approximately 50 Metres South Of Old Place Yard House Old Place Yard, Bicester for Cherwell District Council.


In reaching it decision the Committee considered the officer’s report, presentation and written updates.




That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning and Development to discharge conditions 6 (roof tile), 10 (rainwater goods sample), 11 (wire brush metalwork), 12 (matching paint colour), 13 (proposed fittings) & 14 (mortar sample) of 21/02394/lb - only once a suitable tile has been agreed in relation to condition 6.





Appeals Progress Report pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Report of Assistant Director Planning and Development


Purpose of report


To keep Members informed about planning appeal progress including decisions received and the scheduling of public inquiries and hearings for new and current appeals.




The meeting is recommended:


1.1         To note the position on planning appeals contained within the report.


Additional documents:




(1)       That the position on planning appeals contained within the report be noted.


The Assistant Director Planning and Development submitted a report which informed Members about planning appeal progress including decisions received and the scheduling of public inquiries and hearings for new and current appeals.




(1)          That the position statement be accepted.