Issue - meetings

Housing Allocations Scheme Consultation 2024-25

Meeting: 10/09/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 15)

15 New Cherwell District Council Allocations Scheme pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Report of Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing


Purpose of report


To consider the draft Housing Allocations Scheme and make comments for consideration by Executive.



The Overview and Scrutiny Committee resolves:


1.1           To consider and comment on the contents of the new drafted Housing Allocations Scheme and recommend adoption by the Executive.


1.2           Recommend to Executive that they receive a summary of the consultation responses and give those consideration.

Additional documents:




(1)         That having given due consideration, the New Cherwell District Council Allocations Scheme be recommended for adoption by Executive,


(2)       That it be recommended to Executive that they receive a summary of the consultation for consideration alongside the Scheme being recommended for adoption.


The Committee considered a report from the Assistant Director – Housing and Wellbeing which sought consideration of draft Cherwell District Council Allocations Scheme prior to the Scheme being submitted to Executive in December.


In introducing the report, the Portfolio Holder for Healthy Communities explained that the Allocations Scheme was the Policy that ensured the fair allocation of social housing properties within district and was used for the administration of the waiting list for social housing, which was part of our statutory duties. It was good practice to regularly review the Scheme to ensure it remained compliant and continued to meet the needs of applicants in the best way. At their July meeting, Executive had agreed the draft new Allocations Scheme for consultation. A public and stakeholder consultation on the new Scheme was currently under way.


The Portfolio Holder for Healthy Communities explained that the policy is heavily informed by legislation, Council’s had flexibility to be able to manage and administer their own schemes and prioritise certain applicant circumstances. The main changes proposed in the new Scheme were:


  • An increase in the banding for statutory homeless house holds
  • The creation of a domestic abuse category within Band 2 to comply with the Domestic Abuse Act 2021
  • Income threshold being capped at £80,000 for applications on larger properties
  • Changes to how overcrowded households are managed through the waiting lists
  • Additional preference for people leaving the armed forces and their families – consistent with the armed forces covenant within legislation


In response to a question relating to applicants with rent arrears the Assistant Director – Housing & Wellbeing advised that.  Officers worked with applicants on a case by case basis. An applicant’s rent record would be looked at the time of bidding and should have a cleared outstanding housing debt in full or evidence they have made a concerted effort to address their housing related debt.


In response to questions relating to the waiting list, available stock, how many providers the council worked with, the Assistant Director – Housing & Wellbeing advised that there were currently just over 2050 applicants on the waiting list and that stock availability varied from week to week> The council operated a choice based letting scheme with a weekly newsletter to those on the waiting list. With regards to current providers, the council worked with over 30 providers with Sanctury being the largest. All registered providers signed up to the council’s nominations agreement.


In the course of discussion, officers were requested to consider including in the report to Executive the relationship between the number of prospective applicants on the waiting list and those who don’t meet the criteria but are supported by renting in the private sector with housing benefit support. 


In response to questions regarding the changes and they would impact on supply and availability or properties, the Assistant Director – Housing & Wellbeing advised that the increase in supply was linked to the development. The Allocations Policy focused on the allocation of the limited stock available in line with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15