Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy 2025-2030 - Approval for Consultation

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Executive (Item 34)

34 New Cherwell District Council Housing Strategy 2025-2030 pdf icon PDF 273 KB

Report of Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing


Purpose of report


To seek approval to consult on a new Housing Strategy 2025-30.



The Executive resolves:


1.1       To approve the commencement of public consultation on the reviewed and amended Housing Strategy 2025-30.

Additional documents:




(1)          That the commencement of public consultation on the reviewed and amended Housing Strategy 2025-30 be approved.


The Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing submitted a report to seek approval to consult on a new Housing Strategy 2025-30.


In response to questions from the Leader of the Opposition regarding whether there was an adequate supply of housing to address changes proposed in the Allocations Policy, the Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing undertook to respond to the questions at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting the following day when the Committee considered the draft Allocations Policy. A response would be provided to the leader of the Opposition.




(1)          That the commencement of public consultation on the reviewed and amended Housing Strategy 2025-30 be approved.




It is important that the Council has up to date policies for its statutory and key service areas and it is important that they are legislatively and operationally sound. A periodic review of policies is therefore appropriate.


Alternative options


Option 1: Not bring forward a new Housing Strategy. This is rejected as it is a statutory duty that the Council produces and reviews its housing strategy.