58 Turpins Lodge Tadmarton Heath Road Hook Norton Oxfordshire OX15 5DQ PDF 1 MB
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Approved in line with the officer recommendation, subject to conditions and S106 legal agreement, details to be set out in the minutes.
The Committee considered application 23/03408/F, for the erection of a riding school building including grooms’ accommodation and forage store at Turpins Lodge, Tadmarton Heath Road, Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, OX15 5DQ for John Romer.
Matt Chadwick, on behalf of the agent for the applicant, JPPC, addressed the Committee in support of the application.
In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officers’ report, presentation, address from the public speaker and the written updates.
That, in line with the officer’s recommendation authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning and Development to grant permission for application 23/03408/F subject to
· The conditions set out below (and any amendments to those conditions as deemed necessary) and
· The completion of a Planning Obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as substituted by the Planning and Compensation Act 1991, to secure the following (and any amendments as deemed necessary):
a) Details for the future use of the existing stables and arena to be submitted to the Council
b) To ensure the extant permission is not used as grooms’ accommodation.
c) The receipt of a Nature Space Licence
Time Limit
1. The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.
Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Compliance with Plans
2. Except where otherwise stipulated by conditions attached to this permission, the development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the form and following approved plans Site Location Plan, Site Plan Topography Plan with excavation, indoor arena ground floor, indoor arena first floor, indoor area second floor, indoor arena south elevation, indoor arena west elevation, indoor arena east elevation, indoor arena north elevation, forage barn floor plan, forage store east elevation, forage store north elevation, forage store south elevation, forage store west elevation, application forms, ecological appraisal.
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt, to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority and comply with Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
3. A schedule of materials and finishes to be used in the external walls and roofs of the buildings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any foundations work. The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained as such thereafter.
Reason: To ensure that the materials are appropriate to the appearance of the locality and to ensure the satisfactory appearance of the completed development in accordance with Policy ESD15 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1, saved Policy C28 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
4. No development shall commence above slab level unless and until a scheme for landscaping the ... view the full minutes text for item 58