Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, Oxon OX15 4AA
Contact: Natasha Clark, Democratic and Elections Email:, 01295 221534
No. | Item | ||
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. |
Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting. |
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2024 and the reconvened meeting held on 5 December 2024. Additional documents: |
Chairman's Announcements To receive communications from the Chairman.
Transformation Contract Extension PDF 677 KB Report of Corporate Director Resources and Transformation
Purpose of report
To outline a fourth phase of work to progress the Councils transformation programme and obtain approval to extend the contract with our partner to deliver this next phase.
1.1 Award a short contract extension to PA Consulting for a fourth phase and final phase of work to the value of £ 116,090.
1.2 Approve the transfer of £116,090 from the reserves earmarked for transformation, to fund this additional phase of work.
1.3 Receive the “Case for Change” and associated outputs, once delivered, to consider whether and how to take forward the proposed transformation programme.
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New Housing Allocations Scheme 2025 PDF 246 KB Report of Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing
Purpose of report
To seek approval for a new Housing Allocations Scheme.
1.1 To approve the new Housing Allocations Scheme.
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Traffic Regulation Order in Pioneer Square PDF 239 KB Report of Assistant Director Property
Purpose of report
To promote an off-street Traffic Regulation
Order on land the Council owns and has responsibility for outside
the entrances to Franklin House including the Travelodge Hotel in
order to mitigate the risks to the public at large and to the
Council itself caused by unsafe parking and traffic movements in
the area. Recommendations
1.1 To approve the promotion of an off-street Traffic Regulation Order on land the Council owns and has responsibility for outside the entrances to Franklin House including the Travelodge Hotel in order to mitigate the risks to the public at large and to the Council itself caused by unsafe parking and traffic movements in the area.
1.2 To authorise the Assistant Director Property to start formal consultation on the proposed off-street Traffic Regulation Order, and, following due consideration of any representations received at the consultation stage and in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and relevant portfolio holder, to make any decisions and exercise all powers necessary in respect of whether or not to make and/or seal the proposed Order.
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Finance Monitoring Report November 2024 PDF 864 KB Report of Assistant Director Finance (Section 151 Officer)
Purpose of report
To report to Executive the council’s forecast financial position as at the end of the November 2024.
1.1 To consider and note the contents of the council’s financial management report as at the end of November 2024.
1.2 To approve the reprofiling of capital projects beyond 2024/25 (section 4.2.3 and Appendix 1) and the subsequent update to the programme budget for this financial year 2024/25.
1.3 To approve to virement of £1.031m from Policy Contingency to services for the Cost of Living award for 2024/25 as agreed in November.
1.4 To approve the allocation of £0.500m Policy Contingency to cover the cost of appeals.
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Council Tax Base 2025/2026 PDF 240 KB Report of Assistant Director Finance (Section 151 Officer)
Purpose of report
To provide Council tax Base for 2025/26.
1.1 Approve the report of the Assistant Director of Finance for the calculation of the Council’s Tax Base for 2025/26.
1.2 Agree that, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by Cherwell District Council as its Council Tax Base for the year 2025/26 shall be 59,853.6.
1.3 Agree for the parishes which form part of its area shown in Appendix 1, the amount calculated as the Council Tax Base for the year 2025/26 in respect of special items shall be as indicated in the column titled Tax Base 2025/26.
1.4 Agree for the Flood Defence Areas which form part of its area, the amount calculated as the Council Tax Base for the year 2025/26 for the purposes of levies on Oxfordshire County Council by River Authorities, shall be:
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Urgent Business The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda. |