9 Graven Hill - Quarter 4 Report
Exempt report of the Shareholder Representative
Additional documents:
(1) That the Graven Hill Village Development Company Quarter Four Business Report be noted.
(2) That the verbal Quarter One (2023/24) Flash update be noted.
(3) That the Graven Hill Village Development Company Quarter Four Business Report and verbal Quarter One (2023/24) update be noted.
(4) That, having given due consideration, the Graven Hill Village Development Company report on its delivery against s106 commitments be noted.
The Committee considered an exempt report from the Shareholder Representative, that detailed the Graven Hill Village Development Company Quarter Four Business Report, update on s106 developer contributions and a verbal Q1 2023/24 Flash Update.
(1) That the Graven Hill Village Development Company Quarter Four Business Report be noted.
(2) That the verbal Quarter One (2023/24) Flash update be noted.
(3) That the Graven Hill Village Development Company Quarter Four Business Report and verbal Quarter One (2023/24) update be noted.
(4) That, having given due consideration, the Graven Hill Village Development Company report on its delivery against s106 commitments be noted.