Issue - meetings

Commissioning of Services for Banbury CAB - Extension of Existing Contract

Meeting: 03/11/2014 - Executive (Item 76)

Commissioning of Services for Banbury CAB

Exempt Joint Report of Head of Regeneration and Housing and Interim Shared Community Partnerships and Recreation Manager


Additional documents:




(1)          That the extension of the current CAB contract by a further 2 years from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2017, such an extension being contained within the original contract award, be approved.


The Head of Regeneration and Housing and Interim Shared Community Partnerships and Recreation Manager submitted an exempt report which update the Executive on the delivery of services contracted to Banbury Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and requested an extension of the contract for a further 2 years as per the original contract.




(1)          That the extension of the current CAB contract by a further 2 years from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2017, such an extension being contained within the original contract award, be approved.




It is anticipated based on contract performance to date that the CAB will have successfully delivered the required services for three years by 31 March 2015. They have complied with all the requirements of the contract offered by the Council and have worked in close contact and in partnership with Council officers. They have established bases in the three main centres of the District as well as offering home visits, telephone advice and an email service to ensure they are accessible to all clients both in employment and those with multiple needs. They are a well-known brand offering quality marked specialist advice which the general public trust.


A contract extension will provide further time for the Council to explore how it may wish to re-engineer advice services for the District. It will provide an opportunity to research how we may be able to work in closer partnership to commission services and give consideration to providing increased value for money in due course.


Alternative Options


Option: Not to extend the Contracts and for the services to be discontinued. This would lead to loss of these three vital services across the District.