88 Dewey Sports Centre, Barley Close, Bloxham, OX15 4NJ PDF 2 MB
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Deferred for one planning cycle to allow time for a site visit by the Committee.
The Committee considered application 24/01906/F for front and rear extensions and alterations to the Dewey Sports Centre, installation of 12no sports lighting columns, 5no netball/tennis courts, 1no artificial cricket wicket, 1no replacement long jump pit, 1no storage container, improvements to existing access and car parking, provision of additional car parking, associated drainage, renewable energy and sustainability measures, hard and soft landscaping and biodiversity enhancements, at Dewey Sports Centre, Barley Close, Bloxham, OX15 4NJ, for Bloxham School.
It was proposed by Councillor Hingley and seconded by Councillor Brant that consideration of application 24/01906/F, due to the planning history and potential impact on the surrounding area, be deferred for one planning cycle to allow for a site visit before the application was considered by the Committee.
That consideration of application 24/01906/F be deferred for one planning cycle to allow for a site visit.