19 Workforce Profile Statistics PDF 366 KB
Report of Chief Executive
Purpose of report
To provide the Personnel Committee with an update on CDC’s workforce including measuring staff well-being and to highlight the actions officers are taking to address any issues.
The meeting is recommended:
1.1 To review and note the workforce date for Quarter 1 of 2023/24 provided in Appendix one.
Additional documents:
(1) That, having given due consideration, the workforce date for Quarter 1 of 2023/24 be noted.
The Chief Executive submitted a report to provide the Personnel Committee with an update on the council’s workforce, including measuring staff well-being and to highlight the actions officers were taking to address any issues.
The Assistant Director of Human Resources explained that the workforce profile report provided commentary and data for quarter 1 of 2023/24 and that ongoing work was being undertaken to monitoring workforce data as it helped the council measure how well it is supporting staff.
In response to queries from the Committee, the Assistant Director of Human Resources agreed that future reports would display statistics in a format that captured the data to the best affect.
(1) That, having given due consideration, the workforce date for Quarter 1 of 2023/24 be noted.