Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Monday 5 March 2012 6.30 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA

Contact: Natasha Clark, Law and Governance  Email:, 01295 221589


Note No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.


Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no petitions or requests to address the meeting.


Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.

Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2012.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2012 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

6.35 pm


Neighbourhood Planning Protocol pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy




To seek approval of a Neighbourhood Planning Protocol, to ensure local communities are aware of the Neighbourhood Planning process.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Agree and adopt the Neighbourhood Planning Protocol.


Additional documents:


Recommendation approved with the additional resolution,


(2)       That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes to the document before publication.


The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report which sought approval of a Neighbourhood Planning Protocol, to ensure local communities are aware of the Neighbourhood Planning process.


In considering the report, Members agreed that the Protocol was a good and informative document which provided a useful guide for parishes in the district.




(1)               That the Neighbourhood Planning Protocol be agreed and adopted.


(2)               That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes to the document before publication.




It is important that local communities are aware of the Neighbourhood Planning process including the steps involved and the resources that the District Council may be able to offer. The Protocol seeks to provide this information for communities to make informed decisions.



Option One

To approve the Neighbourhood Planning Protocol to ensure local communities are aware of the Neighbourhood Planning process.



Option Two

The Executive could choose not to agree the Protocol on Neighbourhood Planning. However, the Protocol is considered to be a valuable guide for local communities as to the process involved in their preparation and the Council’s own position in terms of available financial and other resources





6.50 pm


The Police and Crime Commissioner pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Report of Head of Community Services




To report on progress to date on the implementation of the Police Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel (PCP) and to seek approval for proposed arrangements.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Support the offer from Buckingham County Council (BCC) to host the PCP.

(2)               Note the approach through the Chief Executives Thames Valley PCC Transition Group to work on the implementation process.

(3)               Note officer nominations on the Scrutiny Group and the Task and Finish Group.

(4)               Approve the nomination of the relevant Lead Member as the Council’s representative on the Member Steering Group of the PCP.

Additional documents:


Recommendations approved.


The Head of Community Services submitted a report on progress to date on the implementation of the Police Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel (PCP) and sought approval for proposed arrangements.




(1)               That the offer from Buckingham County Council (BCC) to host the Police and Crime Panel be supported.


(2)               That the approach through the Chief Executives Thames Valley Police Crime Commissioner Transition Group to work on the implementation process be noted.


(3)               That the officer nominations on the Scrutiny Group and the Task and Finish Group be noted.


(4)               That the nomination of the relevant Lead Member as the Council’s representative on the Member Steering Group of the Police and Crime Panel be approved.




The Governments message is quite clear that there will be no prescriptive detail being handed down in the development of the PCC and PCP.  However current guidance suggests a PCP role wider than that of light touch scrutiny. There is little guidance on how Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) will communicate with the PCC other than the Act specifies CSPs as having a reciprocal duty to interact with the PCC. In addition the PCC has the authority to call CSPs to account where they appear to be failing.


In Oxfordshire the OSCP Board is developing a strategy to facilitate the PCC by creating a business plan to deliver priorities set out in the final TVPA Policing Plan and any additions created by the incoming PCC manifesto.


By supporting the BCC proposal it will allow the PCP to form prior to the PCC elections; vote on the co-optee members; and enable the Transition Group to create a briefing for the public and incoming PCC.




Option One

To support BCC bid, including:

·         BCC’s proposal to host the PCP

·         That officers represent the Council in the Transition Group

·         That an elected member is appointed to the PCP, initially through the Member Steering Group


Option Two

Not to support BCC’s bid and to submit a CDC bid  or support another bid from another authority







7.00 pm


Performance and Risk Management Framework 2011/12 Third Quarter Performance Report pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Report of Director of Resources and Corporate Performance Manager




This report covers the Council’s performance for the period 01 October to 31 December 2011 as measured through the Performance Management Framework.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Note the many achievements referred to in paragraph 1.3.


(2)               Request that officers report in the third quarter on the items identified in paragraph 1.4 where performance was below target or there are emerging issues or risks.


(3)               Agree the responses identified to issues raised in the end of year performance report in paragraph 2.1 or to request additional action or information.


(4)               Identify any further performance or risk related matters for review or consideration in future reports.



Additional documents:


Recommendations approved, subject to the following amendments to recommendations (2) and (3):


(2)               That officers be requested to report in the final quarter on the items identified in paragraph 1.4 where performance was below target or there were merging issues or risks.


(3)               That reponses identified to issues raised in the quarter 2 performance report be agreed.


And the additional resolutions:


(5)               That authority be delegated to the Director of Resources, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Lead Member for Change, to make any minor changes to the Business Plan before publication.


(6)               That officers be requested to produce a one page summary of the performance highlights for circulation to all Members.


The Director of Resources and Corporate Performance Manager submitted a report which presented the Council’s performance for the period 01 October to 31 December 2011 as measured through the Performance Management Framework


In considering the report, the Executive thanked officers for producing a comprehensive report and the officers who worked hard to ensure that targets were met. Members commented on the value and importance of performance management and monitoring and in noting the Business Plan and Council priorities for 2012/13 which would form the basis of the performance management framework in the coming year stressed that the council would not be complacent and continue to maintain high levels of performance and seek improvement where required.




(1)               That the following achievements be noted:


Cherwell: A District of Opportunity

·        Actions are on-going to promote apprenticeships and other routes to work and education. 2 Job clubs were held in Bicester, 3 in Banbury and for the first time, 1 in Kidlington. 1128 job seekers have been helped in 2011/12 to date.

·        107 affordable homes have been delivered in the District to-date against year-end target of 100. Miller Road young person’s scheme is due to complete in February 2012 and Cassington Road, Yarnton in March.

·        Bicester Town Centre: completion of the development agreement has taken place and a signed licence has been received for advanced work to be undertaken in January.

·        The number of households in temporary accommodation continues to improve although the number of people approaching for assistance is still increasing. Performance is being closely monitored.


A Cleaner Greener Cherwell

·        Good quarter performance (59% against target of 50%) however it is possible that the recycling rate may fall slightly short of 60% target at year end, in the range 58-59%.

·        Plans to address customer satisfaction levels through the neighbourhood blitz programme, mechanical sweeper replacement and the Keep Britain tidy campaign “Love Where You Live” are being developed

·        A Green apple award for the best environmental practice, was presented to Cherwell at the House of Common. It was awarded following the refurbishment of the depot producing significant reductions in CO2 emissions

·        Eco Bicester: the engagement strategy has been approved and is being implemented. The Project Team (Community Liaison and Community Engagement roles) continue to ensure there are opportunities to participate in the programme working in partnership with the private


A Safe, Healthy and Thriving Cherwell 

·        Recreation Activators launched a new initiative ‘take over’ part of which is to encourage inactive pupils in the school playground to participate in positive activities. This has proved a success with 156 participants and 728 attendances.

·        (All) crime levels remain down against same period last year

·        All Leisure Centre usage has continued to exceed target due in the main to a mild, snow free December.

·        Works to Phase 1 of the SW Bicester multi sports village continues with hedge and tree planting during December and January.


An Accessible, Value for Money Council

·        An online citizen portal is being developed to allow charged services to be requested and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 98.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

The following reports contain exempt information as defined in the following paragraph of Part 1, Schedule 12A of Local Government Act 1972.


3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


Members are reminded that whilst the following items have been marked as exempt, it is for the meeting to decide whether or not to consider each of them in private or in public. In making the decision, members should balance the interests of individuals or the Council itself in having access to the information. In considering their discretion members should also be mindful of the advice of Council Officers.


Should Members decide not to make a decision in public, they are recommended to pass the following recommendation:


“That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded form the meeting for the following items of business, on the grounds that they could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 2 of Schedule 12A of that Act.”



Additional documents:




That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded form the meeting for the following items of business, on the grounds that they could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.



7.20 pm


Award of Contract for the Provision of Internal Audit Services to Cherwell District Council

Exempt report of Director of Resources and Head of Finance and Procurement


Recommendations approved as set out in the exempt report.


The Director of Resources and Head of Finance and Procurement submitted an exempt report which sought approval for the award of a contract for the provision of Internal Audit Services to Cherwell District Council.




That the resolution as set out in the exempt minute be agreed,


7.30 pm


Woodgreen Leisure Management Contract Procurement

Please note a report on this issue is being prepared including detailed procurement and risk considerations and therefore was not available at the time of agenda despatch. It will be circulated as soon as it has been finalised.

Additional documents:


Recommendations approved as set out in the exempt report.



The Head of Community Services submitted a report which outlined the procurement and management options for Woodgreen Leisure Centre and sought approval for the preferred management arrangements and procurement process to enable this detailed work to commence.




That the resolutions as set out in the exempt minutes be agreed.