Issue - meetings

Referral of Motion: Solar Energy Strategy

Meeting: 05/02/2024 - Executive (Item 95)

95 Researching Solar Energy Requirements pdf icon PDF 239 KB

Report of Corporate Director Communities


Purpose of report


To seek funding support for the 2024/25 budget to provide resource and budget to better understand the requirements for solar energy within Cherwell District



The Executive recommends:


1.1       To plan in the 2024/25 budget for the undertaking of research into the requirements for solar energy within Cherwell.

Additional documents:




(1)          That it be agreed to plan in the 2024/25 budget for the undertaking of research into the requirements for solar energy within Cherwell.



The Corporate Director Communities submitted a report to seek funding support for the 2024/25 budget to provide resource and budget to better understand the requirements for solar energy within Cherwell District


Councillor Walker, who had proposed the motion at the December Council meeting, addressed Executive and sought clarification regarding the proposed research in relation to the motion that had been agreed which stated that research needed to be criteria based. .


In response to Councillor Walker’s comments, the Corporate Director Communities explained that the report focussed on commissioning a piece of work to look at solar across the district and secure the required budget.


The Chairman requested that officers keep Councillor Walker updated on the research work.


At the discretion of the Chairman, Councillor Woodcock, Councillor Broad and Councillor Middleton addressed Executive.




(1)          That it be agreed to plan in the 2024/25 budget for the undertaking of research into the requirements for solar energy within Cherwell.




Amending the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) to include the allocation of resource and budget will support the development of a research paper on solar energy generation for Cherwell and the environmental impacts of solar generation options.


Alternative options


Option 1: Do Nothing. Under this option, there would be limited understanding of the impact of solar energy generation across the District.