Issue - meetings

Financial Management, Performance and Risk Monthly Report

Meeting: 04/03/2024 - Executive (Item 114)

114 Finance, Performance and Risk Report January 2024 pdf icon PDF 609 KB

Report of Assistant Director Finance and Assistant Director Customer Focus


Purpose of report


To update Executive on how well the council is performing in delivering its priorities, managing potential risks, and balancing its finances for the month of January 2024.  




The Executive resolves:


1.1         To consider and note the contents of the Council’s Performance, Risk and Financial report for the month of January 2024.


1.2         To approve a change in the frequency of reporting from the new financial year onwards from monthly to quarterly.


1.3         To approve the reserve requests in Appendix 5.


1.4         To note the approval of £0.011m S106 monies for the refurbishment works to Steeple Aston Village Hall under S151 delegation powers.


Additional documents:




(1)          That, having given due consideration, the Council’s Performance, Risk and Financial report for the month of January 2024 be noted.


(2)          That a change in the frequency of reporting from the new financial year onwards from monthly to quarterly be approved.


(3)          That the following reserve requests set out at appendix 5 of the report be approved.


(4)          That the approval of £0.011m S106 monies for the refurbishment works to Steeple Aston Village Hall under S151 delegation powers be noted.



The Assistant Director Finance and Assistant Director Customer Focus submitted a report to update Executive on how well the council was performing in delivering its priorities, managing potential risks, and balancing its finances for the month of January 2024.     




(1)          That, having given due consideration, the Council’s Performance, Risk and Financial report for the month of January 2024 be noted.


(2)          That a change in the frequency of reporting from the new financial year onwards from monthly to quarterly be approved.


(3)          That the following reserve requests of the report be approved.






Amount £m



Market Risk Reserve

Treasury over-recovery of income to Market risk reserve.


Chief Executive


Projects Reserve

Return unspent funding allocated to ‘work in default’ on properties to make them safe.


Chief Executive


Cherwell Lottery Reserve

Income from the sale of Cherwell Lottery tickets to be then paid out to successful bidders of community organisations


Chief Executive


Projects Reserve

Return unspent allocation of awards given to community groups to celebrate the King's coronation.




Dilapidations, Garage Project & Canalside Reserve

Transfer £95K of unspent back to reserve to be released in 24/25.




Development Management Casework Reserve

Return unspent reserve monies due to delays in recruitment therefore not required.




Local Plan Charges Reserve

This budget will need to be released in 24/25 as the Local Plan gets underway to cover related legal costs that may arise.





The surplus of licensing budget must be ringfenced for future fee setting.





Total Earmarked Reserves







Chief Executives

Ringfenced Grant


Return unspent SPARK grant to reserves.


Chief Executives

Ringfenced Grant


Return unspent COMF to reserve for release in 24/25



Ringfenced Grant


move unspent Bicester Garden Town to reserve for utilisation in 24/25



Ringfenced Grant


Match funding received from OCC, ringfenced for spend on Discretionary Housing Payments only. Will be allocated in 2024-25





Ringfenced Grants




(4)          That the approval of £0.011m S106 monies for the refurbishment works to Steeple Aston Village Hall under S151 delegation powers be noted.




This report provides an update on progress made during January 2024, to deliver the council’s priorities, manage potential risks and remain within the agreed budget.


Alternative options


There is no alternative option to consider as this is an update report on the council’s performance, risk, and financial positions up to the end of January 2024. However, members may wish to request further information from officers for inclusion.