Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 23/02/2009 - Council (Item 1)

Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.


Local Government and Finance Act 1992 – Budget Setting, Contracts & Supplementary Estimates


Members are reminded that any member who is two months in arrears with Council Tax must declare the fact and may speak but not vote on any decision which involves budget setting, extending or agreeing contracts or incurring expenditure not provided for in the agreed budget for a given year and could affect calculations on the level of Council Tax.

Additional documents:


Members and officers declared interests in the following agenda items:


14. Members Allowances 2009/2010.

Councillor Ken Atack, Prejudicial, as a committee Chairman proposed by the Independent Remuneration Panel for an increase in Special Responsibility Allowance and back dating to the time when the increased responsibilities took effect.


Councillor Fred Blackwell, Prejudicial, as a committee Chairman proposed by the Independent Remuneration Panel for an increase in Special Responsibility Allowance and back dating to the time when the increased responsibilities took effect.


Councillor John Donaldson, Prejudicial, as a committee Chairman proposed by the Independent Remuneration Panel for an increase in Special Responsibility Allowance and back dating to the time when the increased responsibilities took effect.


Councillor Eric Heath, Prejudicial, as a committee Chairman proposed by the Independent Remuneration Panel for an increase in Special Responsibility Allowance and back dating to the time when the increased responsibilities took effect.


19. Section 151 Officer Arrangements.

Julie Evans - Strategic Director Customer Services and Resources, Prejudicial, as the person proposed in the report to be appointed as Section 151 Officer.