Summary of Debt Write offs - Exempt Appendices A and B
Exempt report of Assistant Director of Finance
Additional documents:
(1) That, having given due consideration, the proposed bad debt write offs summarised in the exempt Annexes A1 to A14 to the Minutes (as set out in the Minute Book), which contain debts recommended for write-off relating to Housing Benefit Overpayments where the value exceeds £5,000 be approved.
(2) That, having given due consideration, the proposed bad debt write offs summarised in exempt Annexes B1 to B10 to the Minutes (as set out in the Minute Book), which contain other sundry debts recommended for write-off where the values exceeds £5,000 be approved.
(3) That the proposed write off of debts for each service area where the value is less than £5000.00 but all recovery methods have been exhausted, which have been reviewed by the S151 Officer and are available to be reviewed on request, be approved.
(4) That the Corporate Debt Policy (Annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) be approved.
Resolutions as set out at Minute 34