Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA. View directions
Contact: James Doble, Legal and Democratic Services Email: (01295) 221587
Note | No. | Item | ||||
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman confirmed that he had received no petitions and that he had agreed to Mr Bernie Douglas and Councillor George Parish to address the meeting. |
Urgent Business The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2011. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2011 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
6.35 pm |
Response to Department for Transport Consultation on High Speed Rail Report of Strategic Director, Planning, Housing and Economy
To enable Members to agree the proposed responses to the seven questions posed in the Department for Transport’s consultation upon High Speed Rail with respect to both the proposed national high speed rail strategy and on the recommended line of route for an initial London to West Midlands section of the railway.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To agree that the Council should make representations in response to Consultation questions 1-3 objecting to the national high speed rail strategy in general accordance with the comments expressed in Section 3 of this report , those made by the “51M” group to the Transport Select Committee, and subject to the agreement of the Lead Member for Planning, in accordance with the “51M “ group’s further comments on this matter (2) To agree that the Council should make representations in response to Consultation questions 4-6 expressing severe concerns about the paucity of information and concerns about several details of the scheme as consulted upon in general accordance with the comments contained in sections 4-6 of this report, and subject to the agreement of the Lead Member for Planning in accordance with any further representations made on behalf of “51M” as a critique of the Appraisal of Sustainability (3) To agree that the Council should make representations in respect of Consultation question 7 in accordance with the comments in Section 4.33-4.34 of this report (4) To delegate to the Strategic Director of Planning Housing and Economy , in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, the final wording of the consultation responses to be made in general accordance with recommendations 1-3 above
Additional documents:
Decision: Approved, with the additional resolution that the Development Control Team Leader be requested to liaise with Bernie Douglas, Chairman of Voxopp, to circulate the report to villages affected by the HS2 proposals. Minutes: The Strategic Director Planning, Housing and Economy submitted a report which enable Members to agree the proposed responses to the seven questions posed in the Department for Transport’s consultation upon High Speed Rail with respect to both the proposed national high speed rail strategy and on the recommended line of route for an initial London to West Midlands section of the railway.
Councillor Tim Emptage, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, addressed the Executive regarding the funding the council had allocated to support its campaign in opposition to the HS2 proposals.
In response to Councillor Emptage’s address, the Chairman confirmed that at present up to £50k had been allocated and should additional funding be required, the request would be submitted to Full Council for consideration.
Mr Bernie Douglas addressed the Executive as Chairman of Villages of Oxfordshire Opposing HS2 (VoxOpp).
The Executive commended the Development Control Team Leader and his team for the comprehensive and high quality report.
(1) That it be agreed that the Council should make representations in response to Consultation questions 1-3 objecting to the national high speed rail strategy in general accordance with the comments expressed in Section 3 of the report (attached as an annex to these minutes as set out in the minute book), those made by the “51M” group to the Transport Select Committee, and subject to the agreement of the Lead Member for Planning, in accordance with the “51M “ group’s further comments on this matter. (2) That it be agreed that the Council should make representations in response to Consultation questions 4-6 expressing severe concerns about the paucity of information and concerns about several details of the scheme as consulted upon in general accordance with the comments contained in sections 4-6 of the report (attached as an annex to these minutes as set out in the minute book), and subject to the agreement of the Lead Member for Planning in accordance with any further representations made on behalf of “51M” as a critique of the Appraisal of Sustainability. (3) That it be agreed that the Council should make representations in respect of Consultation question 7 in accordance with the comments in Section 4.33-4.34 of the report (attached as an annex to these minutes as set out in the minute book). (4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Planning Housing and Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, the final wording of the consultation responses to be made in general accordance with resolutions 1-3 above. (5) That the Development Control Team Leader be requested to liaise with Bernie Douglas, Chairman of Villages of Oxfordshire Opposing HS2 (VoxOpp), to circulate the report to villages affected by the HS2 proposals.
At it’s meeting of 7 March 2011 the Executive agreed to join other local authorities along the preferred route to campaign against the proposals. Formal agreement of the Council’s responses to the seven questions posed in the Department for Transport’s consultation upon High Speed Rail ... view the full minutes text for item 19. |
6.50 pm |
Armed Forces Community Covenant Report of the Chief Executive and the Corporate Strategy and Performance Manager
This report provides an update on the Oxfordshire Armed Forces Community Covenant and Cherwell District Council’s response to it.
The Executive is recommended:
1) To note the importance of the Armed Forces Community Covenant and request that officers work across all Council services to ensure there are clear plans in place to deliver the aspirations of the Covenant.
Additional documents: Decision: Approved Minutes: The Chief Executive and the Corporate Strategy and Performance Manager submitted a report which provided an update on the Oxfordshire Armed Forces Community Covenant and Cherwell District Council’s response to it.
(1) That the importance of the Armed Forces Community Covenant be noted and that officers working across all Council services be requested to ensure there are clear plans in place to deliver the aspirations of the Covenant.
The Armed Forces Community Covenant is an important commitment on the part of the District Council to support armed services personnel, their families, children, reservists and veterans. The Council views the local military as an important part of the community and part of the tradition within the District and will continue to work in local partnerships and across the County to ensure the commitments outlined in the covenant are met.
6.55 pm |
Horton General Hospital and Health Sector Changes Report of Strategic Director Environment and Community
To consider the progress and current position regarding the implementation of alternative service models for the Horton General Hospital. To consider also the radical changes in the health sector and the latest position in changes locally.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To note the good progress in implementing sustainable service delivery models at the Horton General Hospital.
(2) To urge the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust to implement as soon as possible the revised model for maternity and gynaecology.
(3) To support the establishment of a Community Partnership Network with membership drawn from local health and social care service commissionaires and providers plus relevant stakeholders.
Additional documents:
Decision: Approved, with the additional resolution that officers be requested to submit a progress report on the Bicester CommunityHospital to the September or October meeting of Executive. Minutes: The Strategic Director Environment and Community submitted a report which sought consideration of the progress and current position regarding the implementation of alternative service models for the Horton General Hospital. It also sought consideration of the radical changes in the health sector and the latest position in changes locally.
Councillor Les Sibley addressed the meeting as Leader of the Opposition. He commended the work of the Council in supporting the Horton General Hospital and queried if a similar progress report on the Bicester Community Hospital could be provided.
In response to the address of the Leader of the Opposition, the Chairman requested officers to submit a progress report on Bicester Community Hospital to their September or October meeting.
Councillor George Parish addressed the meeting at the discretion of the Chairman as a leading campaigner for the Horton General Hospital.
(1) That the good progress in implementing sustainable service delivery models at the Horton General Hospital be noted.
(2) That the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust be urged to implement as soon as possible the revised model for maternity and gynaecology.
(3) That the establishment of a Community Partnership Network with membership drawn from local health and social care service commissionaires and providers plus relevant stakeholders be supported.
(4) That officers be requested to submit a progress report on the Bicester Community Hospital to the September or October meeting of Executive.
A key issue associated with the Horton General Hospital (HGH) is the ongoing sustainability of the agreed service levels when the commissioning body and arrangements will be changing. There is a perceived threat that the health sector reforms will provide greater competition from the private sector which could impact on the HGH. By having a stakeholder group which brings together the key commissioners and providers i.e. GPs, ORH & OCC, there will be a local focus and dialogue on how this works in practice and to attempt to influence the future commissioning of services from the HRH.
A further issue relates to the extent of public involvement in the services and the new Community Partnership Network. Each commissioner and service provider is expected to have their own arrangements for this and it will be important not to duplicate and have clarity of responsibility. Past experience does indicate that there is not wide public understanding of the structure and responsibilities of the current health service. In such circumstances and with so much significant change about to happen, it is important at the very least that the new Network does attempt to improve this position.
The principle behind the Community Partnership Network is to have meetings in public with managed, but considerable public participation during the meeting. This worked well for the previous Forum and it is intended to continue for this new body, thereby allowing wider public participation for the sector issues as a whole.
7.10 pm |
Value for Money Review of Economic Development Report of Strategic Director Planning, Housing & Economy, Head of Planning Policy & Economic Developmentand Improvement Project Manager
To consider the findings of the Value for Money Review of Economic Development and the recommendations arising from the report.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To note that the Value for Money Review concludes that Economic Development Service is a top performer, making a real difference to Cherwell’s businesses and residents affected by the downturn. (2) To adopt the Economic Development Service Vision to 2016 which sets out a forward looking framework, drawing on the Council’s contribution to the emerging Economic Development Strategy. (3) To accept gross savings of £35,000 with immediate effect, as a contribution towards the Council delivering its Medium Term Financial Strategy, recognising this reduces the flexibility of the service to undertake economic development activity in the future.
Additional documents:
Decision: Approved Minutes: The Strategic Director for Planning, Housing & Economy, the Head of Planning Policy & Economic Developmentand the Improvement Project Manager submitted a report which sought consideration of the findings of the Value for Money Review of Economic Development and the recommendations arising from the report.
(1) That the Value for Money Review conclusion that Economic Development Service is a top performer, making a real difference to Cherwell’s businesses and residents affected by the downturn be noted.
(2) That the Economic Development Service Vision to 2016 (annex to the minutes as set out in the minute book) which sets out a forward looking framework, drawing on the Council’s contribution to the emerging Economic Development Strategy be adopted.
(1) That gross savings of £35,000 with immediate effect, as a contribution towards the Council delivering its Medium Term Financial Strategy, be accepted, recognising this reduces the flexibility of the service to undertake economic development activity in the future.
Cherwell’s Economic Development Service is a top performer, making a real difference to Cherwell’s businesses and residents affected by the downturn. The Economic Development Service Vision to 2016 sets out a forward looking framework drawing on the Council’s contribution to the new Economic Development Strategy, within which the service can undertake its annual service and budget setting activity.
Agreeing to the level of savings proposed by this review assists the Council in delivering its Medium Term Financial Strategy, but reduces the flexibility of the service to undertake economic development activity in the future.
7.20 pm |
2010/2011 End of Year Finance and Medium Term Financial Strategy Update Report Report of the Head of Finance
This report summarises the Council’s provisional Revenue and Capital performance for the financial year 2010/2011 and reports on performance against the procurement action plan. The figures are still subject to further validation work to ensure compliance with statutory requirements and proper accounting practices. The report also considers the process and timetable for refreshing our Medium Term Financial Strategy
The Executive is recommended:
1) To note the provisional revenue out-turn position for 2010/2011 detailed in Appendix 1.
2) To note the continued improvement in accuracy and reliability that the Council has made in projecting the year end position through the embedding of the Corporate Dashboard.
3) To note the provisional capital out-turn position for 2010/2011 detailed in Appendix 2a.
4) To agree the balances on capital schemes which have slipped in 2010/2011 to be carried forward into the 2011/2012 capital programme as set out in Appendix 2b
5) To note progress against the Councils Procurement Action plan – Appendix 3 and savings achieved Appendix 4.
6) To note the Medium Term Financial Strategy Update.
Additional documents:
Decision: Approved Minutes: The Head of Finance submitted a report which summarised the Council’s provisional Revenue and Capital performance for the financial year 2010/2011 and reports on performance against the procurement action plan. The figures were still subject to further validation work to ensure compliance with statutory requirements and proper accounting practices. The report also considered the process and timetable for refreshing our Medium Term Financial Strategy.
The Lead Member for Financial Management advised the Executive that the update on the Medium Term Financial Strategy had been delayed due to the budget being refreshed and uncertainty over the government grant. A full update would be provided to the September meeting of the Executive.
The Executive requested that their thanks to the Finance and Procurement Teams for their work during 2010/11, in particular for the progress made in implementing the Procurement Action Plan, be recorded.
(1) That the provisional revenue out-turn position for 2010/2011 detailed in the annex to these minutes (as set out in the minute book).
(2) That the continued improvement in accuracy and reliability that the Council has made in projecting the year end position through the embedding of the Corporate Dashboard be noted.
(3) That the provisional capital out-turn position for 2010/2011 detailed in the annex to these minutes (as set out in the minute book) be noted.
(4) That the balances on capital schemes which have slipped in 2010/2011 to be carried forward into the 2011/2012 capital programme as set out in the annex to these minutes (as set out in the minute book) be agreed.
(5) That progress against the Councils Procurement Action plan and savings achieved as set out in the annex to these minutes (as set out in the minute book) be noted.
(6) That the update on the Medium Term Financial Strategy Update be noted.
This report illustrates the Council’s provisional performance against the 2010/2011 Revenue and Capital Budget and progress achieved against our Procurement action plan and targets.
7.35 pm |
Performance Management Framework 2010/2011 End of Year Performance Report Report of Chief Executive and Corporate Strategy and Performance Manager
This report covers the Council’s performance in 2010/2011, as measured through the Corporate Performance Management Framework.
The Executive is recommended:
(1) To note that, despite tough performance targets and a challenging economic environment, the Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 97% of the performance targets in the Corporate Scorecard (the basket of priority measures) and met or made satisfactory progress on 95% of the performance targets in the Corporate Plan which sets out activities and targets under each of the Council’s four strategic priorities.
(2) To note that the Council has delivered a challenging programme of improvement projects and value for money reviews. Of the 22 projects and reviews scheduled for 2010/11 21 were completed with good or satisfactory outcomes and only 1 delayed due a changing government policy. The improvement programme has directly contributed to the delivery of savings and efficiencies to balance the Council’s budget.
(3) To note the progress in delivering the Council’s strategic objectives and the many achievements referred to in paragraphs 1.4 and 1.5
(4) To request an update on the issues highlighted in paragraph 1.6 in the first quarter report of 2011/12.
Additional documents:
Decision: Approved, with the additional resolution that officers be requested to produce a one page summary of the performance highlights for circulation to all Members. Minutes: The Chief Executive and the Corporate Strategy and Performance Manager submitted a report which presented the Councils performance in 2010/11, as measured through the Corporate Performance Management Framework.
The Executive commended officers for the continued operation of performance monitoring and requested that a one page summary of the highlights be produced for circulation to all Members.
(1) That it be noted that, despite tough performance targets and a challenging economic environment, the Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 97% of the performance targets in the Corporate Scorecard (the basket of priority measures) and met or made satisfactory progress on 95% of the performance targets in the Corporate Plan which sets out activities and targets under each of the Council’s four strategic priorities.
(2) That it be noted that the Council has delivered a challenging programme of improvement projects and value for money reviews. Of the 22 projects and reviews scheduled for 2010/11 21 were completed with good or satisfactory outcomes and only 1 delayed due a changing government policy. The improvement programme has directly contributed to the delivery of savings and efficiencies to balance the Council’s budget.
(3) That the progress in delivering the Council’s strategic objectives and the following achievements be noted:
Cherwell: A District of Opportunity
· Contributing to the creation of new opportunities in the district: In spite of challenging economic circumstances the Council has focused on supporting local residents and businesses through its activities. The successful job club partnership has continued with targeted events to improve access and an apprenticeship scheme targeted at young people not in education, employment or training has been continued. The Council’s work in this area has been recognised as national good practice and its approach cited by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies.
· Local Housing: The Council has delivered 370 new homes, 126 affordable houses, including 40 extra care units, maintained the low number of residents in temporary accommodation at 29, and invested £950,000 in better quality housing for vulnerable people including warm front top up grants, and emergency repairs.
· Regeneration and Growth: The Council has secured funding to make progress on the Eco Town demonstration projects, worked with developers to begin the Bicester Town Centre Redevelopment Programme, and made progress on Local Development Framework Core Strategy in spite of significant national policy change and reduced resources. High profile projects such as the Miller Road Self-Build scheme are supporting local people to develop new skills and employment opportunities whilst providing affordable housing and work has started on the South West Bicester development.
A Cleaner, Greener Cherwell
· Waste and Recycling: The Council has implemented a food waste recycling scheme and exceeded its recycling target. Recycling in Cherwell is now at over 57%.
· Clean Streets: The Council hasmet all its targets for dealing with litter, graffiti, and fly posting, improved enforcement and continued to undertake local environmental ‘blitzes’ reducing even further the low level of environmental crime. Residents’ satisfaction with green spaces in Cherwell has also improved.
· Climate Change: ... view the full minutes text for item 24. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public The following report(s) contain exempt information as defined in the following paragraph(s) of Part 1, Schedule 12A of Local Government Act 1972.
3– Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
Members are reminded that whilst the following item(s) have been marked as exempt, it is for the meeting to decide whether or not to consider each of them in private or in public. In making the decision, members should balance the interests of individuals or the Council itself in having access to the information. In considering their discretion members should also be mindful of the advice of Council Officers.
Should Members decide not to make a decision in public, they are recommended to pass the following recommendation:
“That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded form the meeting for the following item(s) of business, on the grounds that they could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) 2 of Schedule 12A of that Act.”
Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved
That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded form the meeting for the following item(s) of business, on the grounds that they could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) 2 of Schedule 12A of that Act.
7.50 pm |
Value for Money Review of Tourism Report of Strategic Director Environment and Community
To consider the findings of the Value for Money (VFM) Review report and the recommendations arising from the report.
Decision: Recommendations approved as set out in the exempt report. Minutes: The Strategic Director Environment and Community submitted a report which sought consideration of the findings of the Value for Money Review of Tourism and the recommendations arising from that report.
That the resolutions as set out in the exempt minute be approved. |