Issue - meetings

2012/13 Quarter 3 Finance Report

Meeting: 04/03/2013 - Executive (Item 104)

104 2012/13 Quarter 3 Finance Report pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report of Head of Finance and Procurement




This report summarises the Council’s Revenue, Capital, Procurement action plan and Treasury performance for the first 9 months of the financial year 2012/13 and projections for the full 2012/13 period.


These are measured by the budget monitoring function and reported via the Performance Management Framework (PMF) informing the 2013/14 budget process.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To note the projected revenue and capital position at December 2012.


(2)               To note the Q3 performance against the 2012/13 investment strategy.


(3)               To note the contents and the progress against the Corporate Procurement Action Plan (detailed in Appendix 1) and the Procurement savings achieved at December 2012 (detailed in Appendix 2).



Additional documents:




(1)               That the projected revenue and capital position at December 2012 be noted.


(2)               That the Q3 performance against the 2012/13 investment strategy be noted.


(3)               That the contents and the progress against the Corporate Procurement Action Plan and the Procurement savings achieved at December 2012 be noted.



The Head of Finance and Procurement submitted a report which summarised the Council’s Revenue, Capital, Procurement action plan and Treasury performance for the first 9 months of the financial year 2012/13 and projections for the full 2012/13 period.


These were measured by the budget monitoring function and reported via the Performance Management Framework (PMF) informing the 2013/14 budget process




(1)               That the projected revenue and capital position at December 2012 be noted.


(2)               That the Q3 performance against the 2012/13 investment strategy be noted.


(3)               That the contents and the progress against the Corporate Procurement Action Plan and the Procurement savings achieved at December 2012 be noted.




In line with good practice budget monitoring is undertaken on a monthly basis within the Council. The revenue, capital, treasury and procurement position is reported monthly to the Joint Management Team and formally to the Executive on a quarterly basis. This report includes the position at Q3 – December 2012.




Option One

To review current performance levels and considers any actions arising.


Option Two

To approve or reject the recommendations above or request that Officers provide additional information.