Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, Oxon OX15 4AA
Contact: Natasha Clark, Democratic and Elections Email:, 01295 221534
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: 10. Motions. Councillor Barry Wood, Other Registerable Interest, in relation to the NHS Anniversary as governor on South Central Ambulance Service.
Councillor Fiona Mawson, Non-registerable Interest, in relation to the Rail Crossing at Sandy Lane, Yarnton, motion as her property was in the vicinity of the crossing. She would address the meeting, then leave and not participate in the debate or vote.
Councillor Ian Middleton, Non-registerable Interest, in relation to the Rail Crossing at Sandy Lane, Yarnton, motion as his property was in the vicinity of the crossing. He would address the meeting, then leave and not participate in the debate or vote.
To receive communications from the Chairman and/or the Leader of the Council.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That the following Conservative Group changes to committee membership, as advised by the Conservative Group Leader, be noted:
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Remove – Councillor Maurice Billington Add – Councillor Patrick Clarke
Personnel Committee Remove – Councillor Ian Harwood Add – Councillor Bryn Williams Minutes: Members of the Public The Chairman referred to the two public addresses to Council and reminded the meeting that members of the public may only speak at the appropriate time when invited to the front of the Chamber.
The Chairman asked councillors to be respectful of each other when addressing the meeting and out of courtesy, to remain in their seat during items. If necessary, the Chairman would adjourn the meeting to allow for a comfort break at a suitable point.
Committee Membership Change The Chairman invited the Leader of the Conservative Group, Councillor Wood, to report Conservative Group committee membership changes.
Councillor Wood advised that Councillor Patrick Clarke would replace Councillor Maurice Billington on Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Councillor Bryn Williams would replace Councillor Ian Harwood on Personnel Committee.
(1) That the amendments to committee membership, as advised by the Conservative Group Leader, be noted:
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Remove – Councillor Maurice Billington Add – Councillor Patrick Clarke
Personnel Committee Remove – Councillor Ian Harwood Add – Councillor Bryn Williams
Chairman’s Engagements A copy of the events attended by the Chairman published with the agenda. The Chairman advised Council that his fundraising dinner to raise money for his charity, Alexandra House of Joy, would be taking place on Saturday 18 November. Further information would be circulated in due course.
Members’ Pigeon Holes Members were reminded to check their pigeon hole and take any post.
Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.
Addresses may be presented by: · A Local Government elector for the area, · A person who is wholly or mainly resident in the area, · A Council Taxpayer or National Non-Domestic Ratepayer for the area
Addresses must be on an item on the Agenda before the meeting and not exceed 5 minutes. No person may address more than one meeting on any particular issue.
Requests to address the meeting (including the agenda item and reason for the address) should be submitted to The deadline for requests to address this meeting is noon on Friday 14 July.
The deadline to present a petition to this meeting has passed. One petition was received in accordance with the Constitution. The petition organiser will address Council for no longer that 5 minutes to introduce the petition. There is no debate on the petition, it will be referred for consideration and Council will be advised of the outcome.
Full details of public participation at meetings is available in the Constitution.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman advised that one petition had been submitted in accordance with the Constitution and explained that the petition organiser could address the meeting but there was no debate or discussion on the petition, which would be referred for consideration and Council advised of the outcome.
The Chairman invited the petition organiser, Linda Newbery, to address Council for up to 5 minutes to introduce the petition:
“We, the undersigned, petition Council to use its website and leaflets to households on recycling and food waste to raise awareness of the links between food choices, individual carbon footprints and biodiversity loss.
We ask Council to encourage residents to consume less meat and dairy and to support local growers and farmers by choosing seasonal, local produce.
In line with its Declaration of Climate Emergency, Council can show residents that small, everyday dietary changes can be effective ways to reduce their personal impact on climate and environment, at the same time offering health and money-saving benefits.
‘Understanding and potentially influencing public attitudes to meat consumption must be a fundamental component of future greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies” – Chatham House Environment and Society programme.”
The Chairman thanked Linda Newbery and confirmed that she would be kept updated regarding consideration of the petition. .
The Chairman advised Council that one request to address the meeting had been received in accordance with the Constitution. Parish Councillor David Brown, Yarnton Parish Council, had requested to address the meeting on the Rail Crossing at Sandy Lane, Yarnton motion. The Chairman explained he would invite Parish Councillor Brown to address the meeting prior to Council considering the motion.
To confirm as a correct records the Minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on 17 May 2023 and the reconvened Annual Council meeting held on 23 May 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on 17 May 2023 and the reconvened Annual Council meeting on 23 May 2023 were agreed as correct records and signed by the Chairman. |
a) Minutes of Executive, Portfolio Holder Decisions and Executive Decisions not included in the 28 day notice
The Leader of the Council to formally propose that the minutes of the meetings of the Executive and Portfolio Holder Decisions as set out in the Minute Book (circulated separately) be received and to report that since the last meeting of Council at which this was reported, on 26 February 2023, two key decisions have been taken by the Executive which were not included in the 28 day notice relating to The Discretionary Housing Payments Policy 2023/24 review, and the Award of contract for the repair and refurbishment of Town Centre House.
b) Minutes of Committees
The Leader of the Council to formally propose that the minutes of committees as set out in the Minute Book (circulated separately) be received. Additional documents: Minutes: a) Minutes of the Executive, Portfolio Holder Decisions and Executive Decisions made under Special Urgency
That the minutes of the meeting of the Executive and Portfolio Holder decisions as set out in the Minute Book be received and that it be noted that since the last meeting of Council at which this was reported, on 26 February 2023, two key decisions have been taken by the Executive which were not included in the 28 day notice relating to The Discretionary Housing Payments Policy 2023/24 review, and the Award of contract for the repair and refurbishment of Town Centre House
b) Minutes of Committees
That the minutes of Committees as set out in the Minute Book be received.
a) Written Questions
The deadline to submit written questions has now passed.
One written question has been submitted with advance notice in accordance with the Constitution. This is attached to the agenda.
A written response to the question will be published on the working day before the meeting.
The Member who submitted the written question may ask a supplementary question provided it is relevant to the reply and does not introduce any new matter. The Member to whom the question was addressed may reply to such supplementary question or undertake to reply in writing.
b) Questions to the Leader of the Council
The Chairman to invite questions to the Leader of the Council (including any matters arising from the minutes).
Following a response to their question being provided Members will be entitled to a follow up or supplementary question.
c) Questions to Committee Chairmen on the Minutes
The Chairman to invite questions to Chairmen of Committees on any matter arising from the minutes of their committee (if any).
Additional documents: Minutes: a) Written Questions
The Chairman advised that one written question, addressed to the Leader, had been submitted with advance notice in accordance with the Constitution and had been published with the agenda. A response to the question had been published as a supplement to the agenda (and as annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book).
The question was from Councillor Beere in relation to Emergency Planning.
Councillor Beere thanked the Leader for the comprehensive response.
b) Questions to the Leader of the Council
Questions were asked and answers received on the following issues:
Councillor Woodcock: Impact of rail station ticket office closures on residents requiring passenger assistance Councillor Cherry: Repair of CCTV at Bretch Hill Councillor Creed: Flytipping Councillor Hodgson: National funding cuts to the Canal and River Trust Councillor Reynolds: Local authorities building on the green belt land Councillor Billington: Bollard at Kidlington High Street Councillor Pruden:
c) Questions to Committee Chairmen on the Minutes
There were no questions to Committee Chairman on the minutes of meetings.
Report of Assistant Director Law and Governance & Monitoring Officer
Purpose of report
To change the Cherwell District Council representative on the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC).
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To appoint Councillor Lesley McClean as the Cherwell District Council representative on the Joint Oxfordshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That Councillor Lesley McClean be appointed as the Cherwell District Council representative on the Joint Oxfordshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Minutes: The Assistant Director Law and Governance & Monitoring Officer submitted a report to change the Cherwell District Council representative on the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC).
(1) That Councillor Lesley McLean be appointed as the Cherwell District Council representative on the Joint Oxfordshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee. |
To debate the following motions which have been submitted with advance notice, in accordance with the Constitution (to be debated in the order submitted).
Please note that the deadline to submit motions has passed. The deadline for Members to submit amendments to motions is noon on Thursday 13 July to No amendments will be permitted after this deadline.
Any amendments submitted will be published as a supplement to the agenda on the afternoon of Friday 14 July. Amendments for motions will be dealt with in the order submitted.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved
(1) That the following motion be adopted:
"This council notes the ongoing pressure on the budgets of local residents and calls on the Executive to draw up a cost-of-living action plan within 100 days."
(2) That the following motion be adopted:
"Cherwell District Council has acknowledged the Climate Change Emergency.
A major contributor to excessive CO2 output are unnecessary car journeys. The proposal by Network Rail to shut the vital link between Yarnton and Kidlington by closing the rail crossing at Sandy Lane will result in a significant increase in carbon emissions.
Permanent closure would see drivers forced to use Frieze Way or Langford Lane resulting in an average extra distance travelled of nearly two miles per journey.
Based on current trends this is estimated to result in an extra 4750 miles travelled on weekdays and an additional 3800 at weekends, resulting in 1.5 million unnecessary miles per year.
The cost of such surplus miles in money is hundreds of thousands of pounds to residents and businesses who rely on their cars; and extra pollution in the form of many tonnes of carbon emissions, contrary to the Council’s environmental objectives.
This would go directly against the council’s ambition to reduce CO2 output generated by transport and very significantly degrade the network of contacts that currently underpins the ancient and vital community nexus around the parishes of Yarnton, Begbroke, Kidlington and Gosford and Water Eaton.
The Council therefore asks the Executive to give careful consideration to keeping this vital link open, especially knowing that Oxford University Developments are proposing to fund and build a new road bridge on their site as part of their overall vision."
(3) That the following motion be adopted:
“Cherwell District Council continues to excel in it’s delivery of award winning active lifestyle programs including Move Together, You Move and Fast which are recognised nationally as class leading initiatives. We are all aware of the benefits, both mentally and physically that these projects have provided to numerous residents in Cherwell especially in our most deprived areas. The Council congratulates all team members for their ongoing commitment to deliver such positive impacts to our communities.
Featured below are just some of the positive impacts of the Move Together Program -
- 1500 people with Long Term Conditions on programme - Cherwell have 37% of referrals across all the districts - 85% reported that their mobility improved - 72% reported that their ability to self-care improved - 64% reported that their pain levels improved or stayed the same - 69% reported that their levels of anxiety or depression improved
The Council therefore resolves to ask the Executive to consider committing both physical resources and financial backing to not only these current schemes but to always be looking at future initiatives to keep Cherwell residents both active and healthy.”
(4) That the following motion be adopted:
“While our own tenants will soon benefit from a Tenants' Charter, this council recognises its key role in supporting tenants in both ... view the full decision text for item 26. Minutes: The Chairman advised that six motions had been submitted. No amendments to any of the motions had been submitted. In line with the Constitution, no amendments were now permitted.
Motion One: Cost of Living
It was proposed by Councillor Woodcock and seconded by Councillor Watkins that the following motion be adopted.
"This council notes the ongoing pressure on the budgets of local residents and calls on the Executive to draw up a cost-of-living action plan within 100 days."
No amendments to the motion having been proposed, the motion was debated as submitted. On being put to the vote the motion was carried unanimously.
Motion Two: Rail Crossing at Sandy Lane, Yarnton
Prior to Council considering the motion, Parish Councillor David Brown, Yarnton Parish Council, address the meeting.
It was proposed by Councillor Simpson and seconded by Councillor Walker that the following motion be adopted.
"Cherwell District Council has acknowledged the Climate Change Emergency.
A major contributor to excessive CO2 output are unnecessary car journeys. The proposal by Network Rail to shut the vital link between Yarnton and Kidlington by closing the rail crossing at Sandy Lane will result in a significant increase in carbon emissions.
Permanent closure would see drivers forced to use Frieze Way or Langford Lane resulting in an average extra distance travelled of nearly two miles per journey.
Based on current trends this is estimated to result in an extra 4750 miles travelled on weekdays and an additional 3800 at weekends, resulting in 1.5 million unnecessary miles per year.
The cost of such surplus miles in money is hundreds of thousands of pounds to residents and businesses who rely on their cars; and extra pollution in the form of many tonnes of carbon emissions, contrary to the Council’s environmental objectives.
This would go directly against the council’s ambition to reduce CO2 output generated by transport and very significantly degrade the network of contacts that currently underpins the ancient and vital community nexus around the parishes of Yarnton, Begbroke, Kidlington and Gosford and Water Eaton.
The Council therefore asks the Executive to give careful consideration to keeping this vital link open, especially knowing that Oxford University Developments are proposing to fund and build a new road bridge on their site as part of their overall vision."
No amendments to the motion having been proposed, the motion was debated as submitted. On being put to the vote the motion was carried unanimously.
Motion Three: Active Lifestyle
It was proposed by Councillor Simpson and seconded by Councillor McHugh that the following motion be adopted.
“Cherwell District Council continues to excel in it’s delivery of award winning active lifestyle programs including Move Together, You Move and Fast which are recognised nationally as class leading initiatives. We are all aware of the benefits, both mentally and physically that these projects have provided to numerous residents in Cherwell especially in our most deprived areas. The Council congratulates all team members for their ongoing commitment to deliver such positive impacts to our communities.
Featured ... view the full minutes text for item 26. |
Urgent Business The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |