Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, Oxon OX15 4AA
Contact: Emma Faulkner, Democratic and Elections Email:, 01295 221534
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2023.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 19 September 2023 were agreed as correct records and signed by the Chairman. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive communications from the Chairman.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no Chairman’s announcements. |
Urgent Business The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Sanctuary Housing Officers from Sanctuary Housing will be at the meeting to deliver a presentation that will include:
· An overview of new developments in the District · Damp and Mould response following Awaab Ishak case · Retrofitting and energy efficiency works to reduce bills for tenants and help reduce carbon emissions from social housing properties · Empty property management · Service standards that tenants can expect, such as response times for repairs and anti-social behaviour reports. · Response to Social Housing Regulation Act
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That the presentation from Sanctuay Housing be noted. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed the following officers from Sanctuary Housing: Regional Director, Katie Poole; Head of Neighbourhood Operations, Yvonne Crinean; Head of Development, Sophie Bell; Head of Property Services, Joanne Stringer; Neighbourhood Partnerships Manager, Charlie Heritage; and, Regional Customer Service Manager, Ranjit Sall, who would be giving a presentation regarding the association’s work in the Cherwell area.
The Head of Neighbourhood Operations gave an overview of the range of services offered by Sanctuary Housing within the Cherwell district and a summary of the work currently being undertaken by the association. The Head of Neighbourhood Operations explained the various communication methods available for tenants to contact the association and the metrics that were used to measure performance in communication..
In response to Members’ comments regarding direct communication between elected members on behalf of residents and Sanctuary Housing, the Regional Director explained that a Regional Customer Service Manager role had been established in recognition of the need to improve contact. The Regional Director confirmed that Sanctuary Housing officer roles and contact details would be circulated.
The Head of Development provided the Committee with an update on the approach taken by Sanctuary Housing in relation to new housing schemes, with a particular focus on sites that were currently under development within the Cherwell area.
In response to Members’ questions, the Head of Development explained that more information on the specification of houses would be circulated. Builders and contractors were required to sign up to Sanctuary standards.
The Head of Property Services provided an overview of Sanctuary Housing’s strategy regarding investments to the existing housing stock and explained the approach taken to prioritising improvements to properties. Information was also shared on the management of empty homes and Sanctuary Housing’s approach to dealing with reported damp and mould in its properties.
The Regional Director reported on Sanctuary Housing’s approach to sustainability. A Sustainability Report has been published in the summer and would be circulated to Committee members. The Regional Director advised that currently just over 50% of the Sanctuary social homes within the Cherwell District Council area required some form of retrofit works to ensure that they met the target Sanctuary Housing had set itself to achieve an EPC rating of A-C in all Sanctuary social homes by 2030.
The Neighbourhood Partnerships Manager gave an overview regarding Community Investment in Cherwell. The Committee was advised that Sanctuary’s strategic focus was on building connection and resilience for its customers and communities. This generally involved working alongside organisations including Cherwell District Council and other local charities and partners. The Chairman thanked the representatives from Sanctuary Housing for their attendance.
(1) That the presentation from Sanctuay Housing be noted. |
Performance Monitoring Report Quarter 2 2023-24 PDF 375 KB Report of Assistant Director – Customer Focus
Purpose of report
To give the committee an update on how well the council is performing in delivering its Q2 priorities for 2023/24. Recommendations
Officers recommend the committee:
1.1 Reviews the Council’s Quarter 2 performance for 2023 and agrees any recommendations for Executive consideration.
Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved
(1) That having given due consideration, the Council’s Quarter 2 2023-24 performance be noted and no recommendations be submitted for Executive consideration. Minutes: The Committee considered a report from the Assistant Director, Customer Focus, that detailed the quarter two performance for 2023/2024.
In introducing the report, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services and Assistant Director Customer Focus gave an overview of the processes for setting and changing the key performance indicators during the financial year.
The Committee was advised that all 26 performance indicators had been achieved or were within tolerance and most of the milestones had been met. It was anticipated that the milestones that had not been achieved by quarter two should be met by the end of the financial year.
Members of the Committee had submitted questions in advance of the meeting which duly responded to.
In response to a question on indicator BP1.2.01, an increase in the number of homeless households, the Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing Wellbeing advised that unfortunately this was not just a local issue but part of a wider national trend. The Committee was advised that the aim was to relocate families that were housed in temporary accommodation in to self-contained housing options as soon as possible. The intention was to then move these households in to a permanent home within the prescribed three month target. However, the shortage of affordable housing with the Cherwell area presented a significant challenge to achieving this objective. The Head of Housing outlined the actions being taken to alleviate the lack of supply of affordable housing in relation to demand for such properties. An update on the number of properties becoming available was also provided to the Committee.
The Assistant Director of Finance, responded to the question regarding indicator BP1.2.07, as to whether the targets for housing benefit and council tax event changes should be more challenging, explaining that the goals set by the Council were already much higher than those set nationally by the Department for Work and Pensions. The Committee was also advised that forthcoming changes regarding Universal Credits may potentially impact on the current claim processing timescales and, as such, the existing performance indicators would be sufficiently challenging.
In response to the question regarding six-week mental health activity programmes for 14 to 16 years olds with behavioural difficulties, the Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing, advised that the course was not designed to be a clinical intervention and that the students were able to refer themselves with the aim of improving their mental health. The current measurement of success was comparing the outcome of surveys undertaken at both the beginning and end of the six-week period. The Committee was advised that additional performance measures were being considered.
The Chairman raised a question regarding the process of deciding the performance indicators and associated target measures that the Council had implemented for the current year. The Assistant Director, Customer Focus explained that the Executive agreed the measures at the start of the fiscal year and as had been outlined, there were mechanisms in place for revising the measures if necessary.
In response to a question regarding indicator BP1.2.08, the ... view the full minutes text for item 38. |
12-Month Climate Action Plan 2023 - 2024 PDF 387 KB Report of Climate Action Manager and Corporate Director – Communities
Purpose of report
To set out the background and content of a newly produced 12-month Action Plan for climate change, which is based on our 2020 Climate Change Framework. Recommendations
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To accept the ambitions of this Action Plan.
1.2 To recognise the implementation of this Action Plan will have on-going resource implications for council budgets and that additional requests will be forthcoming, as and when business cases are developed, e.g. for the provision of additional Solar PV to reduce energy bills. Each business case will be assessed and brought forward if affordable.
Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved
(1) That having given due consideration, the Council’s 12-month Climate Action Plan 2023-24 be noted and no recommendations be submitted for Executive consideration.
(2) That having given due consideration, the potential resource implications relating to the implementation of the Council’s 12-month Climate Action Plan be noted and no recommendations be submitted to Executive for consideration. Minutes: The Climate Action Manager and Corporate Director Communities submitted a report which set out the background and content of the newly produced 12-month Action Plan for climate change, which was based on the council’s 2020 Climate Change Framework.
In introducing the report, the Portfolio Holder for Cleaner and Greener Communities commended the Climate Action Manager for his hard work progressing the Action Plan and thanked the Climate Action Working Group for their ongoing valuable contribution. The Portfolio Holder for Cleaner and Greener Communities reminded the Committee that the Action Plan was a baseline and would be an iterative process. It therefore distinguished between actions which were already planned and those which were aspirational.
The Assistant Director for Environmental Services explained that the specialist external consultants BioRegional, had carried out a detailed review, including a gap analysis and an assessment of the actions in terms of those which were most impactful and those over which the council had the most influence.
In response to a question regarding an increase in emissions in 2021/2022 the Assistant Director Environmental Services, explained that figures for 2020/2021 had been lower than usual due to Covid related closures of leisure centres and reduced vehicle usage. The increase coincided with the re-opening of leisure centres and people returning to work. Councillor Middleton referred to a list of questions he had submitted in advance of the meeting and confirmed he was happy to receive responses after the meeting.
The Committee echoed the comments of the Portfolio Holder for Cleaner and Greener Communities and thanked the Climate Action Manager for his work in producing the Action Plan.
(1) That having given due consideration, the Council’s 12-month Climate Action Plan 2023-24 be noted and no recommendations be submitted for Executive consideration.
(2) That having given due consideration, the potential resource implications relating to the implementation of the Council’s 12-month Climate Action Plan be noted and no recommendations be submitted to Executive for consideration. |
Working Group Updates PDF 217 KB An update on work undertaken so far by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Food Insecurity and Climate Action working groups.
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To consider and comment on the work undertaken to date.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That the working group update be noted. Minutes: The Principal Officer – Scrutiny and Democratic Lead gave an update on the work of the Climate Action, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Food Insecurity working groups.
The Committee was advised that following the adoption of the Motion regarding Retrofitting of properties at the meeting of full Council on the 16 November 2023, there may be a requirement for the Committee to review the terms of reference of the Climate Action working group. Officers would have detailed discussions with the Climate Action working group and report back to the next Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting.
(1) That the working group updates be noted. |
Work Programme 2023-24 PDF 374 KB An update on the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme 2023/24.
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To consider and agree the indicative work programme 2023/24
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That the indicative work programme be approved. Minutes: The Committee considered the indicative work programme for 2023/24.
(1) That the indicative work programme be approved.
The meeting ended at 9.15 pm