Issue - meetings

Attendance of the Leader of the Council

Meeting: 28/07/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)

Attendance of the Leader of the Council

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Barry Wood, will attend to give an overview of work currently being undertaken by the Executive.

Additional documents:




(1)       That the overview of current Executive work be noted.


(2)       That an item on the activity Cherwell District Council is undertaking to support residents with the cost of living crisis be added to the work programme for the September meeting of the committee.


(3)       That information on the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care System (‘BOB’) be circulated to all members via the Chief Executive’s weekly update. 


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Barry Wood, Leader of the Council, to the meeting to give an overview of the current work of the Executive.


The Leader explained to the Committee the current priorities of the Executive, and the day-to-day concerns for him as Leader. The financial stability of the council remained a high priority, with the uncertainty around the continuation of the New Homes Bonus and the proposed changes to Business Rates retention.


The conclusion of the decoupling from Oxfordshire County Council was a current priority. The Leader explained that he was keen to ensure residents saw no difference in service delivery during the decoupling period.


Climate change was a further key priority running through all council work, including the emerging local plan.


The Leader also explained short term issues that were currently being addressed. Following the Health and Care Act receiving Royal Assent earlier in the year, Integrated Care Systems (ICS) were being introduced across the country. The creation of an ICS allowed health and care organisations to join together to provide all relevant support and care to patients, and formalised the ‘one system’ approach that had been adopted during the covid pandemic. Cherwell district formed part of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICS area, also known as ‘BOB’.


In response to questions from the Committee the Chief Executive agreed to circulate more details about the BOB ICS as part of the next weekly update to Members.


Regarding the Executive Forward Plan of upcoming work, the Leader advised that Climate Change was due to be considered in September, the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 in October, and discussions were also needed regarding a replacement depot at Bicester.


In response to questions regarding increasing energy costs and an increased number of residents entering fuel poverty, the Chief Executive assured the Committee that a system wide response was being worked on and an update on the work being undertaken would be brought to the September 2022 meeting of the Committee.


Regarding progress on the implementation of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Framework, the Leader explained that the work linked in with all areas of the organisation, and all reports submitted to the Executive included equalities implications. The Chairman advised the Committee that an EDI update was included on the ‘items to be allocated’ section of the indicative Committee work programme.


The Committee thanked the Leader for his update. 




(1)       That the overview of current Executive work be noted.


(2)       That an item on the activity Cherwell District Council is undertaking to support residents with the cost of living crisis be added to the work programme for the September meeting of the committee.


(3)       That information on the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care System (‘BOB’) be circulated to all members via the Chief Executive’s weekly update.