Decision details

Making of the Deddington Neighbourhood Plan

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Communities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To seek the urgent decision of the Corporate Director – Communities to recommend to Council that it ‘makes’ the Deddington Neighbourhood Plan following the successful referendum on 2 May 2024.





(1)          That the referendum result of 2 May 2024 where 93% of those who voted were in favour of the Deddington Neighbourhood Plan, which is above the required 50% be noted.


(2)          That Council be recommended:


a) to formally ‘makes’ the Deddington Neighbourhood Plan (Annex to the decision) so that it continues to have effect as part of the statutory Development Plan for Cherwell District.


b) to authorise the Assistant Director – Planning and Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Planning and Development to issue and publicise a Decision Statement.


Reasons for the decision:

A referendum was held on the Deddington Neighbourhood Plan on 2 May 2024. Of those eligible to vote, 791 voted in favour of the Plan with 58 against. The vote of 93% in favour meets the requisite majority and the Plan is now part of the statutory Development Plan. The Council is still required to formally ‘make’ the Plan and there is no known breach or incompatibility with EU or human rights obligations which prevents this. The Council is therefore requested to ‘make’ the Deddington Neighbourhood Plan which would be within the prescribed eight-week period.

Alternative options considered:

A formal decision is required to be made. There is no known breach or incompatibility with, any EU or human rights obligations. The Council has no options or alternatives to making the Plan.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Corporate Priorities : An enterprising economy with strong and vibrant local centres;

Wards Affected: Deddington;

Reason No Public Access: No

Contact: Christina Cherry, Planning Policy, Conservation & Design Manager Email: Tel: 01295 221851, Holly Jones, Planning Policy Officer Email: Tel: 01295 221642, David Peckford, Assistant Director Planning & Development Email: Tel: 01295 221624.

Publication date: 15/05/2024

Date of decision: 15/05/2024

Accompanying Documents: