Issue - meetings

Finance Management System Tender

Meeting: 07/07/2014 - Executive (Item 34)

Finance Management System Tender

Exempt Report of Interim Head of Finance and Procurement

Additional documents:




(1)          That the progress to date in the procurement of a three-way financial management system for Cherwell District Council (CDC), South Northamptonshire Council (SNC) and Stratford-on-Avon District Council (SDC) be noted and the continuation of the process pursuant to the Joint CDC/SNC Contract Procedure Rules be authorised.


(2)          That authority to award the contract be delegated to the Joint Procurement Steering Group in consultation with the Lead Member for Financial Management subject to approved funding streams being in place to meet the costs at each of the three authorities.



The Interim Head of Finance and Procurement submitted an exempt report which sought approval of the strategy for the procurement of a three-way Financial Management System.




(1)          That the progress to date in the procurement of a three-way financial management system for Cherwell District Council (CDC), South Northamptonshire Council (SNC) and Stratford-on-Avon District Council (SDC) be noted and the continuation of the process pursuant to the Joint CDC/SNC Contract Procedure Rules be authorised.


(2)          That authority to award the contract be delegated to the Joint Procurement Steering Group in consultation with the Lead Member for Financial Management subject to approved funding streams being in place to meet the costs at each of the three authorities.




As set out in the exempt minutes.


Alternative Options


As set out in the exempt minutes.