Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Monday 5 July 2010 6.30 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA. View directions

Contact: James Doble, Legal and Democratic Services  Email: (01295) 221587


Note No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Additional documents:


Members declared interests in the following agenda items:


10. Eco-Town Arrangements – Local Authority Funding Arrangements.


Councillor Barry Wood, Personal, as persons known to him have a land interest in the area of, but outside the proposed eco-town..


Councillor G A Reynolds, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council holding a land interest at Gowells Farm.


Councillor Michael Gibbard, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council holding a land interest at Gowells Farm.


Councillor Nicholas Turner, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council holding a land interest at Gowells Farm.


Councillor Norman Bolster, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council holding a land interest at Gowells Farm.




Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no petitions or requests to address the meeting.


Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.

Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 June 2010 .

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 7 June 2010 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

6.35 pm


Bicester Town Centre development - compulsory purchase proposals pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Report of Head of Regeneration and Estates, Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Head of Development Control and Major Developments




1.      To advise the Executive of the possible need to use compulsory purchase powers to secure the necessary land and rights to complete the Bicester town centre redevelopment.


2.      To seek Executive approval to the recommendation to Council to the use of compulsory purchase powers to facilitate the implementation of the redevelopment as proposed by Town Centre Retail (Bicester) Ltd in planning permission 07/00422/F, as amended in relation to the central part of the redevelopment site by planning permission 09/01687/F, to assemble the land interests required for the redevelopment, such land interests being shown for indicative purposes only edged red and, in the case of new rights, hatched red and hatched blue on the plan at Appendix One.


3.      To approve the appropriation of the land edged blue on the plan at Appendix Two, being land in the Council’s ownership, for planning purposes.


4.      To approve the acquisition of the existing service yard to the Crown Walk shopping centre shown edged green on the plan at Appendix Three  for planning purposes so that, if necessary, the powers in section 237 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 may be relied upon to override legal interests which might impede the implementation of the redevelopment.




The Executive is recommended to forward to Council for approval the following:


(1)               To confirm that Council is minded to make a compulsory purchase order in respect of:

(a)   the land shown edged red on the plan attached at Appendix One under Section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ( as amended) because it thinks that the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of the redevelopment, and the redevelopment is likely to contribute to the promotion or improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of Bicester and the surrounding district; and

(b)   new rights in relation to the land shown hatched red and blue on the same plan as are required to facilitate the redevelopment under Section 13 of the Local Government Act (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

(2)               To authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to take all necessary steps as considered appropriate to secure the making of a compulsory purchase order including the publication and service of all relevant notices.

(3)               To authorise the Head of Regeneration and Estates to approve the terms for the acquisition of legal interests by agreement including for the purposes of resolving any objections to the compulsory purchase order.

(4)               To confirm the appropriation of the land edged blue on the plan attached at Appendix Two for planning purposes as described in section 226 and 246 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) on the commencement of Phase 2 of the redevelopment scheme (i.e. following the initial highway and other enabling works within Phase 1) in accordance with Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972.

(5)               To  ...  view the full agenda text for item 25.

Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved


The Head of Regeneration and Estates, Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Head of Development Control and Major Developments submitted a joint report:


  • To advise the Executive of the possible need to use compulsory purchase powers to secure the necessary land and rights to complete the Bicester town centre redevelopment.


  • To seek Executive approval to the recommendation to Council to the use of compulsory purchase powers to facilitate the implementation of the redevelopment as proposed by Town Centre Retail (Bicester) Ltd in planning permission 07/00422/F, as amended in relation to the central part of the redevelopment site by planning permission 09/01687/F, to assemble the land interests required for the redevelopment, such land interests being shown for indicative purposes only edged red and, in the case of new rights, hatched blue on the plan at annex one to the minutes (as set out in the minute book.


  • To approve the appropriation of the land edged red on the plan at Annex two, to the minutes (as set out in the minute book) being land in the Council’s ownership, for planning purposes.


  • To approve the acquisition of the existing service yard to the Crown Walk shopping centre shown edged green on the plan at Appendix Three  for planning purposes so that, if necessary, the powers in section 237 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 may be relied upon to override legal interests which might impede the implementation of the redevelopment.




That Council be recommended to approve the following:


(1)               To confirm that Council is minded to make a compulsory purchase order in respect of:

(a)   the land shown edged red on the plan attached at Appendix One under Section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ( as amended) because it thinks that the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of the redevelopment, and the redevelopment is likely to contribute to the promotion or improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of Bicester and the surrounding district; and

(b)   new rights in relation to the land shown hatched red and blue on the same plan as are required to facilitate the redevelopment under Section 13 of the Local Government Act (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

(2)               To authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to take all necessary steps as considered appropriate to secure the making of a compulsory purchase order including the publication and service of all relevant notices.

(3)               To authorise the Head of Regeneration and Estates to approve the terms for the acquisition of legal interests by agreement including for the purposes of resolving any objections to the compulsory purchase order.

(4)               To confirm the appropriation of the land edged blue on the plan attached at Appendix Two for planning purposes as described in section 226 and 246 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) on the commencement of Phase 2 of the redevelopment scheme (i.e. following the initial highway and other enabling works within Phase 1) in accordance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.

6.50 pm


Horton General Hospital pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Report of Strategic Director Environment & Community




To consider the outcome of the Better Healthcare Programme, the decisions of the Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust and Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust, plus the future of the Community Partnership Forum.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Endorse the outcome of the process in clarifying and confirming the future of paediatric, anaesthetic and obstetric services at the Horton GeneralHospital;

(2)               Congratulate the Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust and the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust in developing sustainable service proposals for the future;

(3)               Encourage the Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust and the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust to continue to investigate further ideas to improve services at the Horton GeneralHospital and the way the hospital works with the providers of healthcare;

(4)               Continue to support the work of the Community Partnership Forum during the critical implementation phase, and;

(5)               Urge the Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust and Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust to build on the successful Community Partnership Forum model as a means of ongoing community engagement for local healthcare provision.


Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved



The Strategic Director Environment & Community submitted a report to consider the outcome of the Better Healthcare Programme, the decisions of the Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust and Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust, plus the future of the Community Partnership Forum.




(1)               That the outcome of the process in clarifying and confirming the future of paediatric, anaesthetic and obstetric services at the Horton GeneralHospital be endorsed.

(2)               That the Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust and the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust be congratulated in developing sustainable service proposals for the future.

(3)               That  the Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust and the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust be encouraged to continue to investigate further ideas to improve services at the Horton GeneralHospital and the way the hospital works with the providers of healthcare.

(4)               That the Council continue to support the work of the Community Partnership Forum during the critical implementation phase.

(5)               That the Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust and Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust be urged to build on the successful Community Partnership Forum model as a means of ongoing community engagement for local healthcare provision.



The services provided at the Horton General Hospital (HGH) have been under some threat for many years. The latest proposals to downgrade paediatric and obstetric services have been the subject of Secretary of State intervention and have for the last two years been the subject of review in order to find alternative service models.


7.10 pm


Brighter Futures in Banbury pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Report of Strategic Director, Environment & Community




To consider the progress to date with the Brighter Futures in Banbury programme and proposals for future activity.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Note the good progress made to date;

(2)               Endorse the strong leadership role being given by this Council for the Brighter Futures in Banbury programme;

(3)               Receive a further report on the implications of the funding cut to Local Area Agreement 1 Grant;

(4)               Agree that mainstream services should be aligned to those in greatest need to support the programme

(5)               Receive further reports on the outcomes achieved as appropriate.

Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved



The Strategic Director, Environment & Community submitted a report to consider the progress to date with the Brighter Futures in Banbury programme and proposals for future activity.




(1)               That the good progress made to date be noted.

(2)               That the strong leadership role being given by this Council for the Brighter Futures in Banbury programme be endorsed.

(3)               That a further report on the implications of the funding cut to Local Area Agreement 1 Grant be received.

(4)               That it be agreed that mainstream services should be aligned to those in greatest need to support the programme.

(5)               That further reports on the outcomes achieved be received as appropriate.



The Brighter Futures in Banbury programme is one of the Council’s main priorities as reflected in its Corporate Plan from 2010/11.  It is also an Oxfordshire priority. Much preparatory work has already been completed and the programme is soon to move into its engagement and implementation phases.



Option One

The Council can choose to not lead or participate in the Brighter Futures in Banbury programme.


Option Two

The Council can participate but let others lead.


Option Three

The Council can take a strong leadership role as is proposed in this report.




7.25 pm


Miller Road Youth Self Build Housing Scheme pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Report of Head of Housing Services




This report explains an innovative youth self build affordable housing scheme which has received a Reward Grant from the Oxfordshire Public Services Board. It seeks approval to the commitment and allocation of those monies towards the costs of the works, a structured training programme run in tandem, and the provision of life skills coaching/mentoring, all in accordance with the funding bid.  The report identifies the issues that need addressing in order to give partner agencies the confidence they need to move forward with the scheme. 


Appendix 2 to this report is exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Note the securing of £324,000 Reward Grant funding specifically for the scheme and the receipt of the first tranche of that funding in the sum of £224,000.

(2)               Approve a Supplementary Capital Estimate of £238,936 to grant to Sanctuary Housing Association in order for them to meet the extra development costs arising from the youth self build elements of the scheme, to be granted in two tranches, £154,936 on start on site and; subject to the receipt of the second tranche of Reward Grant, £84,000 on practical completion of the building works.

(3)               Approve a Supplementary Revenue Estimate of £40,000 to grant to Southwark Habitat for Humanity [a registered charity] for the provision and procurement of life skills coaching / mentoring, in three tranches £10,000 on conclusion of a funding agreement, £14,000 on start on site and subject to the receipt of the second tranche of Reward Grant, £16,000 on practical completion of the building works.

(4)               Approve a Supplementary Capital Estimate of £45,064 to meet the costs incurred by  Southwark Habitat for Humanity [a registered charity] arising from the pre start on site and design / site feasibility costs work which has been completed to date.

(5)               Authorise the Head of Housing, in consultation with the Strategic Director Planning, Housing and Economy, the Head of Finance and the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing to negotiate and conclude terms for funding agreements to secure the aims and objectives in [2], [3], and [4] above.

(6)               Approve a Supplementary Capital Estimate as contained in the Exempt Annex of this report.

Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved, with additional recommendation:


(5a) The supplementary capital and revenue estimates to be funded from the £162,000 LAA reward grant funding, £28,000 from the Council’s Reserves and the balance of up to £134,000 to be funded from capital receipts set aside for housing capital projects as outlined in the revised Exempt Annex to the report.


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report to seek approval to the commitment and allocation of those monies towards the costs of the works, a structured training programme run in tandem, and the provision of life skills coaching/mentoring, all in accordance with the funding bid for an innovative youth self build affordable housing scheme which has received a Reward Grant from the Oxfordshire Public Services Board.


The Executive noted the revised exempt appendix to the report and additional recommendation 5a that was tabled at the meeting.




(1)               That the securing of £324,000 Reward Grant funding specifically for the scheme and the receipt of the first tranche of that funding in the sum of £224,000 be noted.

(2)               That a Supplementary Capital Estimate of £238,936 grant to Sanctuary Housing Association in order for them to meet the extra development costs arising from the youth self build elements of the scheme, to be granted in two tranches, £154,936 on start on site and; subject to the receipt of the second tranche of Reward Grant, £84,000 on practical completion of the building works be approved.

(3)               That a Supplementary Revenue Estimate of £40,000 grant to Southwark Habitat for Humanity [a registered charity] for the provision and procurement of life skills coaching / mentoring, in three tranches £10,000 on conclusion of a funding agreement, £14,000 on start on site and subject to the receipt of the second tranche of Reward Grant, £16,000 on practical completion of the building works be approved.

(4)               That a Supplementary Capital Estimate of £45,064 to meet the costs incurred by Southwark Habitat for Humanity [a registered charity] arising from the pre start on site and design / site feasibility costs work which has been completed to date be approved.

(5)               That the Head of Housing, in consultation with the Strategic Director Planning, Housing and Economy, the Head of Finance and the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing be authorised to negotiate and conclude terms for funding agreements to secure the aims and objectives in [2], [3], and [4] above.

(5a)     That the supplementary capital and revenue estimates to be funded from the £162,000 LAA reward grant funding, £28,000 from the Council’s Reserves and the balance of up to £134,000 to be funded from capital receipts set aside for housing capital projects as outlined in the revised Exempt Annex to the report.


(6)               That a Supplementary Capital Estimate as contained in the Exempt Annex to the minutes (as set out in the minute book) be approved.


This scheme is a youth self build affordable housing for rent development comprising ten one bedroom maisonettes and provides on site and class based training in construction skills to 20 students who are under 25 years old and are NEETS [not in employment, education, or training ]. The young people will receive a Diploma Level One in construction skills and will receive housing options advice appropriate to their circumstances. Up to ten of the students will be rehoused into properties upon  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.

7.35 pm


Eco Town Arrangements - Local Authority Funding Arrangements pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Report of Project Manager, Eco Bicester




To advise Members of the outcome of the Council’s Eco Town Funding Bid. To agree the mechanism for determining, and authorisation for, the spend of the funding received.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Note the outcome of the funding bid and approve the Governance and decision making arrangements (Eco Bicester Strategic Delivery Board) shown in place to manage allocation and use of the monies received.

(2)               Delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council, decisions on spend of the funding, (within the framework of priorities and a budget plan set by the Eco Bicester Strategic Delivery Board).


Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved


The Project Manager, Eco Bicester submitted a report to advise Members of the outcome of the Council’s Eco Town Funding Bid and to agree the mechanism for determining, and authorisation for, the spend of the funding received.




(1)               That the outcome of the funding bid be noted and the Governance and decision making arrangements (Eco Bicester Strategic Delivery Board) shown in place to manage allocation and use of the monies received be approved.

(2)               That the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be delegated to make decisions on spend of the funding, (within the framework of priorities and a budget plan set by the Eco Bicester Strategic Delivery Board).


Following the announcement by the Government of £60 million ring fenced allocation for eco towns in July 2009 the Council submitted a bid for growth funding from this allocation. The Bid was reported to the Executive on the 2 November 2009.  The purpose of this funding is to pump prime and support private sector development.


Option One

To delegate to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader to authorise spending


Option Two

For the Executive to retain authorisation of expenditure from the eco town growth fund bid.







Exclusion of the Press and Public

The following item contains exempt information as defined in the following paragraphs of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


Members are reminded that whilst the following item has been marked as exempt, it is for the meeting to decide whether or not to consider each of them in private or in public. In making the decision, members should balance the interests of individuals or the Council itself in having access to the information. In considering their discretion members should also be mindful of the advice of Council Officers.


Should Members decide not to make a decision in public, they are recommended to pass the following recommendation:


“That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded form the meeting for the following items of business, on the grounds that they could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1, Schedule 12A of that Act.”


Additional documents:




That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that they could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.


7.55 pm


Miller Road Youth Self Build Housing Scheme - Exempt Annex 2




That the exempt annex be noted.