Agenda, decisions and minutes

Extraordinary Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 12 November 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, Oxon OX15 4AA

Contact: Michael Carr / Martyn Surfleet, Democratic and Elections  Email:, 01295 221534


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. 


Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.


Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no petitions or requests to address the meeting.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive communications from the Chairman.


Additional documents:


There were no Chairman’s announcements.


Proposed Cherwell Local Plan 2042 pdf icon PDF 263 KB

** Due to the size of the documents, to assist with access and downloading, Appendix 1 is attached to the agenda pack, appendices 2 – 5 are published as supplements to the main agenda **


Report of Assistant Director for Planning and Development


Purpose of report


To present the Proposed Cherwell Local Plan 2042 for consideration ahead of its presentation to the Executive on 2 December 2024.



The Overview and Scrutiny Committee resolves:


 1.1        To review the Proposed Cherwell Local Plan 2042 and identify any comments for consideration by the Executive at its meeting on 2 December 2024.


1.2       To note that the Assistant Director for Planning and Development, will retain delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Development Management, to arrange the final presentation of the Plan and make minor amendments to it, including correcting any typographic or formatting errors, up to the start of the consultation.


Additional documents:




(1) That the following comments and recommendations in respect of the draft Local Plan be referred to the Executive for consideration at its meeting on 2 December 2024:


          i.        That the following key supporting documents referenced in the Draft report to the Executive, but not available with the papers submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting, be made available to Overview and Scrutiny Committee members at its next meeting, 26 November 2024. 


a)           Draft Sustainability Appraisal

b)           Draft WIP Habitats Regulation Assessment

c)           Health and Equalities Impact Assessment

d)           Interim Duty to Cooperate Statement

e)           Local Plan Appendix 5 - Strategic Gaps associated with Banbury, Bicester and Heyford Park: Key Characteristics and Recommendations


         ii.        That Executive be requested to reconsider the inclusion of the land To the south of Isis Avenue to Eden Way, Middleton Stoney Road, Bicester be as part of the Local Green Space Designation in Bicester West. 


        iii.        That the presentation slides from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting be circulated to all Members for information.


The Assistant Director for Planning and Development submitted a report which presented the Proposed Cherwell Local Plan 2042 for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee ahead of its presentation to the Executive on 2 December 2024.


The Assistant Director Planning and Development and Planning Policy, Conservation & Design Manager gave a short presentation covering timelines, key changes since 2023 as well as the key themes and policy areas, including Housing Need, Requirement and Supply and stipulations of affordable housing within proposed developments.


The Committee considered and asked questions on the proposed Cherwell Local Plan around key strategic themes: strategic options and considerations, timetable and governance, housing and economic needs assessments, climate change and sustainable development, infrastructure, and consultation and engagement. Answers to all questions were duly provided by officers from the Communities, Planning and Development department and the Executive Portfolio Holder for Planning and Development Management.


At the end of questions, the committee considered its conclusions, observations, and recommendations to the Executive.


In considering the report, the Committee noted that the following key supporting documents were listed in the Appendix to the draft report to the Executive but were not included in the committee papers for consideration at the meeting.


a)    Draft Sustainability Appraisal

b)    Draft WIP Habitats Regulation Assessment

c)    Health and Equalities Impact Assessment

d)    Interim Duty to Cooperate Statement

e)    Local Plan Appendix 5 - Strategic Gaps associated with Banbury, Bicester and Heyford Park: Key Characteristics and Recommendations 


The Committee was advised that these documents were not yet available as they were not finalised in time for the meeting but would be available in time for the agenda publication for the Executive on 2 December 2024.


Members of the Committee commented they considered that these documents, in particular the Sustainability Appraisal, were integral to the plan making process and that it was therefore necessary for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review these documents before making a final assessment and observations on the draft proposed Local Plan to Executive.


It was proposed by Councillor Simpson and seconded by Councillor Creed that the supporting documents be submitted as exempt documents to the scheduled 26 November, which was ahead of Executive consideration of the draft proposed Local Plan on 2 December 2024. This would enable the Committee to review and make any comments to Executive on these documents.



Further to a question on Local Green Space Allocations for Bicester West by Councillor Sibley, it was proposed by Councillor Sibley and seconded by Councillor Broad that it be recommended to the Executive to agree that the land adjacent to Isis Avenue, Hambleside, Eden Way and boarding Middleton Stoney Road be designated a part of the Local Green Space Designation in Bicester West.


On behalf of the Committee, the Chair thanked officers for their in preparations of the report, presentation to the committee and answering questions and it was requested that the presentation slides from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting be circulated to all Members for information.




(1)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.